Fall 2014 and Fall 2015 Tentative Class Schedules
Course / Course / Section / Course Title / Credits / CapacityPrefix / Number / Number
BUS / 481 / 1001 / Business Internship / 3 / 10
BUS / 496 / 1001 / Strategic Management & Policy / 3 / 50
BUS / 496 / 1002 / Strategic Management & Policy / 3 / 50
BUS / 496 / 1003 / Strategic Management & Policy / 3 / 50
BUS / 496 / 1004 / Strategic Management & Policy / 3 / 50
BUS / 496 / 1005 / Strategic Management & Policy / 3 / 50
MGT / 301 / 1001 / Principles of Mgt. & Organizational Beh. / 3 / 177
MGT / 301 / 1002 / Principles of Mgt. & Organizational Beh. / 3 / 60
MGT / 301 / 1003 / Principles of Mgt. & Organizational Beh. / 3 / 60
MGT / 302 / 1001 / Small Business Management / 3 / 60
MGT / 304R / 1001 / Technology Entrepreneurship / 3 / 40
MGT / 367 / 1001 / Human Resource Management / 3 / 177
MGT / 367 / 1002 / Human Resource Management / 3 / 60
MGT / 391 / 1001 / Quantitative Analysis / 3 / 60
MGT / 391 / 1002 / Quantitative Analysis / 3 / 60
MGT / 471 / 1001 / Leadership & Managerial Skills / 3 / 60
MGT / 475 / 1001 / Seminar in Human Resource Management / 3 / 60
MGT / 480 / 1001 / International Management / 3 / 60
MGT / 490 / 1001 / Individual Study / 3 / 10
MGT / 492 / 1001 / Advanced Organizational Behavior / 3 / 60
MGT / 494 / 1001 / Seminar in Management / 3 / 60
MGT / 497 / 1001 / Business Plan Creation / 3 / 40
MGT / 709 / 1001 / New Venture Feasibility / 3 / 40
MBA / 763 / 1001 / Leadership, Teams, and Individuals / 3 / 60
MBA / 787 / 1001 / Strategic Management / 3 / 60
IS / 101 / 1001 / Introduction to Information Systems / 3 / 60
IS / 378 / 1001 / Project Management / 3 / 120
IS / 378 / 1002 / Project Management / 3 / 120
IS / 383 / 1001 / Business Intelligence / 3 / 60
IS / 383 / 1002 / Business Intelligence / 3 / 60
IS / 383 / 1003 / Business Intelligence / 3 / 60
IS / 383 / 1004 / Business Intelligence / 3 / 60
IS / 383 / 1005 / Business Intelligence / 3 / 60
IS / 475 / 1001 / Database Design & Implementation / 3 / 60
IS / 475 / 1002 / Database Design & Implementation / 3 / 60
IS / 480 / 1001 / Internship in IS / 3 / 10
IS / 489 / 1001 / Business Intelligence II / 3 / 60
IS / 490 / 1001 / Independent Study in IS / 3 / 10
MIS / 740 / 1001 / Software Concepts / 3 / 60
MIS / 744 / 1001 / Information Systems Planning & Strategy / 3 / 40
MIS / 753 / 1001 / Independent Study / 3 / 10
MIS / 755 / 1001 / Internship in IS / 3
MIS / 760 / 1001 / Data Communications & Systems / 3 / 40
MIS / 762 / 1001 / Systems Analysis, Modeling & Design / 3 / 40
MIS / 770 / 1001 / IS Security, Audit & Control / 3 / 40
MIS / 774 / 1001 / IT Outsourcing / 3 / 40
MIS / 775 / 1001 / IT Architecture for Business / 3 / 40
MIS / 778 / 1001 / Technology Innovat & Feasibility Analysis / 3 / 40
MIS / 780 / 1001 / Thesis / 3 / 10
BGES / 201 / 1001 / Entrepreneurial Creativity / 3 / 25
BGES / 301 / 1001 / Starting Entrepreneurial Organizations / 3 / 25
