Faculty of Rehabilitation
Second level professional higher
education Master’s study programme
Social work
(code 4676201)
Accreditation documents
Programme director
Dr. phil., assist.prof. Lolita Vilka
Riga – 2007
Table of Contents
Application for study programme accreditation……………………..…..... 4
Self-evaluation of programme……………………...………………...... 5
Introduction…………………………………....…………………...... 6
1. Study programme aims and objectives………...... ………….. ….6
1.1. Expected results…………………………………...... …...... 7
2. Study programme organization…………………………...... 8
2.1. Conformity of study programme to RSU aims………………...... 8
2.2 Study programme structure…………………………………...... 9
2.3.Functioning of internal quality of study programme …………... 11
3. Annotation of study programme………………………………...... 12
3.1. Practice ……………………………………………………….....14
3.2. Evaluation of practice…………………………………………... 16
4. Evaluation system ……………………………………………...... 16
5. Practical implementation of study programme ……………………17
5.1. Study methods and forms used……………………...... 18
5.2. Research work of academic staff and its influence on
study work...... 19
5.3. Involvement of students into research projects……………….....19
6. Perspective evaluation of programme……………………...... 21
6.1. Conformity of study programme to professional
education standard ………………………...... 21
6.2. Questionnaires of employers on graduates’ employment
in further six years’ perspective……………………...... 23
7. Students…………………………………………………...... 24
7.1. Number of students in programme………………………………24
7.2. Involvement of students into study process organization …...... 24
8. Evaluation of academic staff involved into programme…...... 24
8.1. Selection, renewal, training and development policy
of academic staff for next six years...... 25
8.2. Scientific work of academic staff ………………...... 26
9. Sources of financing and provision of infrastructure……...... 28
10. Foreign relations……………………………...... 29
10.1. Cooperation with employers…………………………………....29
10.2. Questionnaires of employers……………………………………30
10.3. Cooperation with Latvian and foreign higher schools………….30
11. Programme comparison with other related study
programmes in Latvia and abroad...... ………...... 31
12. Summary ………………………………………………...... 37
12.1. Development of study programme …………………………...... 38
Appendix 1...... 41
Appendix 2 ...... 43
Appendix 3 ...... 45
Description of the study subject programme...... 50
Curriculum Vitae...... 88
The list of not added documents ...... 141
Added doccuments: ...... 142
Diploma supplement
Questionaire form for survey of students
Application for study programme accreditation
Riga Stradiņš university is applying for accreditation a professional Master’s study programme.
Title of higher education programme: Social work
Code of higher education programme: 4676201
Length for study programme implementation: 1,5years for full-time studies and
2 years for part-time stuiess.
Volume of study programme implementation: 60 credit points.
Place of higher education programme implementation:
Rīga Stradiņš University Faculty of Rehabilitation..
Type and form of study programme implementation: full-time and part-time studies.
Requirements, starting study programme: professional Bachelor’s degree in
Social work; social pedagogics ori pedagogics; sociology;managements;
pychology; socially caritative work; nursing; public health;
rehabilitation specialities: physiotherapy,occupational therapy,speech therapy or
Degree to acquire and qualification: professional Master’s degree in social work;
Title of higher educational establishment: Rīga Stradiņš University,Nr. of registration certificate: 3341202042.
Legal address and telephone: Dzirciema iela 16, Rīga, LV-1007.Telephone: 7457605.
A person, authorized to deal with accreditation questions:
Dr. phil.,assist.prof. Lolita Vilka, RSU Faculty of Rehabilitation, director of Academic School of Social Work.
RSU Dean’s Council RSU Senate session
Session on on
record Nr...... record Nr......
Second level professional higher education
Master’s study programme
(code 4676201)
Volume of study programme implementation: 60 credit points.
Length of study programme implementation: 1,5 years full-time studies and
2 years part-time studies.
Type and form of study programme implementation: full-time and part-time studies.
Acquired degree: professional Master’s degree in social work.
Place of higher education programme implementation:
Rīga Stradiņš Universiy Faculty of Rehabilitation .
In accordance with the Decision Nr. 774 of Study programme licencing commission of LR Ministry of Education and Science, dated on December 16, 2005, a licence was issued to Rīga Stradiņš University professional higher education study programme „Social work” (code 4676201) to acquire a professional Master’s degree. Licence Nr. 04055-16.
