Unity Center for Behavioral Health Advisory Council



Article 1.Name

The body shall be known as the Unity Center for Behavioral Health Advisory Council (UAC)

Article 2.Purpose

The purpose of the UAC is to be a bi-directional forum for communication and for providing advice, recommendations and engagement in problem solving with the intent of improving services for patients, families and the community at Unity Center.

The UAC is not a decision making body.

Article 3.Membership

The UAC is established and maintained by Unity Center leadership. The membership is composed of 50% peers, advocates, and recent patients and family members (consumers) and 50% representation from community stakeholders (community based mental health and addictions treatment providers, police, Emergency Medical Services [EMS] and others).

The selection criteria are representation of the groups mentioned above as well as diversity representation. The members are willing to act as liaison for interest groups.

Article 4.Terms of Office

UAC members shall serve for one year and may be appointed for an additional one-year term. If a member chooses to terminate their service with the UAC, that member will provide no less than a 30-daywritten notice to the Chair. It shall be the responsibility of the Unity Centerleadership to select a replacement member.

Upon notice to the UAC member and a majority vote of a quorum of the committee (simple majority of the members attending), a member may be recommended for dismissal from the committee for the following reasons: failing to attend three consecutive meetings without prior notification, unless an emergency prevents such notification; no longeremployed in a position representative of the committee membership: or other conflict of interest.

Article 5.Officers

It shall be the responsibility of the Unity Center leadership to select one of the Co-Chairs from the membership of the UAC. The Co-Chair term shall last two years and may be appointed for an additional one-year term. The two Co-Chairs will have access to a staff person provided by Unity Center. The second Co-Chair position shall be filled by the Unity Center administrative leader. The Co-Chairs will stagger the rotation of their term.

Article 6.Meetings

The UAC will meet monthly. If a member cannot attend a meeting, the member is expected tocontact theUAC Chair in advance. Meeting agendas will be prepared and provided to members along with appropriate briefing materials. Minutes will be prepared by Unity Center staff and shared one week prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting. Notice of time, date and place of all meetings shall be emailed or otherwise given to each member at least 5 days before such meeting unless the nature of the meeting is such that shorter notice cannot be avoided.

The expectation is to have 10 meetings per year (no meetings in August and December). There is an expectation of 80% attendance at least. Hence, the full time commitment for members will be between 15-20 hours per year.

Meetings will be 1.5 hour long, and take place the 4th Wednesday of every month. Parking and snacks will be provided.

Rules of Order

  • Members shall be respected for the perspective, knowledge and experience they bring to the discussion.
  • Each member is expected to listen well and be open to new ideas.
  • No member shall speak on behalf of the UAC without the approval of the UAC Chair.

Article 7.Reporting

The UAC will provide reports to Unity Center Board of Managers

Article 8.First Approval and Later Amendments

These Bylaws shall be in effect upon approval by a simple majority of a quorum (simple majority of those attending), but not fewer than six of the UAC members in attendance at any regular or special meeting of the committee, providing that they have been submitted in writing to all UAC members not less than one week prior to the meeting.

These Bylaws may be amended by a simple majority of a quorum, but not fewer than six, of theUAC members in attendance at any regular or special meeting of the committee, providing that they have been submitted in writing to all UAC members not less than one week prior to the meeting.

Unity Advisory Council Roster
Chris Farentinos, Co-Chair / Legacy
John Custer, Co-Chair / Adventist
Rick Ralston / Legacy
Patricia TenEyck / NAMI Multnomah County, Executive Director
Michele Veenker / NAMI Clackamas County, Executive Director
Ann Kasper / Peer and Family Member
Greg Ellis / Folktime, Centerstone Peer Support Specialist
Kevin Fitts / Oregon Mental Health Consumers Association, Executive Director
Mark Lewinsohn / Lifeworks NW, VP of Clinical Services
Lindsay MacLean / De Paul Treatment Centers, Access Manager
Sara Hatch / Albertina Kerr, Access Center & Community Outreach Manager
Jon Betlinski, MD / Cascadia, Chief Medical Officer
Sharon Meieran, MD / Kaiser, Emergency Psychiatric Services lead physician for ED
LaKeesha Dumas / African American Health Coalition
Holden Leung / Asian Health and Service Center, Executive Director
Nicole Mobley / State Hospital
Mary Clare Buckley / City of Portland, Police Bureau
Rev. 1/12/16