Beam Pumping Workshop November 2, 2005 Meeting Page 4
2006 International Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop
Meeting No. / Date & Time / Contact Information / Agenda / Minutes1 / Sept. 15, 2006
12:00 pm CDT / Face-to-face meeting over lunch at Workshop / See below. / See below.
2 / Oct. 9, 2006
1:30 pm CDT / 512/463-1928
Code: 1733013 / See below. / See below.
3 / Dec. 11, 2006
1:30 pm CDT / 512/463-1928
Code: 1733013
People with actions items are highlighted in red.
Status of action items is shown in blue.
Agenda items shown in Black
Closed or finished items shown in Gray
Past meeting shown in Yellow
Next meeting shown in Light Blue
1. Attendees
· The people listed below attended this teleconference or face-to-face meeting.
Attendees: September 15, 2006
- Susan Beck, Weatherford- Ronda Brewer, Texas Tech University
- Cleon Dunham, Oilfield Automation Consulting
- Norm Hein, Oil and Gas Optimization Systems
- Mark Mahoney, Harbison-Fischer
- John Patterson, ConocoPhillips
- Lynn Rowlan, Echometer
- Russell Stevens, Norris Sucker Rod
- Tom vanAkkeren, Production Technology
Attendees: October 9, 2006
- Ronda Brewer, Texas Tech University- Cleon Dunham, Oilfield Automation Consulting
- Jim Lea, PL Tech
- James Martin, Chevron
- Chris Norris, Shell
- Russell Stevens, Norris Sucker Rod
- Tom vanAkkeren, Production Technology
2. Learnings from 2006 workshop
· What are key learnings from 2006 workshop?
Agenda and Minutes: September 15 2006
- The following ideas were raised and discussed:o Promote having joint Operator/Service Company presentations.
o Try not to have the people do Continuing Education classes and Technical Presentations, or at least have them present different topics.
o Focus on advertising for the next Workshop:
§ Well Services Magazine
o Highlight the benefits of the Continuing Education for Operating Companies.
o Try to have people from Operating Companies serve as General Chair and Session Chairs. They tend to encourage others from their companies to attend.
o Focus on including more Operating Companies:
§ Oxy
§ Chevron
§ ConocoPhillips
§ Pioneer
§ Anadarko
§ Amerada Hess
o We need to provide CD’s of the Continuing Education courses.
Agenda and Minutes: October 9, 2006
- Are there any more comments on learnings from the 2006 Workshop?- There was no new information in this area.
3. Workshop dates
· Should we plan for a Beam Pumping System Workshop in 2007?
· If yes, when?
· If no, should we consider having one every other year, so in 2008, 2010, etc.?
Agenda and Minutes: September 15 2006
- The next Workshop will be scheduled for September 11 – 14, 2007.- The Workshop will be for three and one-half days.
- We will have two days of Continuing Education on Tuesday and Wednesday, and one and one half days on Technical Workshop on Thursday and Friday morning.
- Many people leave at noon on Friday, anyway.
Agenda and Minutes: October 9, 2006
- Are there any comments on the Workshop dates?- If not, this item will be closed.
- The dates for the 2007 Workshop are fine.
4. Workshop venue and registrations
· If there is to be a workshop in 2007, where should it be held?
· What specific location – i.e. hotel?
Agenda and Minutes: September 15 2006
- The 2007 Workshop will be in Houston, Texas.- Ronda Brewer will evaluate specific hotels.
Agenda and Minutes: October 9, 2006
- Ronda Brewer --- What is the status of checking on the Workshop hotel for 2007?- Ronda Brewer has asked for a bid from the Wyndham Hotel. We will meet at the same hotel in 2007 if a reasonable deal can be negotiated with them.
- The approximate net income from the 2006 Workshop was $8,000. Of this, $6,000 will go to ALRDC and $2,000 to the SWPSC. This number is not “official” yet. Ronda is still waiting on the final bill from Amex.
- Ronda Brewer will send the list of 2006 Workshop attendees as soon as she has a chance to clean up the list.
5. Schedule and web site
· What technical sessions should be included?
· Sessions for 2006 included:
- Technology, R&D
- Design, Automation, Optimization
- Case Histories, Experiences
- Unconventional Challenges, Equipment
· Any comments on the web site?
Agenda and Minutes: September 15 2006
- The technical schedule will be worked out later.- We need to draft an outline of the Continuing Education course schedule and the Technical Presentation schedule as soon as possible to encourage people to attend and participate.
