ASSIGNMENT: Create a “Family Notebook, or scrapbook following the specific guidelines listed below for each page. Please include photos, etc. whenever possible to add to the personal value of the project.

Page #1FAMILY MEMBERS (which will take more than one page to complete!)

Create 1 page per person in your immediate family. You may also include grandparents if you wish. Don’t do a page for you yet…that will come later!

  • Describe each of your family members.
  • Include photos if possible
  • Include the following information about each family member:
  • Age
  • Year in school (if applicable)
  • Birth date


  1. Hobbies
  2. Educational background
  3. Job (if applicable)
  4. Favorites…book, TV show, food, etc

Include any other interesting information about your family members


  • Look for pictures of you as a newborn to use on this page.
  • Ask your family the following questions and present the information on your page
  • What were the feelings your parents had when you were born? Give specific examples…stories!
  • What were your parents most worried about when you were born?
  • What ambitions and dreams did your parents have for you?
  • How did you change your parent’s life?


Include a baby picture of yourself if possible

On this page you will discover information about the year in which you were born.

Find out…

  • President of the United States
  • Vice-President of the United States
  • Who won Grammy for best male and female artist
  • What movie won the Academy Award for Best Picture
  • Who was the most valuable player for the NBA
  • What was the top watched TV show
  • What famous people share your birth date
  • Any major historical events
  • Any other interesting facts you learn about the date of year you

were born

Page #4 Going Deeper

Include a recent photo of yourself on this page.

Write about yourself.

  • Birthplace
  • Schools attended and places lived-dates
  • Special teacher’s names and grades
  • Special award and recognitions
  • Sports
  • Activities you have been involved in over the years
  • Favorite school subjects
  • Special friends
  • Favorites- books, TV shows, music, etc

Page #5 Household Responsibilities

On an attached sheet, you will find a page labeled “Household Responsibilities”. You are to sit down with your family and determine who is currently responsible for each task. Place the name or names of responsible family members on each line. If you think of any other items that have been left off this list, please add them to the bottom. Complete this checklist to determine the division of the family workload. Upon completion of the checklist, create a page that creatively illustrates the division of household duties in your family. You might want to include pictures of family members engaged in daily activities. Paper clip the worksheet to this page in your notebook.

Page #6 Qualities of a Strong Family

Read the attached sheets referring to qualities of strong families.

All families possess strengths and weaknesses. After reading the attached materials, design a page that illustrates and labels the qualities that make your family strong.

Page #7 Examine Your Family’s Rules

We need to remember that the purpose of our family laws and rules is not to punish, restrict or exercise control. The purpose is to teach, learn, progress, improve and mature. Children grow the most when they correct themselves, when they learn form their mistakes, when they independently decide to improve or do better. By learning to live within family laws, children learn the importance and discipline needed to live within the laws of adulthood with purpose and maturity.

Design a Page that lists your family’s rules.

What is the purpose of each rule?

What is the consequence for “you” and others if the rules are not followed?

Examples: Don’t make decisions that affect other people in the family without checking with them first.

This is not a hotel, it is a home. No one has license to come and go as he or she wishes.

Page #8Birth Order

You may complete this page after completing class study of birth order materials.

Identify your birth order placement.

Design a page that illustrates clearly the advantages and disadvantages of your placement in the family.

Page #9Humor in Our Family

Talk with your family about some of the humorous things that have happened in your family. Create a page that depicts and documents these events. Include pictures and stories.

Page #10Family Activities and Outings

Write about your family’s favorites outing or vacation. Tell about highlights and anything that made it a good memory. Include pictures or other types of illustrations.

Page #11Favorite Family Traditions

Families do certain things at certain times of the year. Tell about your family’s favorite traditions. Include pictures, graphics, recipes, etc.

Page #12Birthday Celebrations

Look back at all your birthdays. Which one is your most special or favorite? Describe this event and tell why it was the best! Use pictures to illustrate.

Page #13Your Favorite Family Meal

What is the best meal that your family eats? For this assignment you are to include a menu and the recipes to your favorite foods. If you don’t have one, then plan a meal that you would like and find the recipes. Then of course, you would want to try it!! Use graphics or magazine pictures or pictures of you and your family preparing and enjoying the meal to illustrate.

Page #14Gather the Friends Together

Friends play a very important role in developing who you are. Use this page to illustrate how your friends have influenced your development.

Page #15Looking Forward

Use this page to illustrate your hopes, dreams and plans for your future. What do you want to do with your life? What are your goals for the future?