FALL 2009: English 3423: Topics in Creative Writing
Tuesdays 2-4:45
1604 Campus, Main Building 1.208
Creative Writing Workshop: Text and Image
Instructor: Dr. Catherine Kasper [
Office: 1604 campus, Main Bldg. 4.02.70Telephone: x7722
Office hour held immediately before class & by appointment.
Content and Goals:
This course will give students the rare opportunity to engage in creative writing while studying examples of works that combine text and image. There is a recent flourish of fascinating works in this area, and we will look closely at several, exciting contemporary examples as we identify possibilities. These examples will be used as inspirational “jumping off” points for student work read and discussed in a workshop format.
Students should be willing to engage in close reading and critical discussion about writing and art, as well as student workshop pieces. This course assumes the student has previous experience writing and developing skills of critical analysis and has taken an introductory university-level course in English and is willing to combine visual and textual art forms. Students must be open to traditional and experimental writing and visual art, to the workshop critique, and to suggestions for improving their work. While students are encouraged to have taken a 2000 level creative writing workshop in any genre, no previous experience in visual art is required. Art majors are welcome.
This course will take advantage of the methods of creative writing workshops and studio courses. Students will engage in writing exercises focused on visual art prompts, and in studio critique sessions/workshops culminating in final portfolios. Active and constructive class participation is essential (which means regular attendance, in-class writing, and informed discussion are a crucial part of your grade).
Course Texts: [paperbacks whenever possible]: The following texts are required for this course (that is, you must obtain a copy of each text, and you must bring these texts to each class in which we discuss them):
Amy England, Victory and Her Opposites: A Guide, Tupelo Press, (Nov. 30. 2007)
Jorge Borges, The Book of Imaginary Beings, Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition, (Sept 2006)
Timothy McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern ISSUE #13, (2004), McSweeney’s Publishers
Tom Phillips, AHUMUMENT: A Treated Victorian Novel, Thames & Hudson, 4th Ed.
Jeannette Winterson, Art Objects, Vintage reprint (1977)
Additionally, students are required to bring a notebook/paper and supplies to each class for in-class writing exercises. Students will also need very basic art supplies that need not be professional in nature: crayons, pencils, colored pencils, stick glue, etc.