Instructor Information
Fall 2008
Mission Statement
SantiagoCanyonCollege (SCC) is a diverse learning community dedicated to intellectual and personal growth. Our purpose is to foster a learning environment that helps students develop knowledge and understanding, critical thinking, sound decision making, cultural awareness, effective communication skills, and a commitment to both local and global citizenship.
Santiago Canyon College offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes university transfer, associate degree and certificate programs. In addition, we provide community services, career education, continuing education, basic skills development, and a range of support services for full and part-time students, including those with family and career responsibilities. At SCC, we encourage students to plan, implement, and evaluate their educational progress through meaningful reflection and interaction with both the college and community.
Instructional Calendar –FallSemester 2008
August 18 - 20Faculty projects
August 21 - 22CommonCollege Flex Day
August 25Instruction Begins for full semester and first GR8 Week session
September 1Labor Day - Holiday
September 5Last date to add a class with instructor signature
September 5Last date to drop, AND NOT OWE FEES
September 5Last date to drop semester length classes and not receive a “W”
September 9Last date to file credit/no credit for 1st GR8 Week classes
September 26Last date to file credit/no credit for full-semester
October 17Last date to petition for CSU and IGETC
October 17Last date to petition for December certificates
October 17Last date to petition for December graduation
October 20Second GR8 Weeks classes begin
October 24Last date to drop 2nd GR8 Week classes
November 4Last date to file credit/no credit for 2nd GR8 Week classes
November 10Veterans Day – Holiday
November 14Last date to drop a full-semester class with a “W” grade
November 27 – 30Thanksgiving - Holiday
December 8 – 14Last week of instruction
Mission Statement...... ii
InstructionalCalendar...... ii
Administrative Staff...... 1
Department Chairs/Programs...... 2
Admissions Registration Issues:
1.Procedures to Add a Student...... 3
2.Academic Hold Policy for Non-Payment
of Tuition...... 4
3.Grades...... 4
4.Refund Policy...... 6
5.Registration...... 6
6.Withdrawal Policy...... 6
General Information:
1.Absence from Class...... 8
2.AcademicSuccessCenter...... 8
3.Bookstore (also see Textbooks)...... 9
4.Class Hours & Room Assignments...... 9
5.Classroom Regulations...... 9
6.Computer Lab...... 9
7.Counseling & Student Support Services..10
8.Disabled Student Program & Svcs.(DSPS) 10
9.FacultyDevelopmentCenter (FDC) .....11
10.Field Trips...... 11
11.Food Service...... 11
12.Health and Wellness Center...... 12
Crisis Intervention Team (CIT)
13.Keys...... 13
14 Library...... 13
15Mailboxes...... 13
16. Math Study Hall (MaSH)...... 14
17.Part-Time Faculty Office...... 14
18.Paychecks...... 14
19.Publications & Quick Copy Services.....14
20.Staff Parking/Photo I.D...... 15
21.Student Consultations...... 16
22.Syllabi...... 16
23.Testing Center – Make-up Tests...... 17
24.Textbooks...... 18
25.Tutoring Center...... 19
26.Using Technology ...... 19
Assessing SCC Email ………………… 20
Media Systems...... 21
Academic Honesty Policy...... 22
Academic Honesty Incident Report form ...... 23
Standards of Student Conduct...... 24
Procedures for Student Grievances
Regarding Grades...... 25
Faculty Academic Freedom Policy...... 26
SCC Campus Map...... 27
Emergency...... 28
President / Juan Vázquez / 4909 / A-201
Assistant to the President / Lynn Manzano / 4930 / A-201
Vice President, Academic Affairs / Mary Halvorson / 4881 / A-201
Executive Secretary / Melody Vaught / 4880 / A-201
Vice President,Student Services / John Hernandez / 4886 / A-201
Executive Secretary / Julie Restivo / 4884 / A-201
Vice President, Administrative Services / Steve Kawa / 4717 / A-201
Executive Secretary / Terry Wilksen / 4718 / A-201
Plant Manager / Richard Curia / 4721 / U-100
Security / Devon Trahan / 4730 / U-100
