Meeting Minutes for March 15, 2017
The East Longmeadow Board of Library Trustees held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, March 15, 2017 at the East Longmeadow Public Library, 60 Center Square, East Longmeadow, MA. Trustees present were: Arthur McGuire, Charles Gray, David Boucher, CindyMacNaught. Diane Tiago and Virginia Robbins were absent. Layla Johnston Library Director was also present.
Arthur McGuire called this meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.
This meeting was videotaped for later broadcast on ELCAT.
Minutes for February 15, 2017 meeting needs approval. Charles Gray motioned to accept the minutes as presented, Cindy MacNaught seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Introduction of Guests:
The Director’s report of February 15, 17 needed approval. Charles Gray motioned to accept the Director’s report as presented and Cindy MacNaughtseconed the motion and it passed unanimously.
Building & Maintenance:
Children’s staff would like the large sculpture in the Children’s room moved in order to free up space. Upon discussion we will have a weather proof coating applied to the sculpture and it will be moved outside by the DPW facing Maple Street.
Library Finances, Budget and Reports
The annual budget was submitted to the Town Manager on March 6. All department heads were asked to plan for a 1% increase, but no more than that. The Town Manager is aware of the grant requirements, and is willing to take minimal appropriations amounts into considerations.
Children’s library assistant Sam Cardone is leaving for a full time position at the Darien Library, Good Luck. Layla Johnston L.D. will coordinate hiring her replacement with H.R.
Public Service
We continue to make progress toward prepping the Chromebooks for in-library use. Once the policy is established use policy is complete, they will move to circulation.
The library currently has artwork created by local artist Danny Difillipo and it’s on display in the community room.
Layla Johnston L.D. is currently putting together quotes for a consultant for the strategic plan, the consultant is needed to complete the strategic plan. Layla Johnston L.D. is to start community meetings in late April or May.
Programming and Outreach
Layla Johnston L.D. met with the high school librarian to select a student as recipient of the Trustee’s Book Award for 2017. The award will be presented on May 04 at the high school.
Were reviewed and found acceptable.
A.Chrome Book Use Policy; After review of the draft Layla Johnston Library Director will make the changes requested and will be reviewed at the next meeting.
B.Meeting Room Policy Draft; After review of this policy, there was discussion as to the Library Trustees role as to the extent of the rights to control the usage of this space.
A.Library Friends; The mini golf was a success, with a good response. Still reviewing the new vender for the bricks.
None at this time.
The next meeting of the Board of Library Trustees will be held on April 19, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in the Library Conference Room.
Charles Gray, made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Cindy MacNaught , seconds the motion and it passes unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 6:50 PM.
Respectfully submitted by:
David J. Boucher, Secretary