Drama activities - exploring and making drama
Co-operating and communicating in making drama
Reflection/Discussion / Drama Contract
Goldilocks and the 3 bears
paired improvisation,
still images
Discuss feelings, characters, facial expressions. / RESOURCES
Equipment from prop box - e.g. bowls, spoons, etc.
Interactive story
Tomas na hOrdoige pictures
“Who’s been eating my porridge” Nick Ward / CM
Drama activities - exploring and making drama
Co-operating and communicating in making drama
Reflection/Discussion / Winnie and the Midnight Dragon / Prop box
Drama activities - exploring and making drama
Co-operating and communicating in making drama
Reflection/Discussion / Gingerbread Man
mimed narration,
hot seating - gingerbread man, old woman, fox.
/ Music - The Nutcracker Suite- Grieg
Prop box
Drama activities - exploring and making drama
Co-operating and communicating in making drama
Reflection/Discussion / Snow (a poem by Breda Courtney Murphy) / The Snowman DVD and music
Drama activities - exploring and making drama
Co-operating and communicating in making drama
Reflection/Discussion / Snow White
Mimed narration
Teacher in Role - evil queen
Hot seating - seven dwarfs (all say same line in character)
-discuss emotions/feelings.
/ Equipment from prop box
Tomas na hOrdoige pictures
Junior Infant Drama: Scéim Bliana
FEBRUARYDrama activities - exploring and making drama
Co-operating and communicating in making drama
Reflection/Discussion / Going on a Bear Hunt
Still images
Whole group improvisation / Resources
CD of story
“Going on a lion hunt” David Axtell / CM
Drama activities - exploring and making drama
Co-operating and communicating in making drama
Reflection/Discussion / “Our Secret Hideaway” (A poem by Breda Courtney Murphy)
Group improvisation / Prop box
Drama activities - exploring and making drama
Co-operating and communicating in making drama
Reflection/Discussion / “Night Ride” ( a poem by Celia Warren)
Hot seating - where did you go?
- what did you see?
Mime / Music - A Whole New World - (Aladdin’s magic carpet ride)
Prop box
Drama activities - exploring and making drama
Co-operating and communicating in making drama
Reflection/Discussion / Rainbow Fish
Hot seating - Octopus, rainbow fish, little fish - How did you feel?
Mime - feelings
Teacher in role - Octopus
Drama activities - exploring and making drama
Co-operating and communicating in making drama
Reflection/Discussion / Monkey Puzzle
Mimed narration
Teacher in Role - Mother Monkey
Hot seating - Little Monkey, Mother Monkey