Fall 2003 – Tues./Thur., Girvetz 9:30 – 10:45

Prof. Viola Miglio

Prerequisite: Sp. 100 (introductory Spanish linguistics course).

Language: The course is actually taught in Spanish (despite this syllabus...).

How to contact me: please use email ().

Office Hours: Tuesdays 11-12 (office # 4328 in Phelps Hall).

You should try and see me during those hours or – if you really can’t make it then, contact me and set up an appointment – please do not just wander by.

Textbook: John B. Dalbor. 1997. Spanish Pronunciation: Theory and Practice, published by Holt, Rinehart & Winston (Forth Worth).

Overview of the course: The course is intended to give you a good grasp of the Spanish sound system, comparing it to that of English and of other languages if necessary. This is achieved by learning and/or revising notions of phonetics, particularly articulatory phonetics. This means that you will learn how sounds are produced, described, transcribed and analyzed. We will also consider issues of intonation, rhythm and stress applied to Spanish. Where possible, we will discuss different varieties of Spanish and their salient characteristics, as well as possible interferences from the native language in the L2 classroom.

By the end of the course you should be able to:

-know the basic physiology of sound production.

-understand the differences between vowels and consonants.

-have a good grasp of rhythmical, stress, and intonation differences between English and Spanish.

-analyze different dialectal characteristics of Spoken Spanish.

-transcribe all sounds that pertain to the dialectal varieties of Spanish dealt with during the course (or of English, where appropriate), using the IPA.

-understand the origin of L2 mistakes (Sp.->Eng & Eng.->Sp.) or at least be able to analyze them.

Evaluation:Please read this carefully. The course will be evaluated using continuous assessment, i.e. by means of 5 tests throughout the term and NO cumulative final. This should take away your exam panic; if you study little by little throughout the term, you should have no trouble acing this course. The downside is that you are responsible for attending ALL tests on the day they are set. Underno circumstance – except for grave medical reasons - can an exam be taken on any other day but the set day. If you miss it, your final grade will be 20% short. There will be no make-ups. The first test is worth 10%, the following ones 20% each, and participation (i.e. attendance and actual class participation) is worth another 10%. Your attendance of the course after week 3 means that you understand and accept these terms.

Este es el temario – puede ser que haya cambios de fecha y/o materia mientras procedemos (los advierto antes, por supuesto). La versión actualizada del programa se encontrará en la página web: luego siga el enlace para -> span103.

En la página web también pondré la información para los exámenes y mis apuntes para las clases, semana por semana.

Note: It is your duty to check the web page regularly - I will not answer emails asking me what we did in class on a specific date: it will be on the web.

Semana / Fecha / Tema / Lectura
1 / 9/23 / Introducción, grafía – pronunciación, la norma, lengua y lingüística / Caps. 1-2
9/25 / Variación dialectal – variedades en las américas – percepción de los nativos / 3
2 / 9/30 / Producción del sonido (fonación) / 4
10/2 / repaso / 4
3 / 10/7 / TEST 1 - Melodía del español / 5
10/9 / Rasgos suprasegmentales / 5
4 / 10/14 / Acentuación / 6
10/16 / Entonación / 7
5 / 10/21 / Ritmo – Melodía del español - Repaso / 8-9-10
10/23 / TEST 2 Transcripción – Fonemas y alófonos / 11-12
6 / 10/28 / Descripción de C’s y V’s
Vocales del inglés y del español / 12
10/30 / Reglas fonológicas – distribución de alófonos – coarticulación y fenómenos de asimilación (nasales/[s]-[z]) / 12
7 / 11/4 / TEST 3 –
Vocales (continúa) – Silabicación
Diptongos y Triptongos - transcripción
unión o separación de los sonidos / 13
18 - 19
11/6 / CONSONANTES – oclusivas sordas - oclusivas sonoras / 20 - 22
8 / 11/11 / Fricativas y africadas / 24-25
11/13 / Aproximantes – grupos consonánticos / 23, 29
9 / 11/18 / TEST 4 - Nasales / 26
11/20 / Líquidas – Laterales (tipos de “l”) / 27
10 / 11/25 / Líquidas - vibrantes (tipos de “r”) - repaso / 28 – 30
11 / 12/2 / Evaluaciones + TEST 5