Study programme is being implemented in accordance with the decision of RSU Senate meeting on May 18, 2004, protocol Nr. 1-2/18.05.04.
Study programme was begun in the academic year 2005/2006, May 18, and is now being implemented in a form of part-time studies.
Since the study programme is only at the very beginning of its implementation, its self-evaluation comprises the information just on the implemented process, as well as on what it might look in perspective.
Self-evaluation of the study programme is written in correspondence with the Regulations Nr.821 of the Cabinet of Ministers, dated on October 3, 2006.
1. Study programme aims and objectives
The aim of professional higher education Master’s study programme „Social work” is: to perfect and to expand the professional competence in the field of a social worker, to stimulate professional creativeness and research, and to prepare for pedagogical work in the education of social work.
1. To extend understanding on the tendencies of professional social work in the world and in Europe, to promote the learning of the latest achievements in the professional field.
2. To develop and improve research and professional skills.
3. To enlarge the learning of pedagogical skills.
4. To improve professional knowledge and skills, by more deeper learning of „psychosocial work”, specificity of social work in „palliative care” and „structural social work”.
1.1. Expected results
Considering the LR professional standard requirements for Social work specialists, as well as the synthesis of practice, modern approach and international experience, a professional Master’s (MA) study programme in social work has been worked out with a tendency to social workers’ perfection, by paying deeper attention to studies of „psychosocial work”, „palliative care” and „structural social work” when choosing a specialization..
The tendency of study programme requires a certain determination in professional training of specialists in social work, and opens new opportunities to develop the practice in the branches of social work, and the subbranch of science of social work..
After having acquired a Master’s degree, social workers are provided also with possibilities for further education in RSU PhD study programme in Social sciences in the sociology subbranch „Social policy and organization of social work”..
Expected result: students are given a chance to perfect and extend their professional knowledge and skills in the three interest areas in social work. Studies will facilitate the perfection of specialists’ qualification in social work, and the acquired knowledge and skills will ensure them to work effectively in the structures of social services, rehabilitation and health care services, and to deal with research and academic work.
By choosing to study deeper Structural social work, social workers who have acquired Master’s degree, will be competent to carry out the following main professional tasks:
· To study the specific character of social needs of separate individuals, community or society, types of social problems, causality and to prognose the developmental tendencies;
· To analyze and develop the community and state social policy and social programmes correspondingly to social needs;
· To make the expertise of the community social services and the evaluation of social institution work;
· To get involved and participate in intergovernmental events and programmes in the field of social policy and welfare;
· To analyze the policy and welfare system of various countries;
· To use the rules and regulations of EU social policy;
· To realize the advocacy and non-discrimination practice in respect to vulnerable social groups and individuals;
· To realize an adequate strategy in protection of patients/clients’ interests and rights.
In more extended studied in Psychosocial work and palliative care, students will be able to:
· To render psychosocial assistance; to promote patients/clients and their family members’ psychosocial functioning and adaptation to the disease, while working with clients in the medical environment;
· To solve social functioning problems of families;
· To diagnose psychosocial functioning problems, to plan and realize the intervention;
· To ensure social treatment of elderly people, to encourage the elderly people’s interaction with the social environment;
· To apply the psychotherapy principles, approach and methods in work with various client groups;
· To apply the group therapeutic intervention theories and methods.
Master’s students will increase their knowledge and skills in the field of research, project writing, management and pedagogics, which will provide skills
· To use research methods for social needs and sevices with competence
· In quality analysis and its assessment;
· To run social institutions;
· To make supervision of social workers and social work;
· To do academic work in the education of specialists in social work.
2. Study programme organization.
2.1. Conformity of study programme to RSU aims
Professional Master’s study programme in Social work is being realized at RSU Faculty of Rehabilitation, Academic School of Social Work (ASSW).
Study programme is realizing its aims in accordance with RSU strategic aims, according to the University Constitution, being in line with the Statutes of the Faculty of Rehabilitation, the Statutes of the Rehabilitation Institute, Social laboratory and the Statutes of the Academic School of Social Work, which envisage to train qualified social work specialists, whose knowledge, skills, professional competence and the values correspond to the character of the contemporary transitional society. (see the Statutes in Appendix).
Study programme is implemented in cooperation with other RSU faculties and the Academic Schools of the Faculty of Rehabilitation and the Social laboratory of the Rehabilitation Institute.
