If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this plan, or if you need a translation, please contact Ann Ledford: (423) 478-8814.
Llame la escuela para una traducción (423) 478-8814..
Goal Statement: Encourage and maintain effective relationships between school and community.
Objective 1: Provide parents timely notice regarding their right to request information on the professional qualifications of the classroom teachers and paraprofessionals.
Action Plan: According to Bradley County Schools policy, we will notify parents in written form if any teacher is not highly qualified. The Prospect handbook and website also refer to the State Department website showing teacher qualifications and highly qualified status.
Objective 2: Involve parents in the planning, review and improvement of Title 1 programs including involvement in the decisions regarding funds for parental involvement.
Action Plan: In August, a Task Force meeting (Advisory Council) was conducted to discuss the 2010-2011 allotments. This Task Force consists of the principal, Family Engagement Coordinator, Reading Coach, two classroom teachers, one specialist teacher, one parent (who is the PTO Communications Officer), and Technology staff member (who is also a parent of a student).
The members discussed the Parent Involvement funds, showing that agendas had been purchased for the third grade for the purpose of fostering effective home to school communication. Other uses for these funds are to include the literacy focused “Donuts for Dad” and “Muffins for Mom”. Set-aside funds will be used for Technology purchases, materials, and personnel.
Objective 3: Coordinate and integrate (with other local, state, and Federal programs) parental involvement programs and activities that teach parents how to help their children at home.
Action Plan: Title 1 funds are used for materials and supplies, equipment, and Parent Involvement. Title 3 funds are used to support instruction to ELL students. Title 5 funds can be used for Character Education. Title 4 funds can be used for Safe and Drug Free schools.
Objective 4: Take specific steps to conduct an annual meeting designed to inform parents about the schoolwide Title 1 program, the nature of the Title 1 program, Adequate Yearly Progress, school choice, supplemental education services, and the rights of parents.
Action Plan: During August, Parent Orientation Nights are held to discuss curriculum and stat standards, classroom procedures, Parent-School Compacts, student achievement scores, and parent involvement opportunities.
Objective 5: Offer a flexible number of meetings and provide needed services, as requested.
Action Plan: Grandparents’ Breakfast, Parent-Teacher conferences, Thanksgiving Lunch, Read Across America Day, Donuts for Dads, Muffins for Moms, Winter Festival, Field Day, Family Reading Night and Spring Auction are yearly events which occur at different times of the day. Some of these are night meetings, while others are morning, or afternoon. Some events run all day, allowing parents to participate when convenient.
Objective 6: Build capacity for strong parental involvement in order to support a partnership among the school, involving parents and the community to improve student academic achievement.
Action Plan: Parents are invited to participate in programs that encourage literacy in Reading: Family Reading Night, Read Across America Day, Donuts for Dads, Muffins for Moms. Community members also participate on “Read with a Realtor” Day. SANTEK may sponsor Family Reading Night door prizes.
Objective 7: Will provide training for teachers, pupil services personnel, principals and other staff in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners AND to value contributions of parents, and in how to implement and coordinate parent programs and build ties between parents and school.
Action Plan: Ongoing staff development and consultation between the Family Engagement Coordinator, ESL Teacher, PTO Communications Officer, Principal and faculty help train teachers in reaching out to parents. In 2010, teachers were trained in using Student-Led conferences. In 2011, translation materials were provided to teachers to assist them in reaching out to parents in a language the parents understand.
Objective 8: May conduct other activities, to encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children.
Action Plan: Family Volunteer and Substitute Teacher training is provided. The Instructional Coach and Family Engagement Coordinator meet with the HeadStart/State Pre-K parents to present a “Ready for Kindergarten” training.
Objective 9: Will provide parents the following information:
Information about Title 1 programs – Information is presented during the Annual Meeting (Parent Nights) held within the first four weeks of school, as well as in Parent Compacts, on the school website, and in the School’s Parent Involvement Plan (PIP). The PIP is made available for parents to review during: Task Force meetings; Family Volunteer training; and at the PTO Art Show/Open House in September.
Description and explanation of the curriculum of the school, the forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels the students are expected to meet:
Assessments: Applicable state (TCAP) and district assessments. Examples of local district assessments are: SuccessNet, SuccessMaker, STAR Early Literacy, STAR Reading, STAR Math, Discovery Education, AIMSweb RCBM (Reading Fluency), AIMSweb MAZE (Reading Comprehension).
Proficiency levels: As set by state and local district guidelines.
This information is provided at Parent-Teacher Conferences and M-Teams, in newsletters and upon request.
Objective 10: Will provide full opportunities for participation in parent involvement activities for all parents (including parents of children with limited English proficiency, disabilities, and migratory children).
Interpreters are available on request for Spanish speaking parents at conferences and IEP meetings. Community resources and Title One funding are engaged to provide translators when needed.
Evaluation: Evaluation and success will be based on the completion of each activity in the Action Plan listed above. A survey will also be distributed to parents each year to determine the effectiveness of the Community and Family Engagement.