Faculty Senate Meeting

March 29, 2011 at 11:30 a.m.


Attendees: See attached sheet. (Quorum present)

Announcement: This coming Friday is the monthly Friday Evening Club at Tortugas Restaurant. All faculty/staff and their families are invited to come mingle at this social event.

Items of Business:

Next Full Faculty Senate Meeting: August 24, 2011 at Blaisdell Hall Theatre (Directly after Faculty and Staff Opening Meeting)

Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by John Slimick to approve the minutes of the February 1, 2011 Full Faculty Senate Meeting. David Merwine seconded. Motion to approve minutes passed.

New Business:

Senate Committee Reports:

Faculty Development Committee: The Dean allocated $28,000 for the 2010-11 FDG cycle. The committee was forced to set a cap of no more than $1200 for any one person during the year in order to distribute the money as fairly as possible. We received twelve applications in the fall and approved eleven for a fall award total of $6,954.91. In the spring, we received nine applications and approved nine for a spring award total of $8,668.20. This leaves approximately $12,376.89 to distribute for summer grants and the application deadline is April 15.

Faculty Welfare Committee: (See attachment)

Academic Technology Committee: Committee reviewed the academic computing plan, looked at recommendations for improving technology in the classrooms and CALC labs. They are currently evaluating new copiers. All the technology money was spent this year.

Educational Policies Committee: (See attachment)

Distance Education Committee: This is a committee formed under EPC that has been meeting every other Wednesday this term. They have been working to update a draft proposal that existed several years ago for Distance Education.

Promotion and Renewal Committee: Committee reviewed 7 files and submitted paperwork. The process went smoothly.

Tenure Committee: Committee considered 5 renewals and 2 tenure.

Student Affairs Committee: Committee met 4 times this year for information gathering. They met with James Baldwin who is the Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs, Director or Enrollment Services and Registrar and Alex Nazemetz who is the Director of Admissions. There is concern that Pitt-Bradford is getting an increasing number of unprepared students. The committee recommended the establishment of a writing center and something comparable for math. Don Ulin motioned to urge administration for the establishment of a writing center and something for math. Steve Robar seconded the motion. Dr. Alexander stated that these initiatives have gone before the Planning and Budget Committee (PBC) and were approved by PBC. These are in the strategic plan and Dr. Alexander would like to have these started up this fall.

Health and Safety Committee:

Investigated Health Promotion on Campus: Bonnie McMillen currently promotes health on campus by holding blood pressure screenings, Gardasil clinics, flu shot clinics, depression screenings and other events as needed. She refers students to Leslie Rhinehart and to outside physicians and the emergency room as necessary. McMillen also circulates a student focused health newsletter, known as Toilet Talks. McMillen offered to work with faculty on any new projects or suggestions.

Physical Exams Upon Admission: Students playing sports are required to have a physical exam. Students not in sports are encouraged to get an exam, but it is not a requirement. Students are asked to fill out health forms, but they are not 100% compliant.

Physicians on Campus: Dilbagh Singh, MD and/or V. Rao Nadella, MD come to campus monthly. Adagio Health also comes to campus for a monthly clinic. Referrals are made to Dilbagh Singh, MD and V. Rao Nadella, MD for care. Many times these physicians will see a student on the same day they are contacted. However, McMillen also refers students to the emergency room if necessary.

Campus Logistics: Eleven areas have been identified as dark zones on campus and have panic buttons installed. All panic buttons connect to campus police immediately. A newer lot behind Baldwin and Falk has a camera and a panic phone installed. One concern was raised that the Sports and Fitness Center has only one panic button for a fairly large area. Bring any dark areas to the committee’s attention. The appropriate campus personnel are aware that the crosswalks need painted and more signage needs to be installed, however this cannot be done in the cold weather.

Smoking Policy on Campus: The Staff Welfare and Faculty Committee met and submitted a proposal which has been looked at. A survey will follow from that report. The current policy is not enforced and not policed and no one is willing to police it.