Associate Dean, Admissions & Records / Linda Miskovic / 4972 / E-101
Administrative Secretary / Irene Scroggins / 4971 / E-101
Registrar / Denise Pennock / 4844 / E-101
Director, College Advancement / Kari Caldwell / 4794 / A-206-A
Administrative Secretary / Pam Hernandez / 4790 / A-206-A
Associate Dean, Student Development / Loretta Jordan / 4933 / A-201
Administrative Secretary / Ann Kelly / 4932 / A-201
Associate Dean, Financial Aid / Syed Rizvi / 4967 / E-106-1
Administrative Secretary / Gayle Sapak / 4813 / E-106
Coordinator / Janet Hermosillo / 4879 / E-104-4
Director, Academic Support / Curt Childress / 4980 / L-106
SCC Help Desk / Wanda Wright / 4999 / L-107
Director, Apprenticeship / Patti Dillon / 4888 / U-83
Administrative Clerk / Margaret Bennett / 4889 / U-83
Coordinator, Community Services / Brenda Hohnstein / 4963 / A-211
Athletic Director / Martin Stringer / 4816 / S-104
Dean, Library, Fine & Performing Arts, Communication / John Weispfenning / 5030 / Library- 105-2
Administrative Secretary / Barbara Garrahy / 5031 / Library- 105
Sick Line / 5022
Dean, Humanities & Social Sciences / Aracely Mora / 4848 / D-128
Administrative Secretary / Janell McWilliam / 4822 / D-128
Administrative Secretary / Esther Odegard / 4821 / D-128
Sick Line / 4841
Dean, Career Education & Workforce Dev. / Tricia Evans / 4883 / U-83
Administrative Secretary / Julie Peeken / 4887 / U-83
Administrative Secretary / Amy Styffe / 4883 / U-83
InterimDean, Business, Mathematics & Sciences / Larry Mercadante / 4949 / U-84
Administrative Secretary / Debra Coleman / 4757 / U-84
Interim Administrative Secretary / Nadine McKelvey / 4771 / U-84
Sick Line / 4770
Dean, Counseling & Student Support Services / Ruth Babeshoff / 4775 / D-106
Administrative Secretary / Diane Durdella / 4751 / D-106
Administrative Secretary / Debbie Hjorth / 4732 / D-106
Sick Line / 4803
AmericanCollege English (ACE) / Diana Babayan / 4782
Apprenticeship / Patti Dillon / 4888
Art / Moira Hahn / 4834
Articulation Officer / Joanne Benschop / 4854
Business / Stew Meyers
Bonnie Slager / 4752
Career Education / Beverly Pirtle / 4928
Communication / Melinda Womack / 4786
Counseling / Jennifer Coto / 4798
CTE Teach / Jennifer Coto / 4798
Disabled Students / Lucy Carr-Rollitt / 4862
Distance Education / Bonnie Slager / 4753
Earth, Space and Physical Sciences / Morrie Barembaum / 4895
English / Elizabeth Elchlepp
Will Lennertz / 4784
EOPS/CARE/CalWORKs / Nena Baldizon-Rios / 4817
Exercise Sciences / Ian Woodhead / 4906
Honors Program / Elizabeth Elchlepp / 4784
Human Development / Regina Lamourelle / 4708
Humanities / Marcelo Pimentel / 4785
Library / Joe Geissler / 5019
Life Sciences / Charleen Powers
Mike Taylor / 4916
Mathematics / Craig Nance
Scott Sakamoto
Joyce Wagner / 4936
Modern Languages / Elizabeth Baez / 4927
Performing Arts / Shane Cadman, Facilitator / 4822
Reading / Mary McMullin / 4824
Social Sciences / Cari Cannon
Scott Howell / 4833
A. The first day of class, every instructor’s mailbox will have:
1)One (1)temporary roster for each class (yellow sheet)
2)One (1)Wait List (if the class is full) (white sheet)
B.If you do not find a temporary roster in your mailbox, GO TO ADMISSIONS,located in the E building and request that a roster be printed. You may also print your roster online.
C.Procedure for “wait listed” students:
1)At the beginning of the first class, take attendance.If there are seats available, you maysign add cards.
2)You are obligated to sign add cards for “wait listed” students, who are present at the first class, beginning with the top spot on the wait list.
3)Once all “wait listed” students, who are present, are added, you may sign add cards for additional petitioners.
D.Signed add cards must be submitted to Admissions and Records by the student, and processed, before the end of the 2nd week of instruction.You may request that students show you the top blue copy of the add/drop card, with a diagonal slash, dated and initialed by Admissions to verify that a student is officially enrolled in your course. You may also check your rosters online.
