Faculty Meeting Agenda
October 19, 2012
Announcements / Dean’s Report
Career Coach - Ashley Dale
Music Library - Karen Little
Standing Committee Reports
Awards Committee
Diversity Committee
Faculty Committee
MOTION to amend Bylaws:
Section 1. The faculty shall consist of tenured, tenure-track (probationary), or term-contract (non-tenurable) faculty who hold the rank of instructor, assistant
professor, associate professor, and professor in the School of Music. Faculty shall also include lecturers as appointed by contract by the Dean.
Section 2. All full-time members of the faculty may vote on all issues brought before them, except that only full-time tenured and probationary faculty may vote on tenure and promotion, as per the Policy Manual.
Graduate Studies Committee
Music Library Committee
Personnel Committee
Scholarship Committee
Student Academic Grievance Committee
Technology Committee
Undergraduate Studies Committee
Selection of Outstanding Student for Winter Commencement
Other Business
Dean’s Report
Faculty were reminded about observing our new guidelines for events.
The bookstore needs Spring 2013 semester textbook and course materials orders by October 30 to be compliant with the federal government Higher Education Opportunity Act. Action now allows students to see textbook and course materials information as they register for classes and helps them receive more money at buy-back. The UofL bookstore shares textbook and course materials information with other off-campus bookstores that request the information.
Faculty should review biographies and photos currently on the school website. If you don’t have a bio, please write one (150-250 words) and email to Debbie Hawley. If you would like a new photo for the site, or you need one to post, please notify Matt Crum.
Next week the school will distribute our inventory of music alumni for faculty input and updating.
Michelle Thompson, new undergraduate advisor, begins her work in the school on October 30.
Shawn Brock, new piano technician, is relocating to Louisville from Las Vegas, and will begin at the school on November 7.
The replacement position in Music History / Literature is underway, with application review commencing November 12.
The Music Education position almost ready to launch, with search committee invitations to be extended.
Anne Marie de Zeeuw announced her retirement last week. Permission will be sought from Provost’s Office to retain the faculty line resources and commence a search for a successor.
LL22 renovations will begin later this month to create an on-site clinic for music therapy services to begin operations in January.
The roof and skylights will be replaced from spring hail damage.
Video screens on Cardinal Blvd. are not yet operational; eventually online data input will be managed by Angela Keene and Matt Crum.
School groups that want to use our facilities, particularly for concerts in our hall, pay for that use at our most discounted rate. However, if a faculty member or program sponsors the school event, the event belongs to the school and qualifies for our $50 charge only IF the faculty member is involved in the event in some meaningful way; adjudicator, clinician, conductor, performer, etc.
Update on Reorganization of the School
Weekly meetings of ad hoc advisory committee membership (Naomi Oliphant, Jack Ashworth, Krista Wallace-Boaz, Stephen Mattingly, Dean Doane)
Two organizational structures within the School: Departments (or divisions), and Areas.
o Departments (divisions) for purposes of making faculty committee assignments, annual faculty reviews and personnel actions, course scheduling, university reporting, budget administration.
o Areas for course staffing recommendations and curricular recommendations
Areas within Department (division) of Music Performance Studies would be:
o Applied Music Studies
§ Wind and Percussion Studies
§ Orchestral Strings, Harp, and Classical Guitar
§ Keyboard Performance and Pedagogy
§ Voice
§ Jazz
§ Includes literature, pedagogy, like instrumental ensembles
o Ensemble Performance and Leadership
§ Conducted ensembles
§ Chamber music and coached ensembles
§ Conducting studies and leadership
Areas within Department (division) of Music Foundations and Professional Studies would be:
o Theoretical Studies
o History and Literature
o Creative Studies and Composition
o Music Therapy
o Music Education and Certification
Still under discussion: Implications for policy document amendments, administrative leadership and staff support, allocation of budget resources (general funds to departments, endowments and gift funds to areas). Financial aid will continue to be administered centrally.
It was noted that the role of Department Chair was eliminated from the school’s organizational structure around 2000, with the suggestion to the committee to be well aware of expectations for department chairs outlined in the Redbook.
Ashley Dale, career coach for the School of Music and College of Education & Human Development, outlined various ways that students as well as faculty on their behalf can utilize services and initiatives of the Career Development Center.
Karen Little reported that recent Music Library user statistics and gate counts have remained consistent; however spot checking areas of the library have revealed disturbing drops. Most students never get
beyond the computer area and do not appear to be using the physical resources much at all. She and
her staff are eager to reverse this trend so that students leave school with some fundamental library skills to enhance lifelong learning, and suggested that faculty might possibly incorporate meaningful library components into the music curriculum. To help focus their efforts, a brief survey has been posted on Survey Monkey for the next week for music faculty input, and one-on-one assistance is available to faculty any time to help develop such course assignments.
Amber Colliver, music therapy student, was elected as the outstanding student nominee for December graduation.
Standing Committee Reports
Technology: The committee met recently with Matt Crum to provide advice about content and layout of the new school website under development. A mock-up of the site should be available for review soon.
Faculty: In response to a recently-noticed discrepancy in the Bylaws about who is eligible to vote in promotion and tenure cases, the committee proposed an amendment illustrated in the agenda above. There was general agreement with this language with no discussion. The next step in the procedure is distribution of the final version of the proposed amendment, then voting by paper ballot.
Undergraduate Studies: Anne Marie de Zeeuw presented three motions, digests of which are attached to the file copy of these minutes. By this point in the meeting the quorum was lost, so no actions could be taken.
Motion 1: New 3-hour, undergraduate elective course in dance. Concern was expressed about this being a 3-hour course in view of several other elective courses set at 2 hours. After some discussion, it was suggested that rather than speculate and recommend changes to the proposal, the dance faculty should be invited to the next meeting to discuss their vision of the course. Karen Little noted that library resources in dance would need to be concurrently updated, since the library stopped collecting in this area in 1990 when collegiate dance was eliminated by the central administration.
Motion 2: New 3-hour, undergraduate elective course, Dance Theatre.
Motion 3: Modify prerequisite for MUS 137-01, Percussion Methods.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 a.m.
Respectfully submitted by Deborah Hawley