Fall 2014 (Collaborate, Share Resources, Improve Public Education…Hooray!)
Hello, Fellow Literacy Teacher:
I am writing to invite you to join one of the ultimate conversations in education on NEA's GPS (Great Public Schools) Network. The “Middle School and Secondary Literacy” group aims to share our most effective resources, expand our teaching scope, and empower our classroom teachers via "transforming" virtual exchanges! Friend, join in, and let's get talking...On this site, middle to high school teachers of literacy can upload resources, give/take ideas, and respond to the always interesting Discussion Questions. Once you become a member, check out the “Resources,” “Discussion,” and “Messages” tabs often. (Remember when you click on “Respond to Topic” or “Add Comment,” it may take a few seconds for your typing to show up.)
I believe that Middle School and Secondary Literacy would really benefit from YOUR membership. Follow the instructions below to join this group now, and PLEASE take a moment to graciously forward this email to your colleagues.
1. Go to www.gpsnetwork.org
2. Select the (2nd) tab labeled "Collaborate."
3. Scroll down to “Featured Professional Topic Groups.”
4. Click on Middle School & Secondary Literacy.”
5. Scroll to the bottom to “Membership Information.”
6. Click “Join This Group”
7. In the “Join This Group” box, click “Join now!”**
**If you are not a registered member of the GPS Network, you will prompted to join for free; if you are already a member, just sign in when you log on to the site (#1)!
Gratefully yours,
Valerie C. Burrell, Ed.S.
NEA GPS Network Online Facilitator, Middle and Secondary Literacy
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
“The secret to triumph lies in the first three letters.”
“You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.”
“When you think you have exhausted all the possibilities, remember this: You haven’t.”