Texas History

Fort Burrows

1827 - 1836

6.1- Cultural Differences in Colonial Texas

READ pgs 130-136

Main Idea:

Differences between Mexico and the United States brought Texas settlers and the Mexican government into conflict.

Why does this Chapter matter to you andme today, 180 years later?

In the 1820s and 1830s, tensions between Texan settlers and the Mexican government brought Texas and Mexico to the brink of war. Had the events of this period taken a more peaceful turn, the vast area that is now the state of Texas probably would not be part of the US. This twist of history would dramatically change the lives of Texans today. Although Mexico is a democracy, its political system and government organization differ from those of the United States. The transfer of Texas would also have considerably altered the economies of the US and Mexico.


1827Mier y Teran explores and spies on Texas for Santa Anna

1828Andrew Jackson elected President of US ( friend of Sam Houston)

1829Mexico abolishes slavery

1830Law of April 6 – Empresarios contracts canceled (page 138)

1833Convention of 1833 drafts the 1st state constitution for Texas

1834SFA goes to prison in Mexico; he wrote a letter back to Texas advising them to write a new state constitution and prepare for possible revolt


minister– a person sent to another country to represent his or hergovernment

civilians – people who are not in the military

self-government – people that believe in taking an active role in making laws and decisions

Setting the Scene:

Henry Ward, a representative in Mexico from Britain, wrote in 1825. “ Six hundred North American families are already established in Texas; their numbers are increasing daily, and though they recognize the authority of the Mexican government, a very little time will enable them, the Mexican government, to defy any attempt to enforce it.”

Distrust Between Mexico and the Texans

1829– Mexico abolishes slavery – to slow down or eliminate the migration of

US settlers to Mexico Texas

1830 – April 6, 1830 Canceled Empresario Contracts

1834 – Mexican leaders Imprison SFA

Mexican Fears

The population of the United States was growing fast in Texas

The US was a rising power

Mexico feared that the US wanted to expand into Texas and then take control

United States Actions

In 1819, the United States dropped its claims to Texas WHY ?______.

Since Mexico was allowing settlers from the US into Texas, many people from the US assumed Mexico did not need or want Texas

Then, in 1825 the US minister – Joel Poinsett - went to Texas and negotiated the purchase of Texas from Mexico

The US offered to buy Texas for $1 million from Mexico

Mexico turned down the offer, and now distrusted the US even more

Different Views - US settlers coming into Texas

The American experience

Believed the common people, civilians,should rule a country through a democracy, not through military rule

Self-government - people should take an active role in making laws and decisions

Government should not favor any religion

People should be free to choose their own religion - not be forced to be Roman Catholic

Slavery should be allowed

The Mexican Experience–Three (3) centers of power in Mexico:

The military should run the country - Strongest army

The Catholic Church should take a ‘strong’ role in Mexico’s government and society

Leaders of the Mexican Revolution should be the leaders of the country

Mexican Beliefs

The military could put someone in jail without a trial or even a reason

The Catholic Church was the only religion in Mexico; its leaders played an important role in government and society

Slavery should not be allowed

The leaders of the Mexican Revolution liked the ideas of liberty and equality from the US

These 3 groups fought for control of Mexico and the Texas settlers were caught in the middle

Samuel Maverick, 1835, represented the Alamo garrison at the convention that declared independence from Mexico

Samuel Augustus Maverick (July 23, 1803–September 2, 1870) was a Texas lawyer, politician, land baron and a signer of the Texas Declaration of Independence

His name is the source of the term "maverick", first cited in 1867, which means independent minded

In 1844, the tax rolls showed that Maverick owned 35,299acres by title in Bexar County and Bexar Territory, with an additional 20,077 by survey, as well as 21 town lots. The following year he also purchased 11,000more acres

Settlers Practice Independence

Settlers in Texas had to 1) become Mexican citizens, 2) give up U.S. citizenship and 3) convert to Catholicism

Many settlers made the required oaths, but few actually followed up on their meanings

Settlers had little contact with the Mexican government or Mexican leaders

TheAnglosdid not think of themselves as Mexicans because they brought their American culture and practices with them

they still considered themselves to be from the US

they spoke English - set-up their own schools - traded with the US

Life in Texas was very similar to life in the United States in many ways

NOTE: Because of these differences, the present system in Texas was about to collapse

What American Settlers in Texas Believed / How Things Were Done in Mexico
Civilians should control the country / Military Leaders did nothave to answer to the civilians
Church leaders should not be in the government / Leaders of the Catholic Church could be in role in making government
People should make their own laws / Common people played little role in making laws
They had the right to own slaves / Slavery was against the Mexican Law

1.American settlers believed that ______should rule the country.

A. military leadersB. civilians

C. Catholics D. rebels

2.Why were Mexicans insulted when the United States wanted to settle Texas?

A. they thought the United States was an inferior country

B. they thought the United States would try to take over Mexico

C. they were insulted that Americans thought they could succeed where Mexico had failed

D. they were not insulted at all

3.What was the relationship between Mexico and the US in the 1820s?



4.What ideas about government did settlers from the United States bring toTexas?



5.Did settlers in Texas think of themselves as part of Mexico?



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