H.A.S. Development Committee
Meeting Minutes
February 12, 2015
Present:Matt Sternig, Pam Bollen, Mike Sternig, Amy Barnes, Peter Winkler, Peter German, Ross Zautner, Ingrid Laforest,Karen Girard
- Prayer
Lead by Pam
- Approval of minutes from last meeting
Matt approved Jan. 8, 2015 minutes, Peter W. seconded; motion carried
- Alumni Relations
a)Planningfor May, 2015,Celebrating 150 years of Catholic Education
(1)Friday, May 15: Pot luck; main course supplied, families to bring sides/deserts (PAC is coordinating) and their own beverages; kid-friendly entertainment in the gym using bleachers for seating
(2)Saturday, May 16: Amy secured date with Eden Catering; menu: roast beef, chicken breast, mashed potatoes & gravy, California blend vegetables & 7 layer salad – approx $12.40/plate; we will supply coffee, milk and dessert; Amy will check Eden Catering’s prices for linens & china; Rene is coordinating cash bar (wine, beer, soda) and securing license; decorations will feature student art; table centerpieces will be made of copies of old school photos; doors open @ 5pm and dinner @ 6pm; cost will be $18/person; Matt is designing invitations using information provided by Mike; Matt is also designing a logo; approx. 1,700 invitations will be mailed out April 2, RSVP requested by April 24.
(3)Sunday, May 17: At each Mass, alumni will be invited to stand for recognition and a blessing; they’ll also be invited to pick up an angel lapel pin from people stationed at the exits; continental breakfast and open house in school from 10:30am – 12:30pm
- Annual Fund
a)Donations still coming in
- Fund Raising
a)Gifts from the Heart: about 140 items for the raffle; booklet is finished and currently being proofed; Matt is updating the poster and advertising items; extra posters will be available in the school office
- Grant Writing
a)No update
a)February issue almost complete
a)Event to kick-off to Catholic Schools week went very well
b)Chicago bus trip: still in planning stage; 25 participants needed to break even
c)Currently planning Teacher Appreciation Week activities/events; will be similar to last year
- PR/Rebcruitment/Marketing
a)Tri-school marketing update: three weekends scheduled for Farmers Market, various items will be available featuring tri-school logo (seeds, notepads, balloons); looking into sign placement at community sporting venues to increase visibility
- New Business
a)Might local businesses put an announcement on their electronic message boards the weekend of May 15/16/17 congratulating HA on 150 years of Catholic education? Pam will gather names of local businesses with message boards and Mike will compose a cover letter
Next Meeting
Thursday, March 26, at 6:30pm in the HolyAngelsSchool science room