President Alexander Update:

Budget: Dr. Alexander informed faculty that Govenor Tom Corbett’s proposed spending plan proposes to cut state money for state-owned and stated related universities in half. Pitt not only faces losing $80 million, but also the elimination of $17 million in state aid to support programs in the health sciences, including the medical school, dental school (Rural Health Program), Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, and the Center for Public Health Practice. Pitt also stands to lose $9 million in biomedical research support from the tobacco settlement fund on top of more than $7.5 million in federal stimulus funding that expires this year. Dr. Alexander states that this could add up to a $110 million loss. The university receives approximately $168 million from the state, which is less than 10% of overall budget as most of the funding comes from tuition; therefore, this loss would not cause layoffs, campus closures, or loss of programs. However, in the event this cut occurs, budget adjustments including a tuition increase will need to be made. Pitt-Bradford won’t know what those adjustments are until the main campus passes them down.

Since Pitt-Bradford took a 5% cut a couple of years ago, Dr. Alexander encouraged action on the faculty’s part including letters, calls, and meetings with legislators to convince them that higher education funding is important. The main university is taking appropriate action in all aspects, but the Government’s proposal is a national trend. This is forcing universities to look at the relationship with states and different variations of relationships may emerge. This proposal puts the burden for funding higher education into the hands of students. When possible, faculty should allow students to take part in rallies against these proposed education cuts.

Dr. Alexander said that the local impact is hard to speculate, however, he notes that the Provost recognizes past cuts and is going to attempt to absorb as much of the cuts as possible, especially cuts in the faculty area. There will be no hiring freeze instituted at Pitt-Bradford and the replacement positions will be filled. Other searches will move forward, but with caution.

Dr. Alexander is meeting with Senator Joe Scarnati next week. Representative Martin Causer has been very supportive of the university.

Distinguished Professorships: Institutional Advancement was looking into distinguished professorships, but this is something that will be dropped.

Supplemental Tuition Support: A question was asked on whether supplements would be available for students this year with tuition increases. Dr. Alexander stated that Bradford’s Planning and Budget Committee has 4 meetings scheduled this month and decisions should come out after these meetings and after trustees approve.

Provisional Students: A questions was asked on how to retain the growing number of provisional students. Dr. Alexander informed faculty that Pitt-Bradford was established to serve the region first; therefore, it must accommodate the locals. Professors have to support students where they are and use student support services such as the advising center and academic success center. Pitt-Bradford needs the enrollment numbers to continue to advance the institution. More ideas are in the works for more services, including an enhanced freshman seminar.

Salary Increase Decisions: Salary adjustments were provided last summer to faculty who were below the average. These faculty members were brought up as close as possible to the Provost’s IIB Benchmark list averages. If faculty had a salary above the average, they received maintenance and merit, but no adjustment. Dr. Alexander stated that he was following through with his commitment to bring salaries up to the rank averages on the Provost’s IIB Benchmark list. The second step in this process is to start looking into other benchmarks. Dr. Alexander acknowledged that 12 additional baccalaureate programs have been added to Pitt-Bradford and no faculty were added. He stated his sincere appreciation for the faculty’s hard work.

Academic Affairs Update:

Searches: The searches to fill the open positions in Nursing, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice are moving forward. The technology and biology positions will be considered in the near future. The tuition incentive money has helped with searches this year, but there was a decline in enrollment this year and that money will decline.

Curriculum: A new minor in Counseling Psychology has been approved and is in place. Pennsylvania Department of Education has given preliminary approval for a pre-k through 4th grade certification.

Budgets: Dr. Hardin asked chairs to be frugal with our budgets for the remainder of this year, as we may be more affected next year.

Matters Arising:

Academic Orientation: Acknowledgement and congratulations was given to Dr. Lauren Yaich for all her efforts put into the academic orientation. She is highly committed to helping students advance academically and has been working with Dean Evans to create a more academic culture on campus.

Composition: Congratulations was given to Professor Blackburn for her efforts to work on the writing standard on campus. Basic writing is back into the courses and English 0100 Introduction to College Writing is now available.

Workshop: On August 29, 2011, Angela McGlenn is coming to campus for a ½ day workshop on how to deal with millennium students.

A motion to adjourn was made by Warren Fass and seconded by Kimberly Bailey. The meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.

EPC Committee Report, 2010-2011

The chair would like to thank members of EPC (Steve Hardin, James Baldwin, Donna Dombek, John Draeger, Warren Fass, Tammy Haley, Trisha Morris, and Gary Tessmer for their dedication and hard work—especially Donna Dombek for taking on the position of EPC Secretary.