E.If you sign an add card during the 3rd week of instruction, it must also have a sentence “has been attending since …and add a date during the first two weeks of instruction.
F.Students cannot be addedafter the end of the 3rd week of instruction.
NOTE: Instructor Change Cards are always available in Admissions.These cards may be used to drop students at any time during the regular drop period, in addition to allowing instructors to reinstate, transfer and change units.
When you receive a final roster/grade sheet in your mailbox during the final week,you must give all students whose names appear a grade.No “W” (withdrawal)grades may be assigned.You will not be able to add students to the final roster/grade sheet.Theoretically, a student may have attended your class the entire semester without being enrolled and will not receive credit for the course or a grade.
A.Students who have not paid enrollment fees/tuition will have a hold placed on their records.These students will not be able to:
request or receive transcripts,
add classes that semester,
enroll in classes in subsequent semesters.
Student are not automatically dropped for non-payment
B.You will receive DO NOT ADMIT forms in your mailbox identifying studentswho have not paidenrollment fees/tuition and are enrolled in your class.Send these students toAdmissions. DO NOT allow these students to remain in your class.
C.Students canpay fees online or by phone from 7:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m. (M-Th).
3.GRADES Faculty are asked to submit grades online.
You may use the bubble sheets to record your grades or you may use the online grade system (see next page for instructions). When you turn in grades, Admissions must collect all documentation you used to record and calculate grades. You must sign and return your yellow temporary roster and your green permanent roster. If you prefer to use a spread sheet in lieu of the provided rosters, please make sure that you record the final grade for each student on the spread sheet—Admissions requires two sources of the final grade—and you must sign the spread sheet, as well as attach both the temporary roster and the green permanent roster, even if they are blank. The online grade system eliminates the need to bubble in the grade sheets but does not release you from turning in the temporary and green permanent roster. The items that you will be submitting to Admissions will be:
pink grade sheet (if not submitted online)
yellow temporary roster
green permanent roster
if applicable, class records used to record grades (including final grade) and attendance, i.e. excel spreadsheet, etc.
NOTE: PLEASE SIGN EVERYTHING...These records are historical documentation and are filed in compliance with CaliforniaState law.If you are not available to meet with a student challenging a grade, these records will be used to respond to the challenge.
IMPORTANT DEADLINE: Fall 08grades are due in Admissions no later than Tuesday, December 16, 2008.
B.ONLINE GRADE SUBMISSION SYSTEM: This system is fast and easy to use.Although it does not eliminate the requirement of turning in your supporting paperwork, it benefits students requesting certified transcripts.When you submit your grades online, the grades are loaded within 24 hours and are immediatelyplaced on student transcripts.Call the Help Desk (714) 628-4999 for information on training, or Denise Pennock, Registrar (714) 628-4844.
(Must use Microsoft Internet Explorer)
- Log on to
- Type in your user name. Your user name is your last name, underscore, first name. Example: Smith_George
- Type in your password. The default password is the first three letters of your birth month, with the first letter only capitalized, day (if only one digit, add a zero), and full birth year. Example: Jul041776
If you already have a personalized password, use that password.
- Click on Class & Grade Rosters (found on the upper right hand side)
- Click on Online Grades for Fall 2008.
- Type in your pin number which is the last 4 digits of your social security number.
- Click on the ticket number of the class you wish to complete.
- On top of the right side of the grade page, sign your name by typing in your full name.
- Point and Click for each student’s grade.
- Print two copies – one for your records and one for Admissions.
- When finished, click SUBMIT.
A.If a student drops a full semester class by the end of thesecond (2nd) week of instruction:
1)enrollment fee/tuition will be completely refunded
2)there will be no record of enrollment on the student’s transcript
B.If a student drops a class that is less than a full semester in length (early or late start), the refund period is the first 10% of the class.
C.Intersession and Summer courses have a different structure:
1)Students will receive a complete refund and there will be no record of enrollment in the class on the student’s transcript until the end of the first (1st) week of instruction.
2)Students will receive a refund of the health and parking fees until the end of the second (2nd) week of instruction.
NOTE: Student must bring receipts and photo I.D. to the Cashier’s Office,
Building E, Room 102, to receive refunds.
