I.Primary population:All students enrolled in at least one
credit-level course for the cohort term
that are not 'Audit Only' students.
A.First-time students are those students from the primary cohort that meet the following criteria:
- who have no credit-level enrollment records at the same institution prior to the immediate previous summer term, exclusive of credit-level courses taken while a High School student (student type = H)
- who have no prior college records on file at the same institution where the activity date is less than the cohort term end date + 1 day (no college data prior to or during the cohort term)
- first-time-regular students are those students who meet items 1 and 2, whose student type is a B or an R (Beginning or Returning) and who are not Hurricane Katrina evacuees
- first-time-other students are those students who meet items 1 and 2, whose student type is an H, A or T.
B. Degree/certificate-seeking students are those students
from the primary cohort that meet the following criteria:
- whose major code ends in a value greater than zero
- whose student type is a B, R, T or Z (Beginning, Returning, Transfer or Pre-Banner)
- whose admit code is not an 18 or a 28 (special admits)
PLEASE NOTE: In order for a student to be considered a first-time, degree/certificate-seeking student, that student must meet the criteria for both IA and IB as listed above!
II.Part A (Enrollment by Student Level, Attendance Status, Gender, Racial/Ethnic Category):
All LINE levels are accumulated by sex and race (EFRACE01, EFRACE02
and EFRACE13 – EFRACE38).
- Full-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students (LINE – Level 01):
Count of all students from the primary population:
- who are enrolled in 12 or more credit level hours
- who are flagged as first-time-regular students
- who are flagged as degree/certificate-seeking
- Total full-time other degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students (LINE – Level 03):
Count of all students from the primary population:
- who are enrolled in 12 or more credit level hours
- who are not flagged as first-time-regular students
- who are flagged as degree/certificate-seeking students
- Total full-time non-degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate
students (LINE – Level 07):
Count of all students from the primary population:
- who are enrolled in 12 or more credit level hours
- who is not flagged as degree/certificate-seeking
- Part-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students (LINE – Level 15):
Count of all students from the primary population:
- who are enrolled in less than 12 credit level hours
2.who are flagged as first-time-regular students
- who are flagged as degree/certificate-seeking
- Part-time, other degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students (LINE – Level 17):
Count of all students from the primary population:
1. who are enrolled in less than 12 credit level
- who are not flagged as first-time-regular
- who are flagged as degree/certificate-seeking
- Part-time non-degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students (LINE – Level 21):
Count of all students from the primary population:
- who are enrolled in less than 12 credit level hours
- who are not flagged as degree/certificate-seeking
III.Part B (Fall Enrollment by Age):
According to the IPEDS specifications, this part of the survey
should contain all those students reported in Part A.
The student's age is calculated based on the known birth date and
the enrollment term end date.
We only report one SLEVEL (1 = undergraduate).
All LINE levels are accumulated by sex (EFAGE01 – EFAGE02), by
the predefined age categories.
A.Full-time, under 18 (LINE – Level 01):
Count of all students from the primary population:
- who are enrolled in 12 or more credit level hours
- who are less than 18 years of age
B. Full-time, between 18 and 19 (LINE – Level 02):
Count of all students from the primary population:
- who are enrolled in 12 or more credit level hours
3. who are between 18 and 19 years of age (inclusive)
C.Full-time, between 20 and 21 (LINE – Level 03):
Count of all students from the primary population:
- who are enrolled in 12 or more credit level hours
3. who are between 20 and 21 years of age (inclusive)
D.Full-time, between 22 and 24 (LINE – Level 04):
Count of all students from the primary population:
- who are enrolled in 12 or more credit level hours
3. who are between 22 and 24 years of age (inclusive)
E.Full-time, between 25 and 29 (LINE – Level 05):
Count of all students from the primary population:
- who are enrolled in 12 or more credit level hours
- who are between 25 and 29 years of age (inclusive)
F. Full-time, between 30 and 34 (LINE – Level 06):
Count of all students from the primary population:
- who are enrolled in 12 or more credit level hours
- who are between 30 and 34 years of age (inclusive)
G. Full-time, between 35 and 39 (LINE – Level 07):
Count of all students from the primary population:
- who are enrolled in 12 or more credit level hours
- who are between 35 and 39 years of age (inclusive)
H. Full-time, between 40 and 49 (LINE – Level 08):
Count of all students from the primary population:
- who are enrolled in 12 or more credit level hours
- who are between 40 and 49 years of age (inclusive)
I. Full-time, between 50 and 64 (LINE – Level 09):
Count of all students from the primary population:
- who are enrolled in 12 or more credit level hours
- who are between 50 and 64 years of age (inclusive)
J. Full-time, 65 and older (LINE – Level 10):
Count of all students from the primary population:
- who are enrolled in 12 or more credit level hours
2. who are 65 years of age or older