Agenda and Minutes: October 9, 2006
- Please provide comments on the draft Continuing Education schedule? Copy attached.- Are there comments on a potential Technical Presentation Schedule for 2007?
- The draft Continuing Education schedule looks OK. However some people haven’t gone through it thoroughly yet.
6. Technical presentations
· Soliciting presentations is one of primary tasks of Steering Committee.
· How do we want to review/approve presentations?
Agenda and Minutes: September 15 2006
- There needs to a focus on soliciting high quality papers.- We need to minimize any overlap between the content of the Continuing Education course and the Technical Presentations.
Agenda and Minutes: October 9, 2006
- Are there comments on the actual technical presentations for 2007?- There were no new comments in this area.
7. Exhibits
· Soliciting exhibitors is another job for the Steering Committee.
Agenda and Minutes: September 15 2006
- This will be discussed later.- However, we want to focus on obtaining more exhibits, if possible.
Agenda and Minutes: October 9, 2006
- Ronda Brewer --- please provide a list of all of the Exhibitors for 2006.- Are there comments on the Exhibitors for 2007?
- There were no new comments in this area.
- As soon as the list of 2006 Exhibitors is submitted, Cleon Dunham will contact them for 2007.
8. Sponsors
· Soliciting sponsors is another job of the Steering Committee.
Agenda and Minutes: September 15 2006
- This will be discussed later.- However, we want to focus on obtaining more sponsors, if possible.
Agenda and Minutes: October 9, 2006
- Ronda Brewer --- please provide a list of all of the Sponsors for 2006.- Are there comments on the Sponsors for 2007?
- There were no new comments in this area.
- As soon as the list of 2006 Sponsors is submitted, Cleon Dunham will contact them for 2007.
9. Workshop costs
· How much should we charge for the workshop?
- Attendees
- Students
- Late fees
- Exhibits
Agenda and Minutes: September 15 2006
- This will be discussed later.- However, if we don’t make much money with the 2006 Workshop, due to the cost of the hotel, we need to either find a less expensive venue for the 2007 Workshop or increase the costs for registrations, exhibits, etc.
Agenda and Minutes: October 9, 2006
- Ronda Brewer --- What is the status of the income/cost summary for the 2006 Workshop?- Do we need to increases the costs of attendance for the 2007 Workshop?
- It was agreed to keep the costs for registration, courses, and exhibits for 2007 the same as they were for 2006.
10. General chair for the workshop
· Suggestions of who to nominate for General Chair?
Agenda and Minutes: September 15 2006
- The first choice is to find a VP or General Manger from Devon.- The second choice is a VP or General Manger from ConocoPhillips.
Agenda and Minutes: October 9, 2006
- What is the status of discussions with Devon for someone to serve as General Chair?- Russell Stevens will check with Devon to see if an appropriate person can be found to serve as General Chair of the 2007 Workshop.
11. Keynote speaker
· Suggestions on who to nominate to be Keynote Speaker
· When should keynote speech be held?
Agenda and Minutes: September 15 2006
- This will be discussed later.- We need someone who is highly respected, an excellent speaker, and closely tied to the Sucker Rod business.
Agenda and Minutes: October 9, 2006
- We need to generate some ideas on who to ask to be the Keynote Speaker.- 1st contact: Russell Stevens will check with Pioneer.
- 2nd contact: Lynn Rowlan has suggested Jim McCoy.
- 3rd contact: Jim Lea will check with Curtis Mewbourne.
- 4th contact. A person from the Independent Producers Association might be possible.
12. Session chairpersons
· Chairpersons are needed for each of the technical sessions.
· Are there nominations?
Agenda and Minutes: September 15 2006
- This will be discussed later.- However, we need to focus on finding people from Operating Companies.
- Devon and Chesapeake were mentioned.
Agenda and Minutes: October 9, 2006
- We need to begin the process to contact companies to provide Session chairpersons.- Mark Garrett of Chesapeake will serve as a Session Chair.
- James Martin of Chevron will serve as a Session Chair.
- Jim Lea will ask BP to provide a Session Chair.
- John Patterson of ConocoPhillips was suggested as a Session Chair.
13. Breakout sessions and facilitators
· What breakout sessions should be planned?
· In 2006, there were three breakout sessions on:
– Problem wells
– Downhole equipment specs.
– System design
· Are there suggestions for specific sessions?
· Coordinators are needed for each breakout session.
· Are there nominations?