SCC students may formally register and pay all fees at the following location:
Admissions, Building E, Room 101/Cashier’s Office, Building E, Room 102
SantiagoCanyonCollege, 8045 East Chapman Avenue, Orange, California92869
Phone:(714) 628-4902
Admissions Office hours:
8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.Monday through Thursday
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.Friday (hours are subject to change)
Cashier’s Office hours:
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.Monday through Thursday
8:00 a.m. to noonFriday
NOTE: If a student petitions to add a class during the late registration period, assuming space is available, please sign the add card(s) and direct the student(s) to Admissions.
It is always the student’s responsibility to drop a class. However, faculty are required to drop students who never attend the class prior to the third week of the semester (ED CODE 58440). aqua colored “clean-up” roster will be placed in your mailbox during the first two weeks of instruction.Please review this roster and drop any students who are not attending your class.Dropping students is critical to our auditing system.Please use this roster to verify petitioning students have properly registered.After the second (2nd) week of instruction, if the student remains on your roster as a registered student, the student will be charged for the class whether or not he/she has attended.
*Please use online rosters weekly to verify actively enrolled students.
B.a second (2nd) “clean-up” roster will be placed in your mailbox prior to the last day for a student to drop a full semester class with a “W” grade.Any student who is not attending class should be dropped for the following reason:
if a student is listed on the pink final grade sheet/roster, the student cannot be dropped andyou must issue the student a grade of A – F.
A.If you must be absent, call as soon as possible.
1)Division I, Humanities and Social Sciences: (714) 628-4841
Monday through Thursday: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
After hours, call: (714) 628-4902
2)Division II, Business, Mathematics & Sciences: (714) 628-4770
3)Division III, Career Education:(714) 628-4883
Monday through Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
After hours, call: (714) 628-4844
4)Division IV, Counseling and Student Support Services:
(714) 628-4803
Monday through Thursday: 7:30 a.m. to 6:50 p.m.
Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 11:50 a.m.
After hours, call: (714) 628-4803
5)Division V, Library, Fine & Performing Arts and Communication:
(714) 628-5022
Monday through Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
After hours, call: (714) 628-4902
B.The Division Office must be notified of any class cancellation.A roster will be posted for student notification.
C.The College does not provide substitutes and you may not provide your own replacement.
Location: D-209, Phone: (714) 628-4830
Hours: Monday through Thursday8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Friday8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Summer and holiday hours may vary
The AcademicSuccessCenter provides computer-aided, individualized instruction in reading, language arts, English, American College English (ACE), and writing.The content and learning objectives are customized to students’ individual skill levels and needs.
Students have access to state-of-the-art curriculum and technology.Computer programs are self-paced, giving students many opportunities to improve their academic skills.
Both credit and non-credit students may utilize the Center.For credit students, the Center provides supplemental instruction and resources assigned to them through their credit courses.Non-credit students receive instruction and take classes in English as a Second Language and all courses necessary to obtain a high school diploma.
The Hawk Bookstore-
Location: A-101, Phone: (714) 628-4736
Hours:Monday through Thursday 7:45 a.m. to7:30 p.m.
Fridayand Saturday 8:00 a.m. to1:00 p.m.
(Hours are subject to change)
A.Student may purchase textbooks for SCC courses in person or on-line at
(click on” bookstore”).
B.Receipts are necessary for refunds.Traditional fall/spring semester deadline for refunds is the end of the second (2nd) week of instruction.The deadline for summer and early/late start courses is at the end of the first (1st) week of instruction.
C.Book buy back dates will be during the final week for traditional fall/spring semesters.Additional book buy back dates will be advertised for the beginning of each semester.
D.In addition to textbooks, the bookstore also stocks:
course materials, backpacks, gift items, Scantron test forms, supplies, clothing, greeting cards, college logo gifts, catalogs/schedules, brown bag sandwiches, snacks, drinks, stamps, student bus passes
E.A vending machine, located in the E Building stairwell closest to the D Buildingcontains Scantron test forms, blue books, pens/pencils and other supplies.
A.Class hours:Beginning with the first session, the full instructional time allotted for each class should be utilized.A 20 minutes break is customary for a 3-hour class.
B.Room Assignments:A request to change the location of an assigned class must be directed to your department chair and approved by the Dean of the Division.
5.CLASSROOM REGULATIONS: (see page 20-27, 08/09 SCC catalog)
Please observe and enforce all college regulations and legal requirements.
NO smoking, eating or drinking is allowed in the classrooms.
6.COMPUTER LAB: (Two (2) computers available for adjunct faculty)
Location: U-89
Hours: Monday through Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Friday:9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Location:D-106, Call (714) 628-4800 for an appointment.