World History

Fall Semester Project 2016

Introduction: The goal of this project is to review the various places we have studied and encountered this semester and to examine their significance, as well as ways they could improve. Although as historians we need to be cautious of revisionist history, this project has students examining how societies could improve and better themselves.

Societies to Explore:

Ancient Greece (Chapter 5)

Ancient Rome (Chapter 6)

Renaissance Europe (17.1-17.2)

Reformation Europe (17.3-17.4)

New World Exploration (Americas) (19.1, 20.1-20.3)

Absolutism Europe (Chapter 21)

Scientific Revolution Europe (22.1)

Enlightenment Europe (22.2-22.3)

Revolutionary France (23.1-23.2)

Napoleonic France (23.3-23.4)

Directions: Choose 3 of the 10 societies listed above. For each society, you are to have three major sections. The first section is a general background/summary of the society (4 points). The second section asks you to give the significance of the society (4 points), and finally the third section requires you to consider if you could give the society advice on how to improve, what advice would you give them? (4 points). There is an additional 1 point given for a relevant picture (either copy and pasted or sketched) and a relative timeline of the society (2 points). 15 points will be given for each society for a maximum of sixty (60) total points for the four total sections. This is your project grade which is worth 10% of your grade.


  • Complete your project. Although failure to complete a homework assignment negatively affects your grade, because there are less projects throughout the semester, failure to complete your project will result in a huge deduction of your grade.
  • For this assignment, you do not need any outside resources. Instead, all the information you need can be obtained from your notes/PowerPoints, your book, and your thinking ability. Do not obtain information from Wikipedia or other websites. If for some reason you need to use additional information from the internet, please cite this information so you will not be accused of plagiarism.
  • Do your own work. I know your level of work and if you copy from another student, it will result in a score of zero and I will report your work to the Dean’s Office.
  • Be creative with this assignment. Although the relative biography will be similar, your significance, as well as suggestions for improvement, pictures, and even timeline will make your project different from other students and will separate the high-scoring papers from the low-scoring ones.

Please see me with any questions you may have. The due date is Thursday, December 14th.