
Campus Name:

TELPAS Coordinator:

TELPAS Coordinator Signature:______

Principal’s Signature:______

Review/Approval Date:______

Submit to Districtwide Testing Coordinator

Discuss submission method with DWTC

TELPAS fulfills federal requirements for assessing all LEP students in K-12 and is utilized in state accountability. All LEP identified students (including parent denials) must be assessed and accounted for during the entire TELPAS assessment window. For High School, any non-ADA enrolled LEP student that is solely enrolled for TAKS purposes and not enrolled in any courses to earn credits are not required to participate in TELPAS. It is imperative to ensure the accuracy of all student identification information (PEIMS ID, student name, and date of birth), demographic program information (i.e. ethnicity, at-risk, etc.) and the years in U.S. school because it is part of the student’s permanent record and affects accountability ratings.

Responsibility of CTC for PEIMS verification include:

TC’s Initials / Requirements
Review LEP report and compare all program information to original information in student folders.
Any discrepancies or errors are immediately corrected in PEIMS at the campus level.
Periodically run LEP rosters prior and throughout assessment window to ensure all LEP students are correctly identified in PEIMS.
Ensure all newly enrolled LEP students are assessed and accounted for in TELPAS.
Ensure and verify “Years in US Schools” is entered.

Who is responsible for ensuring, verifying and making corrections to all data components for all LEP students in PEIMS?

Verifiers and Raters

How many students will be holistically rated (remember to include all LEP student K-12 and parent denials)?

How will you communicate the online training requirements to your identified Verifiers and Raters? How will you verify that training has been completed?

What will be the procedure for Calibration on your campus (Calibration Sets must be completed in a monitored environment)?

If a rater needs another teacher to assist in rating because they failed the second calibration set, what is the procedure to inform the teachers and verify that it has been completed?


*Raters can only rate LEP students currently assigned in their class.

List holistic raters below:

(PE, Music, Another Teacher of Record)

What is the writing collection process? Who will collect writing samples? How will they be collected (ex. by grade level, by teacher, by content area)?

How will writing samples be stored?


Verifiers review writing collections before raters rate them. Verifiers cannot be raters. Who will your verifiers be (list them below)? Will you train back-up verifiers?

What is the procedure to inform verifiers and ensure they have completed the training modules?


What will the process be to check out/check in writing collections for verifiers to ensure the collection is valid?

After verification, what will be the process of returning writing collections for raters to rate?

There should be collaboration with other teachers during rating for the listening and speaking domains as required for SAISD’s Validity & Reliability process (collaborative teachers sign the rating roster)? What is the procedure to inform the teachers and verify that it has been completed?

Once writing collections have been verified and rated who will enter student ratings into the online management system?

TELPAS Coordinator


Rating Entry Assistant

Grades 2-12 Reading


Prior to administering the reading online portion of TELPAS, all participating students who are taking TELPAS for the first time must first utilize the TELPAS student tutorial to become familiar with the testing environment and test format. The actual reading test will not contain sample items. The student tutorial is a resource practice site and does not require a login or special software.

What are the designated dates for students to practice the reading TELPAS student tutorial?

Who will verify students had an opportunity to practice the TELPAS reading student tutorial?

Computer Checks

What will the procedure be for ensuring that computers are ready for testing?

Campus Operational Plan Reminder

A copy of campus procedures (testing day schedule, staff and student locations, modified specials/lunch schedules, procedures for late arrivals, etc.) must be provided to all staff members including front office personnel to ensure all staff is aware of test assignment roles and where to locate students.

Campus Logistics

Students must know prior to the day of testing where they will be reporting to. How will your campus notify students of their room assignments?


What time will your campus begin checking out materials?

What is the location of Materials Check Out/In?

Staff Members Assigned to Assist with Materials Check Out/In

Breakfast in the Classroom

Describe the procedure. (Address the following: Who will assist in delivering breakfast? Picking up trash? How long will students have to eat? How do you ensure that materials stay secure during breakfast? Who will monitor students during breakfast?)

Start Time

What is the approximate start time to begin testing for the campus?


What is the procedure for taking attendance? Who will assist in making attendance calls?

All students are required to be tested during the window. What will be the procedure to test students who are absent on their assigned day to be tested before the window closes?

Late Students

What is the procedure for students arriving late?

