United Nations Development Programme
Country: Senegal
Project Title: Technology Transfer: Typha-based Thermal Insulation Material
Production in Senegal
UNDAF Outcome(s): Development of small and medium business generate incomes for the benefit of vulnerable people
UNDP Strategic Plan Environment and Sustainable Development Primary Outcome: Mainstreaming environment and energy
UNDP Strategic Plan Secondary Outcome: Mobilizing environmental financing
Expected CP Outcome(s): Local Economic Development and sustainable development
Expected CPAP Output (s): Environment and sustainable development
[Project Components]: (1) Sustainable Typha management; (2) Transfer of typha raw material processing technology; (3) Development of local production (4) Transfer of bio-climatic and energy efficient building technology; (5) Typha-based building materials application demonstrations; (6) Marketing and dissemination.
Executing Entity/Implementing Partner: Direction de l’Environnement et des Etablissements Classés (DEEC)
Implementing Entity/Responsible Partners: Ministry of Environment
Brief DescriptionThe project goal is to facilitate the development in Senegal of a local production of thermal insulation material based on Typha. It targets the improvement of energy efficiency in both rural and urban building techniques.
A research-development component will create the conditions for a transfer of thermal insulation material production technologies: products will be tailored to the local building context, materials and constraints; pilot projects will demonstrate the usability of these products; awareness will be raised among relevant national stakeholders in the construction and training courses will be set for the nation-wide dissemination of the product ; necessary accompanying measures for a large diffusion of the technologies and use of the products, such as regulatory and incentive frameworks, will be analyzed.
The pertinence of the project relies upon intense synergies with other initiatives and projects aiming at promoting in Senegal bioclimatic housing to improve the conditions of life of a wide range of population including the poorest, establishing new regulation making compulsory a change in building practices, and raising concern among local governments and communities for sustainable development and investment in new climate change management strategies.
The project will contribute to improve the general comfort in housing in a Sahelian country, to reduce electricity consumption for air-conditioning and related CO2 emissions, and generate decentralized employment opportunities.
Programme Period: 2012-2016
Atlas Award ID: TBD
Project ID: TBD
PIMS # 4315
Start date: Oct 2012
End Date Sept 2016
Management Arrangements NEX
PAC Meeting Date TBD / Total resources required (total project fund)
Total allocated resources (UNDP managed funds)
- Regular (UNDP TRAC)
Other (partner managed sources)
• Government
• Private sector
• Multilateral & NGO / $7,6447,884
Agreed by (Government):
Agreed by (Executing Entity/Implementing Partner):
Agreed by (UNDP):
Table of Contents
SECTION I: Elaboration of the Narrative 7
PART I: Situation Analysis 7
Introduction 7
Context and global significance 8
Typha as a Building material 14
Barriers Analysis 16
Stakeholder analysis 20
Baseline analysis 26
PART II: Strategy 28
Project Rationale and Policy Conformity 28
Partners and Co-financing 34
Project Goal, Objective, Outcomes and Outputs/activities 40
Project Indicators 52
Assumptions and Risks 53
Incremental reasoning and expected global, national and local benefits 57
Cost-effectiveness 57
Project consistency with national priorities/plans: 59
Country Ownership: Country Eligibility and Country Drivenness 60
Sustainability and Replicability 60
PART III: Management Arrangements 62
Implementation Arrangements 62
Project Management 63
PART IV: Monitoring and Evaluation Plan and Budget 67
Monitoring and reporting 67
Independent Evaluation 70
PART V: Legal Context 74
PART I: Strategic Results Framework, SRF (formerly GEF Logical Framework) Analysis 75
Part II: Incremental Cost Analysis 86
Baseline trend of development and key baseline programs 86
SECTION III: Total Budget and Work plan 87
Budget and Work plan 87
Budget explicative notes 92
Overview of Inputs from Technical Assistance Consultants 96
Prices used for the evaluation of project’s budget 97
Project Annexes 100
Annex A. Terms of References for key project staff 100
ANNEX B - CO2 Emission Savings Calculation 107
Annex C - References 110
ANEV / Agence Nationale Ecovillages (National Ecovillages Agency)APIX / Agence national de Promotion des Investissements (National Agency for Investment Promotion)
ASEM / Association Sénégalaise de l’Education Moderne (Senegalese Association for Modern Education)
AVN / Association La Voûte Nubienne (Nubian Vault Association)
BAD / Banque Africaine de Développement (African Development Bank)
BHS / Banque de l’Habitat du Sénégal (Senegalese Bank of Housing and Construction)
CC / Climate Change
CEREEQ / Centre Expérimental de Recherche et d’Etude pour l’Equipement (Reseach Center for building constructions)
