Effects of Esmolol on Systemic and Pulmonary Hemodynamic, and Oxygenation in Pigs with Hypodynamic Endotoxin Shock
Jerome ABOAB MD1,4; Veronique SEBILLEPhD2; Mercé JOURDAIN MD, PhD3; Jacques MANGALABOYI MD3; Miloud GHARBI1; Arnaud MANSART PhD4; Djillali ANNANE MD, PhD1,4
Figure legends
Figure S1: Hemodynamic effects of LPS infusion
Values are expressed in relative variation from baseline (T0–min)(mean and SEM). Linear mixed model analyses. Each point represents the mean value of the 10 pigs for the different hemodynamic parameters. Each hemodynamic signal was acquired with a frequency equal to 0.2 Hz.One point represents the mean value of ten minutes recording. Two phases are represented: the LPS infusion during 30 min and the sepsis constitution during 30 min.
From the beginning of the LPS infusion HR increased with a simultaneous CI decreased associated with a slightly MBP decreased. The hypertension in the pulmonary artery is pathognomonic in our model of the LPS infusion.
Abbreviations: HR: heart rate; CI: cardiac index, SI: stroke index; MBP: mean blood pressure; PMBP: pulmonary mean blood pressure; SVR: Systemic vascular resistance; PVR: Pulmonary vascular resistance.
Figure S2:Effects of LPS infusion on tissue oxygenation indices
Mean and SEM are given for the two first arterial blood gas (basal state and the end of the post LPS phase).
Abbreviations: SvO2: Mixed venous oxygen saturation; avDO2: arterio- venous oxygen difference; VO2:Oxygen consumption; DO2: Oxygen delivery; OER: Oxygen extraction ratio, P/F: PaO2/FIO2 ratio.
Figure S3: Hemodynamic effects of Esmolol infusion in LPS model
Relative variations (mean and SEM) in hemodynamics parameters are given from the beginning of the treatment, i.e T60-min, (Esmolol or SI) to the end of the experimentation (four hours of recording).
Linear mixed model analyses. Each point represents the mean value of the 5 pigs for the different hemodynamic parameters and the two groups (LPS and LPS-BB). Each hemodynamic signal was acquired with a frequency equal to 0.2 Hz. One point represents the mean value of ten minutes recording.
In the LPS BB group, the HR was decreased by 20% as expected. This level was maintained during all the experimentation. This HR decreasing was not associated with a cardiac index decreasing.
Abbreviations: PMBP: pulmonary mean blood pressure; resistance; PVR: Pulmonary vascular resistance.
Figure S4: Effects of Esmolol infusion on tissue oxygenation indices and respiratory variables
Linear mixed model analyses.
Abbreviations: SvO2: Mixed venous oxygen saturation; avDO2: arterio- venous oxygen difference; VO2:Oxygen consumption; DO2: Oxygen delivery; OER: Oxygen extraction ratio, PF: PaO2/FIO2 ratio.