The 1950s Project

Fahrenheit 451 Pre-lesson - Mini-project

1. 1950s – American Suburbia/Family values

2. 1950s – Inventions and Innovations

3. 1950s – McCarthyism

4. Ray Bradbury - Biography

5. History of Banning/Burning books

6. History of the American Fire Fighters

Assignment: Research – Create – Present (10 slides minimum)

  • Create 5 questions that you would like to research about your topic
  • Research your topic – create a citation page to show where you gathered your research.
  • Ideas:
  • If you have a member of your family who lived in the 1950s – interview them!
  • Find newsreels and actual footage of the 1950s to add into your presentation
  • Wear costumes and/or clothing that represents your topic
  • Construct and design a Prezi, Powerpoint, googleslidesor Virtual Museum (template is online on my webpage)
  • Formal and rehearsed presentation to class …

PROJECT RUBRIC / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Ideas/Research Questions / Researchers independently identify at least 4 reasonable, insightful, creative ideas/questions to pursue when doing the research. / Researchers independently identify at least 4 reasonable ideas/questions to pursue when doing the research. / Researchers identify, with some adult help, at least 4 reasonable ideas/questions to pursue when doing the research. / Researchers identify, with considerable adult help, 4 reasonable ideas/questions to pursue when doing the research.
Content - Accuracy / All content throughout the presentation is accurate. There are no factual errors. / Most of the content is accurate but there is one piece of information that might be inaccurate. / The content is generally accurate, but one piece of information is clearly flawed or inaccurate. / Content is typically confusing or contains more than one factual error.
Use of Graphics / All graphics are attractive (size and colors) and support the theme/content of the presentation. / A few graphics are not attractive but all support the theme/content of the presentation. / All graphics are attractive but a few do not seem to support the theme/content of the presentation. / Several graphics are unattractive AND detract from the content of the presentation.
Use Of Class Time / Great collaborative work. Splits the work evenly and gets it done without any excuses. / Pretty good collaborative work. Splits the work mostly evenly and works in class well. / Fair collaborative work. Splits the work unevenly and doesn’t really do much in class or disrupts /annoys people / Doesn’t work well with others. Doesn’t participate or disrupts/annoys people
Enthusiasm / Facial expressions and body language generate a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic in others. / Facial expressions and body language sometimes generate a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic in others. / Facial expressions and body language are used to try to generate enthusiasm, but seem somewhat faked. / Very little use of facial expressions or body language. Did not generate much interest in topic being presented.
Preparedness / Student is completely prepared and has obviously rehearsed. / Student seems pretty prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals. / The student is somewhat prepared, but it is clear that rehearsal was lacking. / Student does not seem at all prepared to present.
Speaks Clearly to Audience / Speaks clearly (100-95%) the time, and mispronounces no words. Faces the audience and doesn’t read off the screen. / Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, but mispronounces one word. Mostly faces the audience and mostly doesn’t read off the screen. / Speaks clearly and distinctly most ( 94-85%) of the time. Mispronounces no more than one word. . Doesn’t Faces the audience very much and read off the screen most of the time. / Often mumbles or can not be understood OR mispronounces more than one word. Doesn’t face the audience and reads from the screen.
Listens to Other Presentations / Listens intently. Does not make distracting noises or movements. Doesn’t interrupt or annoy anyone. Engaged in their presentation / Listens intently but has one distracting noise or movement. Doesn't interrupt or annoy anyone. / Sometimes does not appear to be listening but is not distracting. Interrupts and/or annoys the presenters once or twice. / Sometimes does not appear to be listening and has distracting noises or movements. Interrupts and/or annoys the presenters more than a few times.

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas:

Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task.

Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest.

Research to Build and Present Knowledge:

Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.

Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the usefulness of each source in answering the research question; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.

Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.