K. Part-time, under 18 (LINE – Level 13):
Count of all students from the primary population:
- who are enrolled in less than 12 credit level
2. who are less than 18 years of age
L. Part-time, between 18 and 19 (LINE – Level 14):
Count of all students from the primary population:
- who are enrolled in less than 12 credit level
- who are between 18 and 19 years of age (inclusive)
M.Part-time, between 20 and 21 (LINE – Level 15):
Count of all students from the primary population:
- who are enrolled in less than 12 credit level
- who are between 20 and 21 years of age (inclusive)
N.Part-time, between 22 and 24 (LINE – Level 16):
Count of all students from the primary population:
- who are enrolled in less than 12 credit level
- who are between 22 and 24 years of age (inclusive)
O.Part-time, between 25 and 29 (LINE – Level 17):
Count of all students from the primary population:
- who are enrolled in less than 12 credit level
- who are between 25 and 29 years of age (inclusive)
P. Part-time, between 30 and 34 (LINE – Level 18):
Count of all students from the primary population:
- who are enrolled in less than 12 credit level
- who are between 30 and 34 years of age (inclusive)
Q. Part-time, between 35 and 39 (LINE – Level 19):
Count of all students from the primary population:
- who are enrolled in less than 12 credit level
- who are between 35 and 39 years of age (inclusive)
R. Part-time, between 40 and 49 (LINE – Level 20):
Count of all students from the primary population:
- who are enrolled in less than 12 credit level
- who are between 40 and 49 years of age (inclusive)
S. Part-time, between 50 and 64 (LINE – Level 21):
Count of all students from the primary population:
- who are enrolled in less than 12 credit level
- who are between 50 and 64 years of age (inclusive)
T. Part-time, 65 and older (LINE – Level 22):
Count of all students from the primary population:
- who are enrolled in less than 12 credit level
2. who are 65 years of age or older
IV.Part C (Residence of First-time Freshmen):
According to the IPEDS specifications, this part of the survey
should contain all those students reported in Part A who are first-time,
degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students.
All LINE levels are accumulated by state code (Levels 01 – 90):
A. Total first-time, degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate
Students (EFRES01):
Count of all students from the primary population by state
- who are flagged as first-time-regular students
- who are flagged as degree/certificate-seeking
- whose state code is valid (found in the stvstat
B.Total first-time, degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who graduated from high school within the past 12 months (EFRES02):
Count of all students from the primary population by state
1. who are flagged as first-time-regular students
2. who are flagged as degree/certificate-seeking
3. whose state code is valid (found in the stvstat
- whose high school graduation date is within the
immediate prior year. The start date is the term
start date of the previous year's fall term code.
V.Part D (Total Undergraduate Entering Class):
A.Total number of undergraduates that entered the institution for the first time for the fall term (EFE01):
Count of all students from the primary population:
- who are flagged as first-time-regular or first-time-
other and are degree-seeking
2. plus all who are not degree-seeking
VI.Part E (Retention of First-time, Degree/Certificate-seeking Undergraduate Students):
A.Full-time, first-time cohort, Fall 2009 (201002):
- Count of all students from the primary cohort for one
year prior to the cohort term who meet the following
a.enrolled in 12 or more credit-level hours
b.who are flagged as first-time-regular students
c.who are flagged as degree-seeking students
B.Full-time exclusions (0)
C.Full-time, first-time cohort students Fall 2009 (201002) retained through Fall 2010 (201102);
- Count of all students from the primary cohort for one
year prior to the cohort term who meet the following
- enrolled in 12 or more credit-level hours
- who are flagged as first-time-regular students
- who are flagged as degree-seeking students
- who were enrolled in at least one credit-level course at the same institution for the current cohort term OR who have received an award from the same institution since the year prior cohort term through the current cohort term
D.Part-time, first-time cohort, Fall 2009 (201002):
- Count of all students from the primary cohort for one
year prior to the cohort term who meet the following
a.enrolled in less than 12 credit-level hours
b.who are flagged as first-time-regular students
c. who are flagged as degree-seeking students
E.Part-time exclusions (0)
F.Part-time, first-time cohort students Fall 2009 (201002) retained through Fall 2010 (201102):
1.Count of all students from the primary cohort for one year prior to the cohort term who meet the following
a.enrolled in less than 12 credit-level hours
b.who are flagged as first-time-regular students
c.who are flagged as degree-seeking students
d.who were enrolled in at least one credit-level
course at the same institution for the current
cohort term OR who have received an award from the
same institution since the year prior cohort term
through the current cohort term
VII.Part F (Student-to-Faculty Ratio, Fall 2010 (201102):
- Student-to-faculty ratio:
- Count of all full-time students plus the count of all
part-time FTE students (part-time students * 1/3) /
count of all full-time faculty plus the count of
all part-time faculty
G:\Veras Documents\DTAE\Project Specs\IPEDS\IPEDS Fall Enrollment Extract_201102.doc
Vera E. Perkins Page 112/03/2018