The following guidelines are based primarily on the FVPOA Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions approved on November 16, 2016, but are not all inclusive. Also included are decisions and guidance from the FVPOA Board of Directors (BOD).
- Homeowners who desire to change the exterior appearance of their home, sidewalk or driveway should contact the FVPOA Design Advisory Board (DAB)FIRST for guidance and written approval or disapproval.
- Exterior shutters or decorative trim shall not be installed without prior approval of the DAB and the
- Draperies, curtains, shades, window coverings which are visible from the street shall have neutral or light colored backing.
- No passenger vehicle, truck, boat and trailer, trailer, house trailer, mobile home, camper, motor home, recreational vehicle, or commercial vehicle may be parked in the street or on any dwelling lot or common area for a period in excess of six consecutive hours. Exceptions for short-term visitors (not to exceed 14 days) are allowed. Vehicles should be kept in the garage. The garage door or garage door screen should be closed enough to prevent viewing of the interior of the garage.
- Parking on the grass is never permitted due to potential damage to the irrigation system.
- Pets must be on a hand-heldleash when outside the Unit and may not be tethered.
- Pet owners must properly dispose of animal waste, whether on the owner’s lot, on another owner’s lot, on FVPOA common area, or on Meadowcrest common area.
- No pet shall be allowed to make noise in a manner or volume so as to annoy or disturb others.
- Loud noises that might disturb others, especially a roof mate, must be avoided.
- No vehicle repair, garage sale, yard sale, estate sale, auction, or similar activity may be conducted on any dwelling lot or common area.
- Installation of a large satellite receiving dish or tower is not permitted. Smaller dishes may be allowed if approved by the DAB and the FVPOA BOD. No commercial sign is allowed on any dwelling lot or common area except for common commercial real estate signs no larger than 10 by 12 inches.
- Tree removal is not allowed unless approved by the FVPOA BOD. Fruit treesand palm treesare not allowed anywhere. When an existing fruit or palm tree dies, itmay not be replaced with like tree.
- Shrubbery, hedges or other plantings may not be planted on land lying outside the owner’s dwelling lot.
- Flower containers must be placed on mulch or patio area. Empty flower containers must be removed and stored in garage.
- Only white or clearlights are allowed in anyexterior light fixture except during the holiday period. When new exterior light fixtures are needed, they must be replaced by identical fixtures only. Lights must be kept clean and post painted black. All pole lights must be on from dusk to dawn.
- Holiday decorations are allowed for a reasonable period.
- Lawn ornaments, basketball hoops, or swing sets are not allowed. Seasonal flags must be removed in a timely manner. Only pinwheels to deter gopher activity are allowed and must be removed when activity has stopped.
- All garbage/recyclablesplaced at curbside before or after daybreak on a scheduled collection day, must be in a covered, rigid container.
- Each owner is required to obtain and maintain adequate homeowners insurance.
- Each owner shall provide a copy of the declarations page of their homeowner’s insurance policy to the FVPOA BODannually.
- Effective November 16, 2016 each homeowner shall obtain and maintainprofessional termite protection and shall provide written evidence of such treatment on an annual basis. It is required to submit a photocopy of the bill from a professional termite service.
- No more than 10% of the 154 villas may be designated as rental units at any given time. Owners must receive written confirmation from the BoD that their request will be permitted.
- All rental agreements, leases, subleases, or assignments of leases and all renewals shall be submitted to the FVPOA BOD for approval or disapprovalon an annual basis. No Unit may be rented or leased during the first year of ownership.
- Leases are to be submitted to the FVPOAprior to rental occupancy.
- Leases or rentals shall be for at least three months. No dwelling may be rented or leased for more than twelve months in any twelve month period.
- No partial rental of a property is allowed.
- Owner is responsible for all actions and activities of renters.
- All flag poles must display the American flag in a dignified, respectful manner. If displayed at night the American flag must be illuminated.
- A rigid flag pole not to exceed five feet in length may be mounted on the side of a dwelling or on the patio railing. Flag poles shall not be attached to trees or light fixtures.
- A rigid flag pole not to exceed ten feet above ground may be securely implanted in the ground on a dwelling lot.
- Owner must perform reasonable maintenance and repairs which include, but not limited to, clean gutters, driveway and sidewalks.
Rev. 1/20/17