(Rev 9.16.14 jw) www.npc-cwm.org
Pacific Northwest Conference WM
Faith and Outreach Grant
Application Form
“The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.”(Isaiah 58: 11-12)
In April 2005, God called NPC WOMEN MINISTRIES to initiate Faith and Outreach Grants to minister to our neighbors with the love of Jesus Christ.
Faith and Outreach Grants are for the purpose of providing start-up funds at the local level for new ministries in Covenant churches and communities in the Pacific Northwest Conference that reach out with the Good News of Jesus Christ and His Amazing Love. This seed grant is designed to launch new ministries or to add a new component to an existing ministry that reflects the vision of Women Ministries of the Evangelical Covenant Church. The vision of WM continues to be focused on building up the Kingdom of God. When we are able to meet practical and spiritual needs in our churches and communities, God’s Kingdom is advanced.
Priority will be given to applications that exhibit clear plans to sustain their ministry beyond the seed grant year. Grants shall not exceed $500 per ministry project and may be renewable for a second year on a case-by-case basis, as funds are available.
1. Applicant______
Church ______
Phone______Email ______
2. Project Coordinator______
Name of Ministry Project______
3. Short Description of Ministry Project ______
4. Amount Requested (up to $500): ______
Project Duration______
Treasurer’s Name ______
Phone______Email ______
5. On a separate sheet of paper:
A. Describe the Faith and Outreach Ministry Project in detail. Include the project’s scope, purpose, and goals. For instance, describe why you selected this ministry project, what you hope to see happen in this ministry project, the targeted population, the number of people affected, the anticipated impact on the community, the anticipated spiritual impact, and the anticipated life of the project.
B. Attach a ministry project budget, including the cost of the project, a breakdown of how the funds will be used and if there will be additional funding.
C. What plans do you have for sustaining the project beyond the first year, if applicable?
Successful applicants shall, when the ministry project has completed one year, submit a one-page evaluation report for the PacNWC Women Ministries Annual Report published in March. The evaluation report shall include whether, and to what extent, the ministry project met its purpose, and what outstanding needs remain. If you have questions, please contact Jo Wolfe, PacNWC WM President, by email at .
The undersigned, on behalf of the above-named ministry project applicant, does hereby apply for a PacNWC WM Faith and Outreach Grant. I agree with the PacNWC WM statement of purpose on page 1, and I agree to provide the follow-up evaluation report, as requested.
Name of Group, if applicable ______
PLEASE MAIL APPLICATIONS (and subsequent evaluation reports) TO:
Pacific Northwest Conference WOMEN MINISTRIES
Attention: Jo Wolfe, NPC WM President
9311 SE 36th Street, #108
Mercer Island, WA 98040-3741