USI History
Fall Semester 2016-2017 Room C118
Ms. Nagle
Phone: 732-833-4700
United States History I is a one semester course required for all tenth graders. The purpose of the course is to provide a chronological and philosophical history of the United States from the American Revolution to the close of World War I. Students will investigate the development of the social, political, and economic institutions of our history at the national, state, and local levels.
- A three-ring binder
- separated into 6 sections (A Section for Unit I through VI) with Loose Leaf Lined Paper for note taking
- Highlighters
- Online Textbook-
- Username is your student ID#@jsd
- Password: student1
- Google Classroom
- Username is your
- Password is was given to you to access you email (check in H-Drive of school desktop)
The following is the grading policy used by the Jackson Liberty history department and will be used to compute semester grades:
50% tests, projects, and quizzes
30% homework
20% class work and participation
- Test study guides will be given out prior to exams.
- Check grades via Genesis
- Homework assignments will be accepted up to one day late for half credit. If the assignment is not received the next day, it will no longer be accepted for any form of credit.
- Graded Assignments will lose 10 POINTS if handed in the next day and will not be accepted after one day late.
- Assignments must be PRINTED OUT before class otherwise they are considered LATE.
- It is the student’s responsibility to get all of the work missed due to absence. As per school policy, you have 5 days after the absence to make up all missed assignments.
- After school help:
Monday-Thursday until 2:15; anytime by appointment.
- Respect for self, others, the teacher, and the school.
- Academic honesty and integrity are not only expected, but required.
- Treat others how you want to be treated.
- Come to class fully prepared every day.
Due to the fact that students will be able to access textbooks online and WILL NOT be given a hard copy, it will be the student’s responsibility to ensure they have a computer and Internet access when needed. If this is a problem it must be discussed with the teacher before the day it is due. Technology issues will not be an excuse.
- Please look into using the IMC after school, downloading the text as a PDF file so the Internet is not needed, Jackson library, or a friend/or family member’s computer if you have technology issues.
- Chromebooks will be used with care. They will be put back and plugged in to cart after each use.
Useful Websites
- Genesis- obtain schedule, report cards, interim reports
- GOOGLE CLASSROOM- Doc, Slides, Forms, and sheets can be turned and shared through here.
- CNN Student News- new segments can be accessed daily through
***Please be advised that students will be held responsible for all course material posted by the teacher on any of the districts online databases. If there are any issues regarding the use of databases they should be addressed at the beginning of the semester.
- Electronic devices such as cell phones, pagers, iPods, other MP3 Players, accessories to these devices, or similar items are to be turned off and stored out of sight, unless directed by a teacher.
- Please eat and drink during lunch periods, not in here.
- Cheating results in automatic failure for the person caught cheating and the person they were cheating off of.
- You are to report to class on time.
- There should be no hats, hoods on or heads down at anytime. If you sleep, points will be deducted from your participation grade.
- If you have to leave the room for any reason, you must sign out and bring either a pass with you.
- Act appropriate while in the computer lab.
During our USI History Class, I may be showing portions of the following films to help with the class discussion and to further enhance the student’s understanding of historical events.
***Some of the following films are ‘R’ rated movie because
of the wartime violence or language depicted in the scenes.***
12 Years a Slave
Gangs of New York
The Patriot
Any others will be announced and approved by parents and/or my supervisor.
US I History
Fall Semester 2016-2017 Room C118
Ms. Nagle
Phone: 732-833-4700
I have read the course syllabus, and I understand the course description, the teaching methods that will be employed and how the grades will be calculated. I understand that the student is responsible for all class work and homework, and that the student is expected to follow all school and class rules. I understand the consequences for violating school or class rules, including tardiness, truancy, as well as poor citizenship in class.
Student Printed Name Student Signature Date
Parent Printed Name Parent Signature Date
How do you prefer to be contacted: (please write 1 or 2 in order of preference)
______E-mail ______
Parent E-mail address
______Phone ______
Parent Contact Number
I acknowledge that my student needs to access the history textbook ONLINE using a computer, tablet, or other electronic device. Please sign and leave a comment you have concerns.
X ______
(Parent/ Guardian`s Signature)
I have read the list of the videos that may be viewed during the course of the semester and I do/do not give my child permission to view the films listed.
X ______
(Parent/ Guardian`s Signature)