Fallon Middle School Site Council (SSC)

Meeting Minutes

February 1, 2016

Members Present: Swati Chopra, Barbara Barrett, Sarah Nice, Lee Carpenter, Terri Sharbach, Gary Bohanon, Natasha Giannini, Danielle Cooper, Barna De, Breana Bush, Charvi Sharma, Ed Jackson

The meeting was called to order at 3:32 pm.

Minutes from December 7, 2015 meeting and January 4, 2016 meeting were approved. Gary Bohanon made the motion and Natasha Giannini seconded it. All approved.

Student Activities Report

Charvi Sharma presented the student activities report. Students will participate in spirit days this week - Super Hero, 2-2, and Flannel Friday. The idea is to make students feel safe and comfortable at school. Fallon Got Talent winners will be announced today. Hungry hippo event will take place today. On 4/2, students will participate in Giraffe Laugh. Students will put whipped cream in their mouths and try not to laugh while watching funny videos. In February, there will be a dance with Wells. 6th and 7th grade reps are meeting to decide future spirit days.

Report form January Superintendent’s Council Meeting

Several elementary schools are doing father/daughter dances.

Digital citizenship night is coming to Frederiksen. They will come to PFCs and school sites to talk to parents about parental controls. Should we bring to an upcoming PFC meeting?

DPIE summer enrichment registration has started.

School facilities meeting is tonight from 6:30 to 8:30.

Monitoring of SPSA Plan: Update on Goal #2 Math

Barbara Barrett (8th grade math teacher) and Breana Bush (6th grade math teacher) were asked to present an update of the math goals. The emphasis is reducing the number of D’s and F’s. To this end, they have revised the test retake policy. If a student receives less than 75% on a test, they can retake it. Students are taking advantage of this and there is more success when teachers reach out to parents. Students must have all homework completed and come to AP and practice problems similar to test. Test must be retaken within 10 days and the goal is to make the student responsible. Mrs. Bush commented that she has more success when she tells the entire class how many people need to retake the test, The retake policy has helped with the number of D’s and F’s in 6th grade with ⅔ of students retaking the tests.

There is a small common core class for 8th grade students who have skill gaps. There are 13 students in the class.

8th grade emphasis is on linear equations. Common core requirements is to have a good understanding of underlying real world applications for Algebra.

Intervention task force - computer based math, for students who have gaps in their math skills, hasn’t happened yet. The goal is to have this be a part of AP a couple days per week. It probably won’t happen this year. The main issue is how to staff it. A deficit in basic math skills is interfering with student’s being successful and there is no support until 8th grade. Which program to use is a main question. Should students receive help 2x per week during AP or should it be a full elective? Teachers believe it is better in smaller chunks and not a full period.

At the 6th grade level, teachers found that remedial courses become a behavior problem. Many students aren’t motivated to do better yet. Ed Jackson asked if we could use a computer based program within the class and pull kids out to use it. Teachers need to find a way to group students by ability without it being a detriment. An idea is to have enrichment programs so that not only kids who are struggling can use it.

There are free programs like Kahn Academy. A couple years ago Fallon used a computer program that allowed students to progress. Teachers believe that students need the teacher’s help when their skills are low, just having a program is not enough. Is there a way to integrate it more into the class? There wasn’t because they didn’t have enough licenses for all students. Students have to be identified so the license can be purchased.

Teachers are very proud of how collaborative the math team is.

Iteam - students who have been identified are matched to tutors. AP intervention has been successful.

The next SSC meeting will be March 14, 2016 from 3:30 to 4:30.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:24 pm