Family Information and Consents 2014-2015
Last name: ______
First name of each child attending Arrows Academy:______
Emergency Contacts (other than parent/guardian):Name: / Relationship to student:
Phone #: / Alt. Phone #:
Name: / Relationship to student:
Phone #: / Alt. Phone #:
Name: / Relationship to student:
Phone #: / Alt. Phone #:
Medical Information
Does applicant have a physical health conditionor food allergyof which the school should be aware? Yes No
If yes, please specify (include prescriptions or limitation of normal activity):
Has applicant ever consulted, or been referred to, a psychologist or psychiatric social worker for professional assistance: Yes No
(if yes, please describe the circumstances:)
Medical Release
For the 2014-2015 school year, I ______, parent/guardian of Arrows Academy student ______, do hereby authorize and request that any adult staff of Arrows Academy seek immediate medical attention of a physician or hospital or EMS in emergencies requiring such medical attention; and this authorizes said staff to designate any physician or hospital or EMS to treat in cases of emergencies such as injury by accident or sickness while in their care. I understand that the cost of such treatment is my responsibility. I further verify that health insurance is provided by:
Insurance Company Name:______
Name of Insured:______
Policy Number:______Group Number:______
Insurance Company Address:______
Insurance Company Phones:______
Parent Signature Date
Get Involved
Each family is requested to volunteer for an event during the year. This may involve sending in food, supplies, set-up, and/or clean-up. Please check an event you would be willing to help with. We will let you know during the year how you can help.
_____ Grandparents' Breakfast(September)
_____ Art & Talent/Variety Show(December)
_____ Donuts for Dads (February) _____ Any / All
_____ Muffins for Mom (May)
_____ Closing Program (May)
Additional ways to get involved:
_____ I would like to be a part of the PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) and help with special events,
fundraising, teacher appreciation, etc.
_____ I would like to be a class mom and help with class celebrations, special events, etc.
_____ I would like information about the Grandparents of Arrows Group to give to our parents/grandparents.
(Grandparents for Arrows meets to pray for, support, and encourage parents, teachers, and students)
I hereby grant Arrows Academy permission to use my child's image in any media pertaining to the school such as newsletter, website, yearbook, bulletins, and news articles. Yes No Initials:______
I hereby grant Arrows Academy permission to publish my family's contact information in the school directory for distribution only to school families. Yes No Initials:______
Financial Agreement
All fees (registration,supply) are due by May 1 and are non-refundable.
Any student with outstanding fees/tuition will not be allowed to attend classes until account is current.
No transfer of tuition or fees to other families is allowed.
The remainder of the year's tuition will be due if a child withdrawals for any reason.
A fee of $25.00 will be assessed for all returned checks.
Check which payment option you are choosing:
____ One payment due by July 15th (5% discount)
____ 10 monthly payments starting July 15th. (must be enrolled in Smart Tuition)
By signing below, I am stating that I understand that after the first payment is made, I will be responsible for the year's tuition regardless of whether my child completes the year or not.
parent signaturedate
spouse signaturedate
6th – 10th Graders
(Please turn in a separate form for each 6th-10th grade student.)
Name: ______Grade: ______
Math (6th-10th)_____ Saxon 7/6
_____ Saxon 8/7
_____ Saxon ½ (Pre-algebra)
_____ Saxon Algebra 1
_____ Saxon Geometry
_____ Math Study Hall / If your student is new to Saxon math, please have him/her take the placement test to determine which class they should take. A link to the placement test can be found in the Parent Portal on our website.
We offer a math study hall for students who have math needs/preferences that cannot be met in the classes listed. Students bring their chosen curriculum and assignments to complete during study hall so they do not fall behind in their math studies while attending Arrows two days/week. Students who would like to work at a faster or slower pace or do not complete the summer pre-requisite work (available in May) are also encouraged to select study hall.
Science (7th-10th)
_____ General Science (7th)
_____ Physical Science (8th)
_____ Biology 1 with Lab (9th-10th) / The majority of students will be taking the science that corresponds with their grade. If your student has already completed that science or needs another science for a different reason, please check your preference and list the reason here:
Electives (6th-10th)
_____ Art PLUS
_____ Bible
_____ Bridge Building
_____ Computer Apps PLUS
_____ (Focused) Study Hall
_____ Journalism/ Newspaper
_____ Latin 1
_____ Latin 2
_____ Spanish 1
_____ Speech & Intro to Debate
_____ Worship PLUS / Please number your top 3 choices, with #1 being your first choice. Please review the course descriptions on our website before making your selections.
Students in 9th-10th grade will only have one elective option as their Biology lab takes one elective slot.
Elective courses with low enrollment will be cancelled and students given their next choice.
We will offer an after school photography class on Tuesday afternoons from 3:00 – 4:00. 6th-10th graders are welcome to select this option in addition to their other elective choices. There will be an tuition increase of $195 for those selecting this course.
_____ After school photography