Faith Teens’ Parents Meetings

Meeting Agenda

General Background Information


School Attended:

Interests in school:

Interests outside of school:

Where do they spend most of their free time?


What is the best time to schedule teen activities?

What are the worst times?

Does your child have any other outstanding scheduling challenges (jobs, sports, etc.)


How much time should your child be spending involved in church activities, outside of Sunday worship (hours / month)?

Has your child made any comments about our youth program?



What could I do to get your child more involved?

What could other teens do to get your child more involved?

What could you do to get your child more involved?


What do you want your child to get out of Faith’s youth program?

Have you heard of any other, particularly good youth programs in our area (WELS or not)?

Do you struggle with your teen on any particular issue where we might be able to help?

Any other questions, comments or concerns?