BGES / 430 / 1001 / International Entrepreneurship / 3 / 25
BGES / 440 / 1001 / Sustainability & Entrepreneurship / 3 / 25
Spring 2015 and Spring 2016 Tentative Class Schedules
C. Prefix / C. No. / Sec. No. / Course Title / Credits / Cap.BUS / 481 / 1001 / Business Internship / 3 / 10
BUS / 496 / 1001 / Strategic Management & Policy / 3 / 50
BUS / 496 / 1002 / Strategic Management & Policy / 3 / 50
BUS / 496 / 1003 / Strategic Management & Policy / 3 / 50
BUS / 496 / 1004 / Strategic Management & Policy / 3 / 50
MGT / 301 / 1001 / Prin of Mgt & Organizational Beh / 3 / 177
MGT / 301 / 1002 / Prin of Mgt & Organizational Beh / 3 / 60
MGT / 302 / 1001 / Small Business Management / 3 / 60
MGT / 304R / 1001 / Technology Entrepreneurship / 3 / 60
MGT / 367 / 1001 / Human Resource Management / 3 / 177
MGT / 367 / 1002 / Human Resource Management / 3 / 60
MGT / 367 / 1003 / Human Resource Management / 3 / 60
MGT / 391 / 1001 / Quantitative Analysis / 3 / 60
MGT / 471 / 1001 / Leadership & Managerial Skills / 3 / 60
MGT / 475 / 1001 / Seminar in Human Resource Management / 3 / 60
MGT / 480 / 1001 / International Management / 3 / 40
MGT / 480 / 1002 / International Management / 3 / 40
MGT / 483 / 1001 / Negotiation / 3 / 60
MGT / 490 / 1001 / Individual Study / 3 / 10
MGT / 492 / 1002 / Advanced Organizational Beh / 3 / 60
MGT / 494 / 1001 / Seminar in Management / 3 / 60
MGT / 497 / 1001 / Business Plan Creation / 3 / 60
MGT / 710 / 1001 / New Venture Creation / 3 / 35
MBA / 763 / 1001 / Leadership, Teams, & Individuals / 3 / 60
MBA / 771 / 1001 / Law and Ethics / 3 / 60
MBA / 773 / 1001 / Managing Information / 3 / 60
MBA / 787 / 1001 / Strategic Management / 3 / 60
MIS / 746 / 1001 / Info Systems Project Mgt / 3 / 60
MIS / 753 / 1001 / Independent Study in IS / 3 / 10
MIS / 755 / 1001 / Internship / 3 / 5
MIS / 764 / 1001 / Advanced Web Develop & E Commerce / 3 / 60
MIS / 766 / 1001 / Data Management / 3 / 60
MIS / 768 / 1001 / Java Programming / 3 / 60
MIS / 773 / 1001 / Research Seminar in IS / 3 / 60
MIS / 776 / 1001 / Business Intelligence / 3 / 60
MIS / 779 / 1001 / Technology Venture Creation / 3 / 25
MIS / 780 / 1001 / Thesis / 3 / 10
IS / 378 / 1001 / Project Management I / 3 / 120
IS / 378 / 1002 / Project Management I / 3 / 120
IS / 383 / 1001 / Business Intelligence / 3 / 60
IS / 383 / 1002 / Business Intelligence / 3 / 60
IS / 383 / 1003 / Business Intelligence / 3 / 60
IS / 475 / 1001 / Database Design & Implementation / 3 / 60
IS / 480 / 1001 / Internship in Information Systems / 3 / 10
IS / 489 / 1001 / Business Intelligence II / 3 / 60
IS / 490 / 1001 / Independent Study in IS / 3 / 10
BGES / 202 / 1001 / Innovation & Teams / 3 / 25
BGES / 302 / 1001 / Growing Entrepreneurial Organizations / 3 / 25
BGES / 431 / 1001 / International Seminar Trip / 3 / 25
BGES / 441 / 1001 / Social Entrepreneurship / 3 / 25