First Article Inspection Report

FAIR supplier cover pageAQDEF.403

Supplier Name
full address
Production site / FAIR number :
For Delta FAI, indice of revision :
Or initial FAIR number :
Page : / #
1 / 4

Complete FAIPartial FAI Delta FAI

Article denomination:#

CMID article number:#

Serial Number :#

Lot Number :#

Production date :#

CMID drawing number / indice:#

CMID order number:#

Supplier article number:#

Supplier drawing number / indice:#

Person who constitute the FAIR:#


Acceptance request number :#

Reason for the delta or partial FAI: (If applicable)

Supplier validation: date, name, function, signature, stamp - Quality Manager required minimum

CMID reception: date, name, function, signature, stamp.

CMID acceptation: date, name, function, signature, stamp.

Final customer or representative acceptation: date, name, function, signature, stamp.

First Article Inspection Report

FAIR supplier cover pageAQDEF.403

Supplier Name
full address
Production site / FAIR number :
For Delta FAI, indice of revision :
Or initial FAIR number :
Page : / #
1 / 4
CMID / Check liste pour FAI / FAI check list / A compléter par le fournisseur / To be completed by supplier
Présent / present(Complete with X in the box if effective, gray box: = possibility not available)
↓ / Consultable sur site / Available on site (Complete with X in the box if effective, gray box = possibility not available)
↓ / Absent / Absent (Complete with X in the box if effective, gray box = possibility not available)
↓ / Réf. N°document / Document ref. or Nb. / Commentaires / Comment
1.▲La page d’entête / the cover page
2. Formulaires EN9102 /EN 9102 form
3.▲Table des matières /table of contents
4. Plans détaillés du composant ou de l’ensemble / Detailed drawings of the component or assembly
5. Plan du sous-ensemble / Drawing of subassembly
6. Spécifications / Specifications
7.▲Organigramme de production / Production flow chart
8. Liste des articles à servir / Piking list
9. Gamme / Manufacturing and assembly processes, manufacturing orders
10. Feuilles de travail / Travellers/ job cards/ working sheet
11. Instruction de Contrôle / Inspection Instruction
12.▲Résultaxts des inspections avec identification des instruments utilisé / Results of inspections, with identification of instruments used
13.▲Certificat d’étalonnage des moyens de contrôle (consultable chez le fournisseur) / Calibration certificates for inspection equipment (can be consulted at the supplier site)
x / 14.▲Certificat de Conformité des composants / Certificates of Conformity for components
15.▲Certificat des matières / Materials Certificates
16.▲Certificats de tous les traitements / All Treatments Certificates
17.▲Certificat de conformité / Certificate of conformity
18. Rapport de test traitement de surface et peinture (plaque témoin à conserver par le fournisseur) / Test report for surface treatment and paint (test plate to be kept by the supplier)
19.Spécification d’assemblage / Assembly specification
20.▲Document de non-conformité clôturé et validé / Non-conformance document, closed and validated
21.▲Rapport d’essais et de tests de qualification et environnementaux (si applicable) / Test reports, qualification and environmental testing reports (if applicable)
22.▲Rapport de tests pour les équipements électroniques, électriques, hydrauliques, mécaniques et informatiques FAT (si applicable) /Test reports for electronic, electrical, hydraulic, mechanical and
computer equipment Factory Acceptance Tests (if applicable)
23.▲ATP / ATR (si applicable) / ATP / ATR (if applicable)
24. FAIR fournisseur inférieur / FAIR lower supplier
25. FAIR des sous-composants. (sauf si notification contraire) / FAIR for sub-components (unless otherwise notified)
26. Vérification et qualification du software (si ISO12207 applicable) / Verification and qualification of software (if ISO12207 applicable) / Audit spécifique séparé - Separate specific audit NO SOFT
27.▲Liste des fournisseurs de niveau inférieur / List of lower level suppliers
28.▲Liste des fournisseurs qualifiés pour les procédés spéciaux / List of suppliers qualified for special processes
▲= Obligatoire / Mandatory
CMID / Check liste pour FAI / FAI check list / A compléter par le fournisseur / To be completed by supplier
Présent / présent (Complete with X in the box if effective, gray box = possibility not available)
↓ / Consultable sur site / Available on site (Complete with X in the box if effective, gray box = possibility not available)
↓ / Absent / Absent (Complete with X in the box if effective, gray box = possibility not available)
↓ / Réf. N°document / Document ref. or Nb. / Commentaires / Comment
Autre document / other document:
▲= Obligatoire / Mandatory


  • Insérer autant de lignes que nécessaire au tableau de la page 3 / Please insert as many lines as necessary to table in page 3
  • Document à envoyer au format Word à l’adresse / This document shall be sent back duly completed in Word format to