CRSL / Conseil Régional de Saint-Louis (Saint-Louis Region Council)
DEEC / Direction de l’Environnement et des Etablissements Classés (Direction of Environment)
DPN / Direction des Parcs Nationaux (Direction of National Parks)
ECREEE / ECOWAS Regional Center for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency
EE / Energy Efficiency
FICR / Fédération Internationale de la Croix Rouge et du Croissant Rouge (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent)
GEF / Global Environment Facility
GHG / Greenhouse Gas
GLPSSM / Groupe de Laboratoires de Physique des Solides et Science des Matériaux de l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (Group of Laboratories for Physics and Materials Science, University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar)
IST / Institut des Sciences de la Terre (Institute of Earth Science)
METERBAT / Maitrise de l’Energie et Technologies d’Energie Renouvelable dans le Bâtiment (Ministry of Energy)
OMVS / Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du fleuve Sénégal (Organization for the Development of the Senegal River)
PERACOD / Programme pour Electrification Rurale et l’Approvisionnement en Combustibles Domestiques (Program for Rural Electrification and Domestic Fuel Supply)
PGIAAPO / Projet de Gestion Intégrée des Adventices Aquatiques Envahissantes en Afrique de l’Ouest (Integrated Management of Invasive Aquatic Species in West Africa)
PRI / Politique de Redéploiement Industriel (Industrial Redeployment Policy)
RE / Renewable Energy
SAED / Société d’Aménagement et d’Exploitation du Delta (Society of Senegal Delta River Exploitation and Development)
SEBTPS / Syndicat Professionnel des Entrepreneurs du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics du Sénégal (Building and Construction Professional Union)
SNBTP / Syndicat National du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics (Building and Construction National Union)
Teq / Ton equivalent
UCAD / Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar)
UN HABITAT / United Nations Human Settlements Programme
UNDP / United Nations Development Programme
SECTION I: Elaboration of the Narrative
PART I: Situation Analysis
While the electricity sector faces a dramatic crisis in Senegal, up to 30% of the total electricity supply – mostly produced from fossil fuels - is consumed in the building sector due to inefficiency of un-insulated cement, modern practices and construction styles that are inappropriate to local climate, and unavailability of affordable thermal insulation materials, which consequently make necessary the use of electric air-conditioning equipment to achieve a minimal level of comfort.
The energy sector in Senegal generates 95% of national CO2 emissions and 49% of total CO2eq emissions, of which 61% is generated by the building sub-sector, which therefore presents the most important potential of reductions of emissions for Senegal.[1].
Actual control strategy of Typha invasion is focused on its eradication on target priority areas. Maintaining access to water for irrigation is a priority and is managed as an emergency: there is no significant initiative for the valorization of the extracted material. Otherwise, Typha represents on a long term a potential of 200,000 tons/year of dry matter which can constitute a valuable resource for the energy sector at various levels (as fuel for domestic uses and electricity production, as biochar, and as constructing material improving building energy efficiency).
In order to allow sustainable investment for the valorization of this important resource, it is essential to elaborate a comprehensive environmental management strategy at regional level, which will promote synergies between actors rather than pure competition to access the resource, to the benefit of a sustainable local development.
In order to improve energy efficiency in buildings, two complementary approaches can be implemented:
§ Production of Typha blocks could be implemented at an accessible scale for small local entrepreneurs. Their promotion as cheap, resistant and comfortable building material, would contribute to rehabilitate the image of traditional housing and improve local know-how.
§ The introduction of a Typha-based thermal insulation material in the modern building sector is a promising issue, which can lead to establishing an industrial production line of high quality, standardized products such as insulation panels and wall elements.
One of the challenges will be to reveal Typha as a real asset of the Saint-Louis region, in which it is economically and socially worth to invest. This can be achieved through:
§ Rehabilitating the image of traditional housing by the promotion of affordable, locally made, improved building materials, and by the promotion of new architectural designs based on the use of formed Typha concrete as it has been successfully done with hemp in North America or Europe. Such approach will result in strong synergies between local traditional and modern urban building sectors.
