Fakenham Medical Practice
Patient Participation Group
Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 8 October 2013
at 6.00 pm.in the Braithwaite Library
Present : J Rest (Chairman), J Fraser (Chief Executive), Dr A Smith (GP), C Taylor, K. Hallett, G. Moroney, W Smith, C Lee
1. JR welcomed all and said Marion Cheetham had been interviewed and asked to join the PPG. He had hoped she would be attending tonight but she was unable to after all.
Apologies were received from A Kerrison (Practice Manager), M Cheetham and David Abrahams.
2. There being no amendments to the minutes of the previous meeting, they were approved and signed .
CT asked if JR would let WS and herself know when they could put the minutes on notice boards. JR said as soon as they were signed.
3. Matters Arising : GPAQ questions had been approved by the Practice and JF
asked if anyone had anything to add. WS would like the question as to where patients obtained most of their information about the Practice from to be reinstated so that any change of source (website, reception, Surgery Notes, etc.) can be monitored.
Our notice board had now been repositioned by the signing- in screens.
The only response to the new remote monitoring of chronic heart failure procedure had been from JR who queried whether patients should be using the same scales. Dr Smith said as long as they used the same scales at the same time of day it would not matter.
JF confirmed that the figures on the Practice Dashboard were satisfactory in comparison with other surgeries but the data being used was quite old.
JR asked if the variations in the statistics on DNAs was broken down into age, location and why some practitioners were worse than others. JF said it was difficult to give reasons due to varying circumstances.
It was agreed there was not much that could be done but at least patients were aware of the consequences. WS said the sooner the patient reminder system was implemented the better and JF will discuss this with AK.
4. Patient/press item and petition. No petition had been handed in to the surgery but as AK was not present the outcome was unknown.
5. Surgery Notes. WS apologised for the incorrect date for flu vaccination at Walsingham Surgery but most copies going to that area had been amended by hand.
WS will be working on the next edition in two weeks time. She also asked that any new members appointed to the group be asked to sit on the sub-committee.
6. New Healthwatch organisation. CL explained that this was the organisation taking over from the previous Link. It was a charitable organisation backed by NHS funds to be the voice for patient/client feedback on health and social care in Norfolk. JR asked that we invite Chris Knighton to give us a presentation at one of our informal meetings and CL will arrange.
7. GM updated the meeting on the new Safe Venue initiative. John Lemmon is the PCSO at Fakenham Police Station dealing with this and it will go live on 14 October. Shops in town offering a safe have n will have stickers in the window.
The Pharmacy at the surgery had been mentioned as one of these but it was not known whether this had happened. AK to update.
8. KH asked if it would be possible to hold a First Aid Course at the surgery and JF thought it might be possible, probably in the NC&H room during the day.
CL said First Focus held courses and she would ask about price and availability KH will pursue sponsorship from larger companies in the town.
CT reported that defibrillators were available in another area to First Response members in the Ambulance Service. Dr Smith said it was an excellent idea but it was up to individual services.
9. KH produced a list of comments on her time manning the PPG presence in the surgery :
There was confusion amongst patients trying to find Waiting Room C and JF agreed a similar sign to those for A and B was needed above the doorway to the lift.
She could not find any sign suggesting patients self sign in.
A patient reported not being able to make a follow up appointmenat at the surgery after a visit to Cromer Hospital but when the consultant phoned he was able to get them an appointment.
The reason for not being able to get hospital prescriptions at the surgery was that they should be obtained at the hospital as they should be on that budget but if brought here they have to go through a pharmacy.
Need a supply of paper/pens near the suggestion box.
The lines get lost on the waiting room screens. JF speak to Mark to get this sorted.
It is not possible for patients to leave a telephone message to cancel an appointment but an email could be sent.
10. JR asked members to return their preferences for new members of the PPG. GM and WS will interview a shortlist.
11. AOB. CT will ask Dr Hughes to give an update on the Weight management initiative early next year.
JR had a problem accessing the PPG emails . KH took him through the access procedure.
JF reported that the practice was participating in a pilot programme to identify patients at risk by awarding them points on answers , then a list would be reviewed by their GP prior to a multdisciplinary team meeting to discuss the cases. The patient’s permission would be sought before this could take place.
Next meeting 12 November 2013 6.00 pm in the Braithwaite Library (PPG only)