During the course of this academic year, EPC met ten times and approved (listed below) the following:

New Courses 26

Course Changes 9

New Majors 1

New Minors 1

Program Changes 7

Registrar Approved Changes 3

September 23, 2010 / New Course / ENG 1320 The Web in Social Contexts
September 23, 2010 / New Course / ENVSTD 1451 Capstone: Environmental Studies
September 23, 2010 / New Course / ANTH 0225/PHIL 0225 Food in Societies
October 14, 2010 / New Course / COMM 0210 Social Media Communication
October 14, 2010 / New Course / MUSIC 0260 Music in Film
October 28, 2010 / New Course / PSY 14XX Internship in Counseling Psychology
November 11, 2010 / New Course / NUR 1415 Field Research Methods
November 11, 2010 / New Course / PET 0210 Hydraulic Fracing
February 10, 2011 / New Course / ES 0112 Introduction to Energy, Science, & Technology
February 24, 2011 / New Course / PS 1316 Asian Politics
February 24, 2011 / New Course / ADMJ 1331 Criminal Forensics I Lab
February 24, 2011 / New Course / ADMJ 1441 Criminal Forensics II Lab
February 24, 2011 / New Course / ADMJ 1310 Drugs, Crime, & Social Policy
April 28, 2011 / New Course / PET 0110 Mudlogging
April 28, 2011 / New Course / EDUC 0225 The Developing Child: Birth-Primary Years
April 28, 2011 / New Course / EDUC 0230 Family and Community Relationships
April 28, 2011 / New Course / EDUC 1302 Assessment Techniques
April 28, 2011 / New Course / EDUC 1306 Classroom Management
April 28, 2011 / New Course / EDUC 1309 Differentiated Reading Instruction & Intervention
April 28, 2011 / New Course / EDUC 1312 Language Development & Early Literacy Foundations
April 28, 2011 / New Course / EDUC 1318 Early Math Foundations (PreK-1)
April 28, 2011 / New Course / EDUC 1320 Art, Music, & Movement Methods
April 28, 2011 / New Course / EDUC 1322 Social Studies Methods (PreK-4)
April 28, 2011 / New Course / EDUC 1324 Math Methods for Primary Grades (2-4)
April 28, 2011 / New Course / EDUC 1327 Science Methods (PreK-4)
April 28, 2011 / New Course / EDUC 1332 Literacy Foundations for Primary Grades (2-4)
October 14, 2010 / Course Change / MUSIC 0213 Performance Practicum
October 14, 2010 / Course Change / ART 0103 Design I
October 14, 2010 / Course Change / ART 1303 Advanced Design
November 11, 2010 / Course Change / PET 0106 Drilling & Completion
November 11, 2010 / Course Change / PET 0202 Stratigraphy & Structural Geology
November 11, 2010 / Course Change / PET 0205 Engineering Geology
February 24, 2011 / Course Change / ENG 0100 Basic Writing
March 23, 2011 / Course Change / CS 1304 Introduction to Simulation
April 28, 2011 / Course Change / PET 0203 Oil & Gas Gathering & Transportation
April 28, 2011 / Course Deletion / PET 0104 Workshop Practices
October 28, 2011 / New Minor / Counseling Psychology Minor
April 29, 2011 / New Major / Early Level (PreK-4) Education (will replace current Elementary Education, K-6 major as mandated by PDE) (pending approval by PACUP)
September 9, 2010 / Program Change / Change to Psychology Minor
September 9, 2010 / Program Change / Change to International Studies Minor
September 23, 2010 / Program Change / Change to Environmental Studies Major
January 13, 2011 / Program Change / Change to Environmental Science Minor
February 10, 2011 / Program Change / Change to Speech Communication Minor
February 24, 2011 / Program Change / Change to Finance Minor
April 28, 2011 / Program Change / Change to Petroleum Technology Major
February 10, 2011 / Registrar Approved Change / ENTR 0204-Managing the New Venture (ENTR 0203 removed as a prerequisite)
February 10, 2011 / Registrar Approved Change / ENTR 1451 Capstone: Entrepreneurship (ENTR 1302 removed as a prerequisite)
February 10, 2011 / Registrar Approved Change / ENTR 1303 Principles of Entrepreneurship (ENTR 0101, ACCT 0201 or ENTR 0201 removed as prerequisites)

Additionally, EPC

·  Heard report from Rick Moritz on the GE Self Study