Student Arrives Before Testing Begins / Student Arrives After Testing Begins
Where will the student report?
Will the student eat breakfast? Where?
Who will read directions?
Where will student test?

Test Administration

How many students will complete the online reading test?

Grade / Number of Students

Online Reading Test Administrators (can be any certified teacher)

Test Administrator Name / Room Location / Grade(s) / Number of Students

What are your procedures for test administrators to handout student authorization forms? How will test administrators verify that students receive the correct student authorization form?

What are your procedures for letting test administrators know that relievers are trained test administrators?


Complete table below of all test administrator relievers (must be trained test administrators):

Relievers / Relievers


Complete table below of all hall and restroom monitors for this test administration (hall monitors only need to be trained in Security & Confidentiality):

Monitor / Location

What are your procedures for students to use the restroom?

What are your procedures for providing adequate supervision of halls and/or restrooms?


List the names of staff members responsible for specific lunch duties during testing:

Name / Specific Lunch Duty

What is the procedure for lunch? Will there be an altered schedule?

If snacks are available, describe your campus plan for snacks below.

Describe the campus procedure for lunch (Will there be a modified lunch schedule? Will students eat in the classroom? Will students go through the lunch line? Who will monitor students?):


Who is responsible for checking rooms for restricted materials on display?

What is the deadline for checking testing rooms?

Will furniture need to be moved and/or rearranged? Yes No

If yes, who is responsible to ensure furniture is moved/re-arranged?

Student Identification (Secondary Only)

Students must be identified correctly upon entering testing sites. If you are a large campus and/or the test administrator does not personally know all of the students he/she will be testing, we recommend that students present identification at the door to ensure the correct students are tested.

Will your campus be checking student IDs at the door for this assessment administration?

Yes No


State of Texas Texas Education Agency

County of Dallas Dallas ISD Student Assessment Program

Oath of Test Security and Confidentiality

For Non-Certified Personnel

My role in test administration is:

o Test Administrator o Hall Monitor o Restroom Monitor o Not directly involved o Other______


FOR ALL NON-CERTIFIED PERSONNEL: Complete this section before handling any secure test materials.

I do hereby certify, warrant, and affirm that I will fully comply with all requirements governing the State Assessment Program and do hereby certify the following by initialing to the left of the statements below and including the date where applicable:


______I have received training on test administration procedures, and I understand my responsibilities concerning the administration of state assessments.

______I am aware that testing procedures require me to actively monitor during test administrations as appropriate to my role;

______I understand my responsibilities, and I am aware of the range of penalties that may result from a departure from the documented test administration procedures;

______I understand my obligations concerning the security and confidentiality of state assessments, and I am aware of the range of penalties that may result from a violation of test security and confidentiality; and

______I am aware of my obligation to report any suspected violations of test security or confidentiality to the campus testing coordinator.

I do hereby further certify, warrant, and affirm that I will faithfully and fully comply with all requirements concerning test security and confidentiality.

Signed on this the ______day of ______, 20______.


Signature of Non-Certified Personnel Printed Name of Non-Certified Personnel


Signature of Certified Supervising Educator Printed Name of Certified Supervising Educator


Campus Name Area code/Telephone # County-District #


Required Campus Documentation

Campus: TELPAS Coordinator:_

Starting Window Date:_ Ending Window Date:

General Security Confidentiality
Training Sign-in / ___ Yes / ___ No
Writing and Rating Training Sign-In / ___Yes / ___No
Reading Training Sign-In / ___Yes / ___No
Calibration Sign-in and Seating Charts / ___Yes / ___No
Rater Oaths / ___Yes / ___No
Verifier Oaths / ___Yes / ___No
Reading TA Oaths / ___Yes / ___No
LEP Rosters / ___Yes / ___No
Rating Rosters / ___Yes / ___No
Reading Seating Charts / ___Yes / ___No
Test Monitoring Log
“O” (Other) Score Code Form / ___Yes / ___No
Incident Reports / ___Yes / ___No

(E) Extenuating Circumstances Documentation

For any student coded as (E) for any rating domain of Listening, Speaking, Reading, or Writing a statement must be provided along with supporting documentation explaining the extenuating circumstance.

___Yes ___No

Campus Tech Information


Cell number______Email______

Supervisor’s name______Supervisor’s email______

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