The Credit Framework requires that fallback awards should be available forall undergraduate degree programmes. See:
For those programmeswhere they do not exist, Learning and Teaching Board in January 2004approved a simple method of producing programme specifications for fallbackawards.
For each undergraduate degree programme, the policy requires theintroduction of a Certificate and a Diploma unless they already exist, (or,as an alternative to the Diploma, a non-honours degree programme comprising of 300 credits).
Fallback awards can be specified via:
- The publication of separate programme specifications for eachaward.
- By adaptingexisting programme specifications, as set out below.
- Add the Certificate, Diploma (Diploma with a Year Abroad/placement year if applicable)and BA/BSc (non-honours) programme titles to the titlebox.
- Introduce the following text to section 16 of programmespecifications:"For more information on the skills provided by individual modules and onthe specific learning outcomes associated with the Certificate, Diploma and BA/BSc non- honoursawards, see the module mapping."
- Introduce the following text to section 17 of programmespecifications:"Students successfully completing Stage 1 of the programme and meetingcredit framework requirements who do not successfully complete Stage 2 willbe eligible for the award of the Certificate in [.]. Students successfullycompleting Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the programme and meeting Credit Framework requirements who do not successfully complete Stage 3 will be eligible for the award of the Diploma in [.].Students successfully completing Stage 2 of the programme and achieving 300 credits including at least 60 credits at level H or above in Stage 3 and meeting Credit Framework requirements will be eligible for the award of a BA or BSc (delete as applicable) non-honours degree.”
- In addition, for 4-year programmes which include a year abroad or a placement year, introduce the following text to section 17: “Students successfully completing Stage 2 and also the year abroad/placement (delete as applicable) and meeting credit framework requirements will be eligible for the award of the Diploma with a Year Abroad/SandwichYear/Year in Industry (delete as applicable).
- If they do not already exist you will need to produce modulemappings for each of the undergraduate degree programmes. Such mappings may show only the main learning outcomes of the programme and may include core modules only.
- Ensure that your programmes are designed so that studentscompleting Stage 1 and Stage 2 and the Year Abroad or placement year will meet the minimum requirements of theCredit Framework (in respect of, for example, the requisite credits at levelC and level I and the requisite credits in the appropriate subject/s) andhence be eligible for the Certificate and the Diploma (or Diploma-A), respectively.
Whenever making changes to your programme specifications, please ensure you work from the approved version available on the appropriate Faculty website:
Social Sciences:
Revised 23/9/14
Amended September 2014