Grace Notes
Gracious Savior Church
Sunday Worship - 9:00am
Worship at corner of Hwy 6 and Lake Creek Ave.
Sunday School at 9:15am – Nursery is lovingly staffed.
Adult Bible Study – 10:30am
Gracious Savior Church is located at 33520 Hwy 6 on the corner of Hwy 6 and Lake Creek Ave. We are just 1 mile west of the Edwards stoplight on Hwy 6.
For more info visit us online at:
/ Pastor’s Note
So my folks are moving from Southern California to Grand Junction this summer. We are really excited to have them closer to us. The kids are already planning overnight stays with Grandpa and Grandma.
But it’s been an odd experience too. My parents have lived in the same home since 1975! They have had the same phone number for the past 41yrs! Heather and I have lived in Nebraska, Missouri, Colorado, Missouri (again), California, and Colorado (again). We have moved more times than they have painted the exterior of their home. (Maybe that’s a good way to avoid painting – just move!) There have been times in my life during our family’s many relocations that I could not remember my own address or phone number, but I always remembered my parent’s address and phone number.
Change is good. Change is exciting. But it’s always good to have some constants and stability in life too.
It makes me thankful for this great passage from Scripture, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8).
We do experience quite a bit of change in our lifetimes. Sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. No matter what change or even chaos we may be experiencing, God remains the same – constantly loving, forever holy, imminently present. His Law never changes. His grace never falters.
What changes have you experienced? Where was Jesus in the midst of it all?
In His Arms,
Pastor Jason
P.S. If you miss a Sunday and want to catch up in the sermon series or just want to review the message, you can check it out in iTunes at:
or online at:
/ Children’s Ministry
Summer Sunday School starts in June. We will join the adults for worship and then gather to learn from Jonah, the disciples, Zacchaeus, Gideon, Joshua, and Bartimaeus about the things that keep us from seeing the love of Jesus. Special guests will join us throughout the summer for crafts and games. Join us this summer!
Service Opportunity
We have officially adopted Adler Pierre as a Sunday School. Adler is 5 years old. He is from Haiti. He lives with his Mom and likes marbles and soccer. All the money from our donuts go to Adler. If you have thought about adopting a Compassion International child and just couldn’t afford it, this is a great opportunity. We can all pitch in to help Adler. Please pray for Adler and his Mom.
/ Middle School Confirmation
Stay tuned for the Summer schedule!!
Worship Team
If you are interested in serving on the Worship Team as a musician, vocalist, or soundboard tech, talk with Matt after the service.
Join us July 3rd at church after the 4th of July service for a brunch-nic. (It’s a picnic with pancakes!)
We will be cooking pancakes for everyone. Bring your favorite brunch food and your favorite outdoor game to share.
High School Discipleship
Stay tuned for the Summer schedule!!!
Women’s Community Group
Everyone (Dudes too) is invited to attend a viewing of “The War Room” at 8:30am this coming Tuesday at church. Snacks will be provided.
Germany Trip
Pastor Jason and Heather are hosting a trip to explore Germany and the Reformation on Sept. 23-Oct. 4, 2016. Pick up a flyer at church for more details. The deadline to sign up is May 26!
Upcoming Events
•Sunday Morning Discipleship 101 – Every Sunday – 10:30am
•War Room- May 24 – 8:30am
•Bible Walkers – Wednesday, June 1- 6:00pm
•Germany Trip Deadline – May 26
•Brunch-nic – July 3 – 10:00am
•Germany Trip – September 23-October 4, 2016
Prayer Praises & Requests
- Family going through some financial struggles.
- Young man struggling with mental health issues.
- Dale Foster undergoing treatment for cancer.
- Brandon Kirkutis recovering from ACL surgery.
- Max, Marilyn Karn’s brother, struggling with dementia and Parkinson’s disease.
- Dan Schaub’s daughter, Heidi, has lymphoma. Prognosis is good.
- Woman going through a challenging time.
- Sharon Sumner is home from the hospital and recovering.
- Thanksgiving for birthdays: Gisele Riden, Will Chaussigand, Kelly Rhodes, Larry Bennett, Axel Gutman, and Patty Eckert.
Serving in God’s House This Sunday
Elder: Scott Bluhm
Ushers: Jim & Janice
Reader: Natalie Eckert
Sunday School: Janie Cliver & Heather Haynes