Faculty Senate

Monday, November 20, 2006

Su-313, 4:00 – 5:30 pm

APPROVED 12/04/06

Attending: Lee Ayers, Cody Bustamante, Al Case, Anne Chambers, Prakash Chenjeri, Claire Cross, Terry DeHay, Daniel DeNeui, Gudrun Gill, Linda Hilligoss, Sarah Ann Hones, Julie Kochanek, Jean Maxwell, Kathleen McNeill, Gregory Miller, Emily Miller-Francisco, Michael Parker, Greg Pleva, Dan Rubenson, Alena Ruggerio, Kay Sagmiller, Daniel Wilson, Nick Young

Absent: Kemble Yates, Matt Stillman

Visitors: Mada Morgan, Marny Rivera, Dennis Slattery, John Sollinger, Mara Affre, Dan Morris, Paul Steinle, Jonathan Eldridge, Barbara Scott, Michael Naumes

I. Michael Parker daringly moved and Greg Miller heroically seconded the motion to approve the minutes from the 11/06/06 meeting of the Faculty Senate. The motion passed with one abstention from Claire Cross

II. Announcements

A. Sarah Ann Hones: The second week of registration is now completed, and more than 50% of student population is still not registered.

1. Pleva: what about the lists of students who have not yet registered that are arriving in our inboxes? They are a bit confusing.

2. Hones: the listmaker is Carl Moody. Sarah Ann will talk with him about the process.

III. Remarks from President Cullinan. President Cullinan was unable to attend this meeting of Faculty Senate

IV. Remarks from Provost Potter

A. Thank you to all who attended a Budget Forum last week. We will be able to dig into employment numbers after Thanksgiving. The difficulties are different data systems that make it a real challenge to get reports together.

B. The President is getting lots of comments. The press has asked for a copy of these comments, but the President guaranteed confidentiality to those sending in suggestions and questions, so any sharing she does with the press will be in summary form only. The Medford Mail-Tribune editorial published about SOU was supportive and positive. The legislative delegation is also supportive.

C. We’re in a comment period until December 15. The work is proceeding well.

V. AC Report from Faculty Senate Vice Chair Greg Miller

A. We met November 13. We spent a great deal of time discussing the President’s announcement from earlier that day, including how to clarify the steps of the process, explaining that the President is currently in Step 1 (this resulted in the all-faculty e-mail sent by Greg Pleva last week).

B. We talked about the focus of the blue ribbon budget task force. They will be reviewing the budgeting process at SOU and they do not have a role in allocating money with regard to Article 11.

VI. ASSOU Report from Nick Young

A. We recently returned from Northwest Student Leadership conference in Portland. They participated in workshops on a wide range of topics. They are trying to implement their knowledge and share it with others.

B. ASSOU fall term elections are November 27th-30th. Please share with your classes, Nick can provide times and places. There are 15 open positions and 23 applicants, with more applications coming in.

C. Pleva: were there questions about the Article 11 situation at the conference?

1. Young: No, these are student leaders who choose to be educated. They’ve talked about it in Senate, and encouraged their leaders to explain to other students what the facts are so they’re not hysterical.

VII. Information Item: Carpenter II Grants

A. Marny Rivera from the Faculty Development Committee presented the list of Carpenter II Grant recommendations.

B. Terry DeHay: How were different amounts determined?

1. Rivera: the criteria focused on the quality of the application. Each application must address the academic value of the meeting, the importance of the meeting, benefits to you, abd benefits to SOU. 36 applications were judged on quality and completeness, and whether the person is a presenter or attendee, with preference given to presenters.

C. Michael Parker: is that number higher?

1. Rivera: yes, probably due to reduced amounts in Professional Development Account funds.

D. Greg Pleva asked for general consent to do the business of accepting the Carpenter II Grant recommendations without the two-week rule. Michael Parker fearlessly moved and Dan Wilson courageously seconded the motion to accept the Carpenter II Grant recommendations. The motion passed unanimously.

VIII. Association of Oregon Faculties update from Kemble Yates

A. Kemble was not present to speak at this time

IX. Discussion Items: University Studies by Mada Morgan and Dennis Slattery

A. Mada presented a list of integration courses the University Studies Committee voted on last Tuesday and the reworded Explorations strands, goals, and proficiencies. These words can be changed and edited, but the USC is currently happy with the general flow of the language of strands, goals, and proficiencies.

B. We know that the process for Explorations courses and Integrations courses proposed into the winter will require more faculty input. The University Studies Committee may ask additional faculty from schools and disciplines to serve as advisory groups when looking at the courses. This gets everyone involved, shares the workload, and brings in expertise.

C. Eight courses have been brought today because committee had already looked at them and voted on. Then two more will be resubmitted, and two new ones just came in. If Senate oks this process, as soon as the USC approves them, they will be e-mailed to Faculty Senate, and included in the December vote.

D. Alena Ruggerio: Are multiple prerequisites for some of the classes a concern?

1. Mada Morgan: No, 2/3 of upper division integrations can be met within the majors. Of the 66 courses approved for integrations, and only 11 are considered “major courses” that would probably only be accessible to majors.

E. Anne Chambers: What about the blanks in the prerequisite column? 1. Mada Morgan: Those aren’t majors courses. The perquisites might not have been entered, or there are recommendations but not required prior courses.

F. Terry DeHay: Don’t they have to complete the lower division explorations before taking the integrations?

1. Mada Morgan: Yes, that is a given for all integration courses.

2. Dan Rubenson: But the Registrar computer does not check that when students are registering, it is an advising issue.

G. Prakash Chenjeri: What about the policy to vote on the courses e- mailed to us before the December vote?

1. Dan Rubenson: That could just require general consent.

X. Adjournment

Michael Parker valiantly moved and Dan Wilson bravely seconded the motion to adjourn.

Submitted by

Alena Amato Ruggerio

06-07 Faculty Senate Secretary