Year Book

Fall 2012 Syllabus


This class is designed for students who have an interest in media arts, specifically in the fields of photography, videography and journalism. Students will be working daily on the West Jessamine High School yearbook by learning the skills necessary for media journalism.


Students will be assigned pages in the yearbook to create and portions of yearbook videos to cover. This will include print and photo journalism. The assignments will require work outside of the classroom including attending up to 5 after school/extra curricular activities.

Failure to attend after school/extra curricular activities will affect the grade negatively.

Example: If a student is assigned to the football pages they will need to attend a football game in order to capture footage and images.

Class Rules:

Students are expected to abide by the guidelines and rules of West Jessamine High School as stated in the student handbook.

Additional rules include:

No food or drink (computers)

Respect the opinions and views of Ms. Slaton and classmates

Listen: Don’t talk when Ms. Slaton is instructing the class

Remain seated when given free time at the end of lessons

Always sign out/in when using your hall pass

Do Not alter icons or passwords on computers

This class is based around the use of computers, therefore all students must be able to operate a computer during the entire span of the course which includes maintaining proper internet privileges, not accessing facebook, youtube or other inappropriate sites during the class.

This class involves the use of cameras and video recording devices. Images and footage taken for the purpose of the yearbook and/or West Jessamine High School are the property of the school and may not be used for personal gain.

Cameras may be checked out from the media arts room and at that time the student is responsible for the equipment and any damages that might occur while in their possession.


Students will be working as individually and in groups through the course.

Assigned pages 35%

Video Coverage 10%

Video Editing 10%

Special Projects 10%

After School/Extra curricular attendance %15

Participation 5%

Mid Term Exam 5%

Final Exam 10%

Materials Needed:


Flash drive

Binder with notebook paper


Contact Information:

Jessica R. Slaton

Office Hours 8:50am - 10:00am

859-887-2421 x3745

Please sign the below form and return it by Friday, August 24, 2012


I, ______as parent/legal guardian of ______,

Have read the class syllabus and agree with the rules and regulations as outlined by Ms. Slaton. I understand that my child will be required to attend 5 after school/extra curricular activities and operate various forms of technology including daily use of computers and cameras.

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Student Signature: ______Date: ______