Race Instructions
Fall Challenge 2-HourAdventure Race
Bloomer Park, Sept 23, 2017
- The object of the race is to get to as many of the control points(CPs) as you can, and cross the finish line before others with the same number of control points, and before time expires.
- Each team will have a “passport” and will be required to punch the passport in the appropriate location with the punch for each control point. Each punch is unique to the control point.
- No GPS enabled devices are allowed. Phones must be turned off during the race.
- Your finish time will be when both teammatesreach the finish table and youturn in your “passport”.
- Teams must take the route specified below. Use trail marker signs to navigate the mountain bike trails.
- You must collect control points for a given leg of the race during that leg. You cannot, for instance, collect paddle points during the initial run, or final nav.
ControlPoints: Thereare 15control points. The fastest teams will likely collect all of them. There is no minimum number of points required in order to be a ranked team. All points are optional, unless stated.
Maps: There are two maps.
- First Map 2-hourCPs 1-4, 7-11, 30
- Bloomer Final NavCPs 31-38Note: final nav CPs are not shown on the other map.
The Race, Step-by-Step:
Initial Run:
CP1 – Required. At the top of the mountain bike switchbacks, also known as “Spin Cycle”.Look for wooden trail marker 15. Run down the switchback mountain bike trail. No shortcuts on the switchback trail.
CP2 – On the East side of the Clinton River, less than 100 meters from the bridge. Go back to the bridge to get to…
CP3 – On the West side of the Clinton River, less than 100 meters from the bridge.
CP4 – Required. At bike staging area on 2nd Street. Check in with the volunteer.
After checking in, get your bike and helmet. You may leave nothing behind at the bike staging area. Navigate by bike, to bike control points CP30, then CP7-11. CPs 8, 9, and 11 are not shown on the map, but are obvious from the trail. You must follow the directional arrows, found on both yellow trail marker posts and wood posts with white tops, to stay on the mountain bike trail.
CP30 – Hanging from Clinton River Trail Bridge over Stony Creek
CP7 – On start of single track bike trail, just West of rail-trail.
CP8, CP9 – Trail side, not shown on map. Note: Do not follow wooden “Trail” sign before CP9.
After collecting CP9, continue on trail to parking lot, thennavigate to CP10.
CP10 – Next to trail, near park road.
CP11 – Not shown on map. Note: Parts of the trail between CP10 and CP11 are very challenging, and include steep downhills(orange tape marks the start of it). Inexperienced bikers may want to walk their bike in some sections.
After collecting CP11, take the most direct route to the West, and navigate back to CP31.
Bike Drop and Final Nav: CP31 – CP38 May be obtained in any order.
Drop your bike in the bike corral, thencheck in at CP31, required,and show your passport to the volunteer.
CP32 –On steep hill near stairsCP33–Adjacent to oxbow
CP34 – In deep reentrant with streamCP38 – Near bottom of stairs, in thicket next to body of water.
Check in at the Start / Finish Table and turn in your passport to the finish line volunteer. Your time will be marked when both members of your team arrive at the finisher’s table and your passport is turned in. Congratulations! You have finished the Fall Challenge Adventure Race!