Faculty of Management and Technology  Nationalestraat 5  B-2000 Antwerpen

International Relations Office  T +32 3 613 16 00  F +32 3 613 13 01

Bachelor of Business Management

International Business

Your career, our business.


Academic year 2018-2019

See checklist and explanations in IBS admission 2018-19 on IBS website.

Application period / Start: December 4th 2017
Deadline: April30th 2018 (non EEA citizens)
June 20th 2017 (EEA + local citizens who do not have a TOEFL or IELTS certificate)
Once filled out electronically and signed, this application form together with all necessary documents must be sent to / Only via e-mail to:
Documents to be attached / -degree/certificate higher education (if available)
-identity card or Passport
-English language certificate
-APS certificate (for Chinese applicants)
Before filling out this form please read it carefully, save it as a Word-document, complete it electronically, then print and sign it. Make sure that you respect the deadlines !
Once you’ve been accepted and the enrolment is finalised ( by paying the tuition fee), you will need to take the original documents with you when you come to Belgium!

1. Personal details

Family name (surname)
First name(s) (given name)
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Place of birth
Born in Belgium?
Also fill out your “rijksregisternummer”
Gender (male/female/x)
Civil status (single/cohabiting/married)
Residence address home country:
House number
Zip Code
Mobile phone number
Emergency phone number
Found out about IBS –KdG via
(Choose only 1 answer) / word of mouth current student
website bachelorstudies.com
bachelor & more study in flanders
social media fair
Keystone Sqore agent

2. Educational data

Name of secondary school
Address:Street + Number
Postal Code
Official name of degree/certificate
Number of study years
Full secondary education degree obtained?[1] / Yes No Expected: …./…../……
Date of issue of secondary education degree
HIGHER EDUCATION (University or University College)
Name of higher education institution
Address:Street + Number
Postal Code
Official name of degree/certificate
Number of study years
Bachelor degree obtained?[2] / Yes No
Master degree obtained?[3] / Yes No
Date of issue of higher education degree

Have you already attended a study year in the Flemish education system? Yes / No[4]

If so, was this:

- secondary education? Yes / No

- higher education? Yes / No
And if so, did you pass? Yes / No

Have you attached the required language level certificate ? Yes / No[5]
If not attached now, the required language level certificate will be delivered:
- by IELTS, KdG, others:
- Before :(date)

I would like to register myself for the KdG test

For those who do not have a TOEFL or IELTS language certificate, and can come to our campus in person.

Tests are always on a Wednesday afternoon (from 14-18 GMT+1)

February 7, 2018

March 14, 2018

May 2, 2018

May 30, 2018

June 20, 2018

Buddy student:

Recommended for students who are not familiar with European higher education system

I would like to request a buddy student for the first couple of weeks

4. Brief motivation why you wish to study IBS

(at least 100 words)

5. Enrollment information

For how many credits do you wish to enroll?[6]
Number of your bank account[7]
Country of issue of this bank account
Name of person holding this bank account
Proof of solvency KdG procedure / I request the proof of solvency procedure via KdG University College
This is not a request for financial support such as scholarships, this is a request for a visum related procedure as described in our brochure.

7. Declaration

I declare that the information I have provided in this application is accurate.
Signed (by the applicant)Date:

[1] Tick the appropriate box.

[2]Tick the appropriate box.

[3]Tick the appropriate box.

[4]Circle the appropriate answer.

[5]Circle the appropriate answer.

[6] A full first year accounts for 60 credits. If you want to enroll for the whole first year, you answer this question with ’60’.

[7] This information is needed for the payment of the admission fee and will not be used for any other reasons nor will it be given to any other person.

[8] Only for bank accounts issued in the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.

[9] Only for bank accounts issued in the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.