Fairfield College Preparatory School

Bellarmine Guild Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, February 23, 2016

Attending: Gail Golden, Julianne Howard, Mary Ellen Guere, Mary Alice Noone, Cynthia Garofalo, Kathy Flynn, Jane Pompa, Lisa Bosken, Danica Franchuk, Fran Lynch, Deanna Bucher, Carla Gavey, Cheryl Pacelli, Kim Hoover, Christine Fitzgerald, Susan Krushinsky, Monica Moser, Lisy Martinez, Pasqualina Berkowitz, Madeleine Louzan, Jackie Steed, Kim Newbauer, Maureen Sawyer, Michelle Turk, Colleen Murphy, and Allison Dunn

Absent: Eileen Westfahl, Ellen Gilmore, Dawn Llewellyn, Marcy Haley, Vicki Loris, Lana Quincy, Theresa Healy, Trish McMullin, Kim Spangler, Marisol Fromme, and Lisa Kral

Meeting called to order at 9:07

Opening Prayer-Led by Julianne Howard

President’s Report--Gail Golden noted that Vice-Presidents were working on By-Law changes to be discussed later in meeting, Spirituality was removing the Lenten Masses at homes due to lack of available priests and that a Mass to which the entire Prep community would be invited to would be celebrated in May at St Pius instead. Hospitality will work with Spirituality to provide refreshments, thanked the Staff Appreciation committee for last month’s Faculty Luncheon and thanked the sophomore and freshman reps for a successful freshman and sophomore semi formal

Secretary’s Report—Maureen Sawyer led a motion to approve the January 21, 2016 meeting minutes. These were approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report--Maureen Sawyer noted that there was no significant financial activity in Jan/Feb. An honorarium will be donated in last month’s speaker’s name.

Committee/ Chairpersons Reports

Enrichment—Michelle Turk noted that last month’s speaker was well received by students, faculty and parents alike and a desire to have him return was noted. The board informally agreed.

Staff Appreciation—Kim Newbauer noted last month’s lunch was a success given by the sophomore class. Last event is planned for April hosted by freshman class.

Spirituality—Julianne Howard reiterated Gail’s comments above, noting that the private Mass is scheduled for May 15 and that Kathy Norell in the Development Office will assist us with this as well.

Spring Dinner—Jane Pompa noted Bunco will be played on Feb 24, pizza fund raiser with Fairfield Engine Co went well and on March 23 a spring Brick Walk evening will be held given success of the same event last December. All other preparations are on target.

Nominating Committee—Carla Gavey has been preparing for the nomination request to be sent to the community for next year’s Board. This will occur once By-Laws are approved as responsibilities and number of Board members need for committees are changing. She has been working closely with the Vice Presidents.

Lisa Bosken asked if mother’s of incoming freshman could be nominated and the response was of course.

Carla noted that filling the Board seats was like a puzzle and every attempt to include all mother’s expressing an interest in join the Board is indeed made. That said there are only roughly 34 seats on the Board so there is a possibility that a nomination request may not be filled. Carla did note that to her knowledge this has not happened in the recent past.

Question arose regarding 2 year term vs. 2 people for the position of Nominating Chair. It was noted that a recommendation for this position to be 2 people for 2 years with a “Sr. and a Jr.” chair be held so that the Jr. can learn from the senior as this position can be complicated at times.

Hospitality—Cheryl Pacelli noted that they will provide assistance with the Mass on May 15 and with the Mother’s Mass held on February 25th.

Prep Pride—Monica Moser promoted new items for sale and mentioned that Martha Terry is looking into the possibility of extending the store hours till 4:00pm.

Fashion Show—Colleen Murphy noted that the event program is in process, menu, DJ, and models is set. Salon ISA was providing hair and makeup, 6 vendors will be on hand, fashion show will be held upstairs at Brooklawn and dinner downstairs in the main dining room, slideshow is in process and that a projector would be needed from Prep. Colleen Keltos said one will be provided. Mr. Mis will be the emcee and focus on boy bios will be more centered on mother-son connection vs. simply boys’ achievements at Prep. Many faculty are attending, including Fr. Tom. Sr. class officials are modeling as well.

A question was raised regarding whether Dale Duffy would model with his aunt as his late mother was a past Board member. Whether this would happen or not was still being determined. SEED student will walk with Mrs. Thomas wearing Prep Pride.

Attendance will be based on max capacity for Brooklawn. Vendors, including clothing hair and makeup people may need to be seated in the bar area if they wish to stay. To be determined

Kathy Norell will provide name tags.

Communications—Christine Fitzgerald noted that information regarding Mother’s Mass, Rosary and Fashion Show were sent out. Responses have been good to date regarding Fashion Show. Communications to watch for May Mass and Communion Breakfast

Sunshine—Cynthia Garofala; nothing to report

Photography—absent; nothing to report

Senior Slide Show—Julianne Howard noted on Trish McMullin’s behalf that attempts were being made to ensure all baby/mother/other pictures needed would be obtained in time to be included in the slide show segment of the Fashion Show

Volunteer Coordinator—Deanna Bucher; nothing to report

Freshman Reps—Jackie Steed working on Sophomore/Freshman dance to be held Fri Feb 25. All volunteer needs met.

Sophomore Reps—Fran Lynch, working with Freshman Reps on dance and will start work on menu for Sr Mom’s Communion Mass once dance is over. Elise Cassidy has offered to help with the music for the Mass program.

Junior Reps—Kathy Flynn, coordinating with Mrs. Mauritz on needs for Sr Prom

Senior Reps—Danica Franchuk and Lisa Bosken, coordinating with Mrs. Mauritz on needs for Jr Prom. Work has begun on Sr Mom Dinner to be held at Penfield Beach. High on the Hog has been chosen once again to cater this event.

Vice Presidents—Mary Alice Noone and Mary Ellen Guere

A lengthy discussion ensued regarding proposed changes to By-Laws many of which centered on responsibilities of Board members and length of term. Significant changes are as follows:

  • Nominating Chair—make this a 2 year term with 2 people in a Jr and Sr role. An exception of the 2 year term would be made for Carla this year as she would resume the role for a 3rd term in order to be the “Sr” role
  • Communications—same change as above, 2 year’s 2 people and staggered
  • Spirituality—remove Lenten Mass coordination responsibility as this is no longer happening
  • Bellarmine Events—NEW this person would arrange for photographs to be taken at each event
  • Mentoring—NEW, this fell under Hospitality but would be separate to coordinate mentors for all new families to have a mentor assigned. Hospitality would become 3 members
  • Add language for email voting/voting in absentia
  • Staff Appreciation—3 members
  • Service Project—each year the Board under the guidance of the Presidents seeks to have a mother son service project. Problems in the past have been:
  • Finding a project
  • Volunteers
  • Deciding if it should be during Lent

It was noted that Thomas Merton House, Cardinal Sheehan Center, Domis, and Norwalk Scouts could be a good option for this year

Creating a position for this important event would ensure its continuation and stress importance.

Based on all of the discussion, it was decided that Colleen Keltos would accumulate all changes noted, and put the new By-Laws to a full Board vote via Survey Monkey. This was to ensure that all changes were made, read and decision to accept or reject could be made by all Board members. This was to be done by Feb 25th.

Old Business—Lisy Martinez offered suggestions to help mentoring program:

  • Ask mentees to offer suggestions as to what they may want from their mentor
  • Offer to meet for coffee before school starts
  • Make efforts to meet mentees at the Welcome Back coffee

New Business—None

Motion to end meeting at 10:40 was approved.

Maureen Sawyer

Recording Secretary on behalf of Marisol Fromme