Title of Course Unit
/ Artistic AnathomyCode / NBB_RA936G2
Department / Department of Graphic and Visual Arts
Semester / autumn
Contact Hours Weekly/Total / 2
Prerequisites / -
ECTS Credits / 2
Language / English
Mandatory/Elective / Mandatory
Contact Person / Istvan Eröss dr.
Course Description / Within the framework of the subject, students will get to know with the dimensions of human body, its alterations from birth to death, differences of male and female body etc. They will get an insight into the function, contexture and structe of bony and muscular systems. They will be introduced to their formal features and function. Researches will be executed on those bones and muscles that are positioned close to the surface of the body, thus easily visible for the spectators.
Readings / · Jenő Barcsay: Anatomy for the Artist
· Gottfried Bammes: die Gestalt des Menschen, Otto Maier Verlag
Assessment / Practical mark
Title of Course Unit
/ Colour Studies 1Code / NBB_RA948G3
Department / Department of Graphic and Visual Arts
Semester / autumn
Contact Hours Weekly/Total / 2
Prerequisites / -
ECTS Credits / 3
Language / English
Mandatory/Elective / Mandatory
Contact Person / Istvan Csaba György dr.
Course Description / Preparatory-like. Students will acquired professional skills in a system connected closely to the theoretical knowledge. Although it is practical-like - and based mostly on work in the workshop – still we think that it’s important to adjust the curriculum to the theoretical field of cultural history. This subject is on of the basic subjects of contemporary visual communication, thus on one hand it provides the basis of two dimensional visualization, and on the other hand it can provide the basis to three dimensional visualization and can be the theoretical and practical basis of light as a form of expression.
Once finishing the preparatory phase, students start further training such as composing colours and knowledge concerning painting and technology (be it art, or anything connected to visual communication).
Its domains are: paint colours, tools of painting, types of paints and their contents. The use and history of paints. Introduction to alternative technologies. The colour of the picture. The compositional principles. Harmony-relations.
Readings / Johannes Itten: The Art of Color.
Kurt Wehte: The materials and techniques of painting, Van Nostrand Reinhold 1975
Assessment / Practical mark
Title of Course Unit
/ Colour Studies PracticeCode / NBB_KA 140G3
Department / Department of Graphic and Visual Arts
Semester / autumn
Contact Hours Weekly/Total / 3
Prerequisites / -
ECTS Credits / 3
Language / English
Mandatory/Elective / Mandatory
Contact Person / Istvan Csaba György dr. (Borgo)
Course Description / In the education of the subject, relevant accomplishments of international contemporary art will get great emphasis. We will also deal with differences between the significant Hungarian accomplishments of Antal Nemcsik and the traditional Itten-like approach.
- the colour of the world, the physics of colour phenomena, principles of sensation
- colours of paint, tools of painting
- the colour of the picture, compositional principles of colour, its characteristics in the picture collective
- relationships of harmony
Readings / Johannes Itten: The Art of Color: The Subjective Experience and Objective Rationale of Color, Wiley; 1997
Assessment / Practical mark
Title of Course Unit
/ Drawing-Painting 1Code / NBB_RA919G4
Department / Department of Graphic and Visual Arts
Semester / autumn
Contact Hours Weekly/Total / 4
Prerequisites / -
ECTS Credits / 4
Language / English
Mandatory/Elective / Mandatory
Contact Person / Istvan Eröss dr.
Course Description / The aim of the subject: Development of space space-perception that includes also the reading and the theoretical and real reconstruction of spatial perception, spatial representation and the depicted space. Demonstration of the relationship of visual spatiality and real space-perception (application of line perspective, the texture of surfaces, the character of forms, proportions, light-shadow relations, corporality, self- and casted shadow, covering, air perspective).
During the semester it is important to lay the foundations of visual observation.
Readings / · Rudolf Arnhaim: Art and Visual Perception
· René Berger: Discovery of painting
· György Kepes: The language of vision; Dover Publications 1995
Assessment / Practical mark
Title of Course Unit
/ Techniques in PaintingCode / NBB_KA110G4
Department / Department of Graphic and Visual Arts
Semester / autumn
Contact Hours Weekly/Total / 4
Prerequisites / -
ECTS Credits / 4
Language / English
Mandatory/Elective / Mandatory
Contact Person / Istvan Eröss dr.
Course Description / Description:
Aim of the training:
Theoretical and practical systematization of the complex of visualisation techniques on a historical level.
By introducing students to the techniques of depiction we try to give theoretical and practical assistance to the subjects of „Professional basics”, „Drawing-painting” and on the specialization of „Visualization” subjects as „Visualization studio practice” and Alternative visualization. We also intend to accomplish the knowledge of depiction techniques in art history.
The mode of interpretation: 5th semester Colloquium, 6th semester practical marks
- Water based pictorial techniques: aquarelle
- Evolution of pictorial thinking and water based painting techniques from cave art through medieval codex representations to the appearance of independent aquarelle works (Dürer)
- Aquarelle in the great artistic periods
- Similarities and differences of aquarelle and fresco
- Modern aquarelle from Turner to our days
- Tools, materials and the most significant creators of the aquarelle
- The technique of gouache - a transition between aquarelle and tempera-like depiction
Wood dye- a special form of aquarelle
Readings / Kurt Wehlte: The materials and techniques of painting, Van Nostrand Reinhold 1975
Cézanne, Paul: Paul Cézanne, letters, Da Capo Press; 1995
Delacroix Eugéne: The Journal of Eugene Delacroix
Assessment / Practical mark