§ Allowing all actors concerned with Typha control to benefit from all the components of the project and then raise a large willingness to contribute to its success.
§ The design of a modular, decentralized process which can be accessible for national investors with a production scale that will allow commercializing products at competitive prices.
The project will act as an incubator, raising interest of national investors in the investment of such facility, and accompanying them to develop it progressively at a sustainable scale. It will contribute to the elaboration of a new regulation framework, which must encourage the use of local insulating materials, including technical norms, fiscal and financial incentives. The project will raise awareness for replication in other West African countries which face similar challenges concerning electricity supply, building efficiency and Typha (e.g. Mauretania, Mali, Niger, and Northern Nigeria).
Context and global significance
The building sector
Cement is omnipresent in all types of buildings. Another domestic material is based on recycled scrap iron. Metals of higher quality and all other building materials are imported and therefore quite expensive. Being located at the edge of the Sahelian zone, there is in particular a lack of local re-growing materials, such as wood. Exploitable forest stands do not exist. Wood, resp. timber for constructional use is imported and therefore expensive, making each simple canopy for shading a terrace to an upscale investment.
Contemporary standard constructions consist of concrete skeleton structures, largely glazed or filled with (non-bearing) concrete bricks. Roofs are normally flat. Steep roofs are only seen in ancient structures, thus colonial buildings, or in form of corrugated sheet roofs of simple dwellings in suburban and rural areas.
The actual town is a land-consumptive agglomeration of singular detached buildings with an enormous total surface, often largely glazed, without constructional heat protection and fully equipped with electric air-conditioning. This basic attitude has not been changed up to now.
Heat insulation of flat roofs is at the very beginning. The used insulation materials are normally standard light-weight products in form of rock wool, glass wool or polystyrene, mostly imported from Europe. The usual price is more than the double of the European one. Therefore it's barely used apart from upscale administration buildings for banks and similar institutions. Even there it's applied in very thin layers which do not seem to justify the total outlay. However, it has to be taken as an advantage that there are already Senegalese companies who can deal with the integration of heat insulation into the entire roof system, especially the waterproofing layer. This is not applicable for the facades.
Besides of the price, the available insulation materials should be considered critical with regard to the physical properties, the raw materials and the energy consumption of the production process. Polystyrene, glass wool and rock wool are light materials without considerable heat capacity. They are limitedly qualified to provide summer heat protection in the particular climate, it is to say only in combination with the massive concrete, hence as a supplementary layer. As they lose insulation capacity when being moist, the requirements on the waterproofing layer and its junctions are high, technically complex and costly. These circumstances reduce once again the technical and economic feasibility of an ample application. Additionally, polystyrene is a petrol-based product and the production of both, rock wool and glass wool is very energy consumptive.
Complementary sun protection and heat protection strategies such as shading and natural ventilation are not yet established in contemporary building. There are some forms of traditional building, e.g. the double layered grass roofs of the southern province Casamance, which are high-performing concerning their very principle, but no longer compatible to the requirements of modern lifestyle. A translation of traditional strategies into modern forms of application has not been implemented. Outstanding European examples of summer heat protection are rare, too.
In rural areas energy consumption of buildings is not yet a first-ranking problem. The daily routine takes place open-air. Rooms are only used for sleeping. They are naturally dark, with small openings covered by tissues and permanently ventilated. However, it is foreseeable that lifestyle will change in the rural areas, too, that there will be need of applicable strategies of sustainable life & construction, too. Nevertheless, also in rural areas there is a momentary waste of resources related to the building sector: Because of the unavailable costs for formworks many private projects remain uncompleted and stop beneath the first ceiling. Altogether, these uncompleted projects occupy a considerable area of valuable land which is not sealed and not exploitable any more.
The population of Senegal had increased for 22% since December 2002, from nearly 10 Million people in 2002 to nearly 12.2Millions in 2010. The population of the region Dakar, including the capital Dakar and the industrial zone until Rufisque, has increased from 2.27 Million in 2002 to 2.74 Million in 2010, viz. for 21%. The highest increment is noted on the northern horizontal axis Dakar-Diourbel-Matam with +35% in Diourbel and +35% in Matam.[2]