3:00-4:45 P.M., Lynett Boardroom
Senators present: Sr. Gail Cabral, Bill Conlogue, Ed Crawley, Alex Dawoody, Frank DeMatteo, John DePoe, Chris Fryer, Lynn Hutchings, Sue Jenkins, Sarah Kenehan, Tom Kent, Sr. Angela Kim, Michelle Sitko, Lori Swanchak, Charles Truitt,Stephanie Wise, Shelby Yeager
Excused: Dhanapati Adhikari, Jen Barna,Maggie McManus, Christine Medley,David Palmiter
Others present:Tammy Amosson, Lisa Antoniacci, Helen Bittel, Jessica Bodzio, Tammy Brown, Stephen Burke, Estelle Campenni, Agnes Cardoni, Jon Christiansen, Samantha Christiansen, Jay Clymer, Ann Costanzi, Lea Dougherty, Annette Fisher, Phil Jenkins, Craig Johnson, Melinda Krokus, Joan McCusker, Laurie McMillan, Brian Monahan, Ed O’Brien, Murray Pyle, Vijay Ramachandra, Pat Seffrin, Kerri Tobin, Tricia Weldon, Lindsey Wotanis, Chaogui Zhang, Mary Ann Zimmer
Minutes submitted by: Bill Conlogue
TOPIC / DISCUSSION / ACTIONREVIEW OF MINUTES FROM October 3, 2014 MEETING / Minutes were approved as read.
Visit from administration / The agenda was adjusted to accommodate the visit of three administrators.
Marywood President Sr. Anne Munley, Vice President for Business Affairs Joe Garvey, and Vice President for Enrollment Services and Student Success Ann Boland-Chase attended the meeting.
The first 45 minutes of the meeting was devoted to an open forum about recent announcements about enrollment, salaries, benefits, and sabbaticals.
After the administrators left, Faculty Senate approved the minutes of the October 3 meeting.
A senator moved to table the rest of the agenda so that the Senate could discuss recent events and the first part of this meeting. / Senators voted 12 in favor of tabling the rest of the agenda; four voted against the motion; one person abstained.
Discussion / Senators spent the rest of the meeting discussing their reactions to recent announcements, their perceptions of shared governance on campus, and their ideas for increasing enrollment.
Several senators shared the view that faculty representatives have not been invited to meetings at which important decisions have been made aboutissues that concern the faculty.
AAUP information about the role of the faculty in times of financial challenge was distributed.
Several faculty members plan to move forward to create an AAUP chapter.
At the meeting’s end, Bill Conlogue announced that he would post a forum and a poll to the Faculty Senate Moodle site so that Faculty Senate can discuss and officially approve (or not) the creation the Learning Commons Committee and the Committee on Rank and Tenure. The charges to both committees had already been posted to the site for the Senate’s review. / Faculty Senate will use the semester college meetings to touch base with their constituents and to generate ideas to increase enrollment.
ADJOURNMENT / Meeting adjourned at 4:45.