In the programme implementation there are involved also the governmental and municipal institutions (Social service department of the Ministry of Welfare, Social assistance service of Riga Kurzeme district, Social assistance service of Riga Ziemeļu district, as well as RSU clinical practice centres, - State Rehabilitation Centre „Vaivari”, Riga Stradiņš hospital, Children’s Clinical University hospital (CUH), etc.).
Working out of study programme, its implementation and development is coordinated by RSU Faculty of Rehabilitation, the Academic School of Social Work.
The structural unit of the Academic School of Social Work comprises 7 staff workers: director/assistant professor of the structural unit, 1 associated professor, 2 acting lecturers, 1 acting assistant, study methodologist and a laboratory assistant. The existing number of the staff of the Academic School is in line with the number of students and provides a qualitative study process in the suggested study programme.
2.2. Structure of study programme
Study programme has been worked out on the basis of LR Higher School law, LR Cabinet of Ministers Regulations Nr 481 on the second level professional higher education state standard and LR professional standard requirements of Social work specialists (Ministry of Education and Science, June 6, 2002, Nr. 351, in accordance with the Regulations Nr.131 of the Cabinet of Ministers of March 26, 2002), as well as taking into account the basic principles worked out by the International Association of Clinical Social workers in the field of speciality of social workers, the Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers Nr.133 on the order of licencing of study programmes implemented in a Higher Educational Establishment.
Professional Master’s study programme comprises 50 credit points (CP), which correspond to 90 ECTS (European credit point score system).
Programme has been worked out in correspondence with the structure stated in Regulations of LR CM 481.:
Table Nr.1.
RSUFull-time studies / Part-time studies
Study time / 1,5 years / 2 years
Volume of study programme / 60 KP / 90 ECTS / 60 KP / 90 ECTS
Number of credit points per year / 40 KP / ECTS / 30 KP / 45 ECTS
Study courses which provide learning of the latest achievements in theory and practice in the specific field / 22 KP / 33 ECTS / 22 KP / 33 ECTS
Research, innovation, project work and management courses / 6 KP / 9 ECTS. / 6 KP / 9 ECTS.
Pedagogics and psychology courses / 4 KP / 6 ECTS / 4 KP / 6 ECTS
Practice / 8 KP / 12 ECTS. / 8 KP / 12 ECTS.
State examination, including the writing of Master’s thesis and its defence / 20 KP / 30 ECTS / 20 KP / 30 ECTS
Degree acquired / Professional Master’s degree in social work / Professional Master’s degree in social work
Qualification / Social worker / Social worker
One credit point equals 40 CP/60 ECTS hours of a student’s full-time work. Within 1 CP, the proportion is taken into account of contact lessons and students’ individual work like 50%:50% for full-time students and 25%-30%: 75%-70% of part-time students.
In the implementation of study programme, the module and semester principle are used. (Time distribution for programme to be seen in Appendix Nr.1)
Content of study programme comprises study subjects, professional practice outside the university and the academic practice in the university, writing of a Master’s thesis and its defence.
To acquire the study programme, students are offered full-time studies in two regimes – full-time and part-time regime. Full-time studies provide lessons to be attended every day.
Students under part-time study regime learn one full working day each week and extra 2-3 Saturdays in a semester. Part-time students have a greater individual work load.
Undertaking the realization of the programme, no changes were introduced in its structure in comparison to the licenced programme.
2.3. Functioning of internal quality of study programme
Master’s study programme in Social work is carried out at Rīga Stradiņš University, which is the first higher school in Latvia, which has got an international Quality Management system certificate ISO 9001:2001. Consequently, study programme management quality is being implemented in accordance with ISO standard for the Higher School management process.
Provision of internal quality of study programme is realized in various ways.
1) In order the study process proceeds successfully, all teaching plans and the necessary academic resources are worked out and approved by the Senate prior to the beginning of the current academic year;
2) During the academic year, at the end of each semester, the analysis of fulfillment of the study plans are discussed in the structural unit, highlighting its weak and strong sides, and considering the conclusions, then the ways are looked for the improvement of the study process quality.
3) A very important role is attributed to the provision of internal quality of study programme by having a feedback from the Academic School of Social Work and the students. At the end of study subjects and the semester, the questionnaires are made for students, to find the students’ point of view on the realization of the programme.