Class begins: September 27, 2017
Preschool (4 YEARS OLD) through Fifth Grade meet Wednesday at 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Youth Group (6th – 12th Grade): Dinner @ 5:30 PM. Class @ 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Fees: $35 for one - $60 for two - $80 for three or more. Youth Group Meals: $40.00 per child
You can now register and/or pay online at
Scholarship help available 360-629-4425 or
Child’sFirst Name / Last Name
if different / Grade / School / Sex
M /F / Birth Date / Baptized
Y / N / Eucharist
Y / N / Confirmed
Y / N
2nd Grade Children making First Communion or High School Student Confirmation will need to provide a copy of theirBaptismal Certificate prior to the sacrament. Record: Yes ____ No ____
CONFIRMATION: The Archdiocese of Seattle requires two full years of youth group or Catholic High School. Youth must be age 16 by next May or early June 2018. This year - the second year - in addition to Wednesday night youth group, teens/confirmandi must attend Confirmation classes on Sundays (12:30 – 2:00 p.m.) and a Confirmation retreat in January 2018. Confirmation classes begin on Sunday, Oct. 8 with a parent/candidate meeting after the 11:00 mass. One parent must attend with their teen.Yes I want to sign up my teen for High School Confirmation. Teens Name:______
(Please fill in form above for teen information)
Date of Registration / ______Day______, Year 2017-2018
Father’s Name:______
First Last
Mother’s Name: ______
First Last
Children live with (circle one) Both Parents MotherFatherOther
Is Father Catholic? (circle answer) Yes No Is Mother Catholic? (circle answer) Yes No
Home Address: ______City______Zip______
Phone: ( )______Mom Work Phone ( ) ______
Dad work phone( )______Mother’s Cell ( ) ______
Father’s Cell ( )______
Email: _______(Ourcorrespondence is done by email)
Emergency Contact Name and Phone:______( )______
Faith Formation relies entirely upon volunteer support!
Please look at the list below and see where you can share your time and talents.
Substitute Teacher Hall Monitor Daycare/Babysitting
Does your child have food allergies? Special Needs? Anything we need to know?
As parent and/or legal guardian, I remain legally responsible for any personal actions of my child/children. I give my permission for my child/children to take part in St. Cecilia Faith Formation. In consideration of the opportunity for my child/children to participate and fully recognizing that such an undertaking involves, an element of risk, we assume all risks and hazards incidental to such participation and do hereby release, absolve, indemnify, and agree to hold harmless the Archdiocese of Seattle, St. Cecilia Parish, its agents, employees, and officers, and the chaperones, leaders, organizers and sponsors, and persons transporting our childIchildren to and from these activities. Neither the Archdiocese of Seattle, St. Cecilia Parish, nor any of said persons shall be held financially responsible for any injury, illness, or death incurred as a direct or indirect result of this activity.
If I cannot be reached, I request that the PAFF/Catechist/Pastoral Associate for Youth Ministry act in the best medical interests of my child and I agree to assume all expenses for moving and medically treating him/her. I also hereby consent to any treatment, surgery, diagnostic procedures or the administration of anesthesia which may be carried out based on the medical judgment of the attending physician.
Please understand that to be in compliance with the Archdiocese of Seattle and to keep your child safe this form needs to be signed and on file for your child/children to enter the classroom. Thank you.
From time to time, pictures and video may be taken of youth ministry/parish/school events and gatherings. We would like to be able to use these photographs and videos for flyers, parish and diocesan publications, and the ministry website. Written consent of the parent/guardian is required. Names will not be posted unless written authorization is given by the student and parent/guardian, and then only first names will be used. If there are concerns about pictures or videos posted on the website, please contact the organization or webmaster, and they will promptly be removed.
(Please check preference) □ I allow photos of my child □ I DO NOT allow photos of my child
I, the undersigned, have read this release and understand all its terms and execute it voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance.
If parent/guardian cannot be reached, contact:
1) ______Phone (____)______
2) ______Phone (_____)______
3) Doctor’s Name ______Phone (_____)______