Your Name ______
Silverado Booster Club
Area of Interest / Self Nominating Form
(See all Job Descriptions on Next Page) 1st Choice / 2nd Choice / 3rd Choice / PositionBOARD POSITIONS
President Elect
VP-Spirit Activities
VP-Spirit Sales
COMMITTEE CHAIRS (Not Board Positions)
Dance Clinic Chair - 2014
Mr. Cy Creek Chair - 2014
Spring Show “Encore” Chair - 2015
Silverado Booster Club
Job Descriptions for Board Positions
And Committee Chairs
President – As prescribed in the bylaws, this position must be filled by a dues-paying member with a commitment to confidentiality, who has previously served on the board, and whose daughter is an active member. The president presides over the Board and Booster Club meetings, board members, and acts as a liaison between the Booster Club and the director. This position is a year-round job and works very closely with the director. Must be a people person!
President Elect – This person would shadow the duties of the president during the year. The president-elect chairs meetings in absence of the President. This position does not require that you have previously served on the board but they must have a daughter that is an active member. The president-elect (along with the current president) will hold monthly meetings with the Silverette parents once they make the team in December. The president-elect will meet with those parents until such time they begin attending the regular Team Booster Club Meetings (in May). This position is a year-round job and works closely with the director.
Treasurer – an individual who has strong computer skills, familiarity with financials, as well as a commitment to detail and confidentiality. The treasurer makes deposits and pays invoices, balances the checkbook monthly, checks the P.O. Box weekly, and provides a written analysis of each project to the club as soon as possible after the project ends. The treasurer files state and federal taxes in a timely manner, record in the Booster Club ledger all cash transactions and serves as a collection agent for outstanding receipts due to the Booster Club. This position is very tedious and requires accounting skills.
VP – Costumes – a full-time position during the school year. This position acts as Chair of the Costume Committee. Needs to be creative and a strong organizer of people and projects. This position would oversee a full-time Costume Committee of two to three other volunteer moms. Her job would be to explain to her committee the costume ideas and needs as discussed by the director, work with her committee to come up with a plan of action, and create costume work sessions for the rest of the team to participate in.
VP – Props – This position works to build/find props from ideas generated by the director. This position organizes people and projects as head of a prop committee. In addition this position schedules volunteers for the black curtain and other props during football and competition season. The collection, repair, and distribution of Silvie yard signs is also handled by the VP-Props.
VP – Fundraising – This person will manage the Fall Fundraiser (historically, Christmas card/gift wrap/pecans) and the Spring fundraiser (historically, trash bags). Non-board members will be recruited to assist with each of these fundraisers. The VP of Fundraising will manage the fundraiser and collect all monies pertaining to the fundraisers, including buyouts to turn into the Treasurer. The VP of Fundraising will also stay informed about other major fundraising events (Dance clinic, Mr. Cy Creek and Encore).
VP – Spirit Activities – Shall be responsible for the coordination, along with the Silverado Director, to design, implement and execute and activities to boost and maintain a positive attitude with the drill team. This may include, but is not limited to, holiday parties, game day meals, Football/team/Silvie social, homecoming breakfast, teacher appreciation and Passion ceremonies. This is a great way to get to know the girls!
VP – Spirit Sales – Oversees the sale and purchase of Silvie logo items to incoming and current members. This position also orders and sells Creek Spirit wear throughout the year at such events as Cougar Days, Back to School Days, Dance Clinic and Spring Show. Volunteers would assist with these sales. Must be creative and organized.
VP – Communications – Oversees and maintains the website, Must be web-savvy and willing to update the website regularly.
VP – Publishing – This position oversees the production of the Silverado Directory through the Cy-Fair ISD Media Center, which is distributed to the membership at the beginning of the year. This position also coordinates with the Athletic Booster Media Guide liaison in an effort to make sure the Silverados are represented in the Football Media Guide. In the spring, VP Publishing is solely in charge of collecting personal and business ads from Silverettes and Silvies for the Encore Program and organizing the program. This position is also responsible for keeping the director and president informed of any information updates or changes. Must be computer savvy, efficient with time sensitive material, creative and organized.
Secretary – Scribes minutes during all board and booster club meetings and maintains a motion log and minute records. This person shall keep a record of all meetings of the Booster Club and the Executive Board. A copy of all minutes should be given to the President within seven days of each meeting.
Parliamentarian – This person will interpret the bylaws of the Booster Club and will assist the President in an advisory capacity on questions of order arising in the conduct of the affairs of the Club.
Dance Clinic Chair – Enlists committee members for the positions of registrar, snacks, advertising, and daily check in and check out, and First Aid. Works closely with the Director to coordinate and oversee all issues related to Dance Clinic.
Mr. Cy-Creek Chair – Enlists committee members for the positions of advertising, program development, voting process/procedures, food and ticket sales. Works closely with the Director to coordinate and oversee all issues related to Mr. Cy Creek.
Spring Show “Encore” Chair – Enlists committee members for the positions of advertising, program development, ad sales, costuming, props, food sales, and ticket sales. Works closely with the Director to coordinate and oversee all issues related to the Spring S