Agenda and Minutes: September 15 2006
- This will be discussed later.Agenda and Minutes: October 9, 2006
- We need to discuss the Breakout Sessions to be held in 2007 and who can coordinate them.- We agreed to consider three breakout sessions on:
o Using sucker rod pumping systems for de-watering gas wells.
o Seeking energy efficiency in sucker rod pumping systems --- Jim Lea.
o New technology – what does the industry need --- Russell Stevens.
14. Continuing education
· What continuing education courses should be held?
· In 2006, six continuing education courses were held:
– Beam Pumping 101, Introduction to Sucker Rod Pumping, Tom VanAkkeren Instructor
– Beam Pumping 102, Introduction to System Design, Norm Hein, Coordinator
– Beam Pumping 103, Surface Pumping Units, Don Crow, Coordinator --- Course Cancelled
– Beam Pumping 201, Advanced Concepts, Lynn Rowlan Instructors
– Beam Pumping 202, Troubleshooting, Problem Solving, Norm Hein, Coordinator
– Beam Pumping 203, Automation, Optimization, Cleon Dunham, Coordinator
· Are there nominations for instructors?
Agenda and Minutes: September 15 2006
- For next year, we want to focus more on “hands on” training.- We want to avoid duplication of topics between the Continuing Education classes and the Technical presentations.
- Focus on the following topics was mentioned:
o Show teardown of downhole equipment. Mark Mahoney and Russell Stevens will coordinate this.
o Show on-line, real-time analysis of sucker rod pumping wells. Cleon Dunham and Louis Ray will coordinate this.
o Show shooting and analysis of fluid levels with an Echometer system. Lynn Rowlan will coordinate this.
o Show a simulated surface pumping unit. Susan Beck will coordinate this.
Agenda and Minutes: October 9, 2006
- We need to reiterate the need to avoid duplication between the material presented in the Continuing Education courses and the Technical Presentations.- Is everyone who is listed above willing to organize a hands-on session as indicated?
- This plan looks OK for now.
15. Workshop finances
· Propose to handle under the new format.
- 75% of net income goes to ALRDC.
- 25% goes to SWPWC.
· Is this OK?
Agenda and Minutes: September 15 2006
- This is all set.- We’ll watch this for a year and be certain it is still OK.
16. Steering Committee
· We have a fairly complete steering committee.
· Are any more members needed?
· Nominations?
Agenda and Minutes: September 15 2006
- John Patterson of ConocoPhillips is invited to join the Steering Committee.- Cleon Dunham will send him a letter of invitation he can show to his management.
Agenda and Minutes: October 9, 2006
- What is John Patterson’s status in joining the Steering Committee?- Are there any other nominations?
- We need to hear from John Patterson is he can be on the Steering Committee.
17. Future meetings
· Date and time of next Steering Committee meeting?
· Teleconference or face-to-face?
Agenda and Minutes: September 15 2006
- The next meeting is set for Monday, Oct. 2 at 1:30 pm.Agenda and Minutes: October 9, 2006
- We need to set a date and time for the next meeting.- The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, Dec. 11, 2006 at 1:30 pm.
18. Other business and Final Comments
· Any other business.
· Action final comments.
Agenda and Minutes: September 15 2006
- There was no other business or final comments.Agenda and Minutes: October 9, 2006
- Is there any other new business?- The last piece of business was to discuss the issue of Tom vanAkkeren’s presentation at the 2006 Workshop. It has been challenged by Norm Hein.
- After much discussion, the Steering Committee agreed to the following:
o We appreciate and will use the “Disclaimer” proposed by Norm Hein. We will place this on the web site and on the Standard Presentation Format for future presentations.
o The Steering Committee is very interested in an open and complete airing of issues and ideas.
o Disagreement is OK as long as both sides of an issue can be heard and the audience can be left to make up their own minds.
o In particular in this case, both sides of the discussion on Long and Slow vs. Short and Fast have been presented; now after being certain that prior work is properly referenced, it is important for both sides to be included in the record of presentations at the Workshop.
o Tom vanAkkeren will update his Presentation as follows:
§ He will provide a reference to Norm Hein’s 2005 Presentation to acknowledge the quotes from Norm’s presentation.
§ He will update the Presentation with the comments he made on sinker bars during his presentation.
o The Steering Committee will review Tom’s revised Presentation.
o Then, when all are assured that issues have been properly dealt with, the Presentation will be placed on the ALRDC web site; it will be placed on the Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop CD; and it will be mailed to all Workshop attendees to make certain that all who were in attendance see the revised Presentation with the reference to Norm’s work and the updated discussion on sinker bars.
o The Steering Committee sincerely hopes that this will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion for all involved parties.
19. Members of Steering Committee