Minutes of the EC 6
Faculty Association
Suffolk Community College
Minutes of the Executive Council
April 12, 2007
Ammerman Campus at Selden
Southampton 22
Officers: Ellen Schuler Mauk, Kevin Peterman, Joyce Gabriele, Marie Hanna, Sean Tvelia, Frank DiGregorio
Adjuncts: MaryAnne Ellinger, PA/Specialists Instructional Labs; Barbara Leek, PA/Specialists Academic Skills Centers; Maureen Sandford, PA/Specialist At-Large; Charles Grippi, Retiree/Guild; Pauline Pharr, Foreign Language/ESL/Sign Language/Music/Visual Arts/Philosophy; Nicholas Giordano, Econ/Hist/Pol Sci/Crim Justice/Psych/Counseling/Student Activities
PAs: Deborah Kiesel, Instructional Labs; Kathy Massimo, Programmatic
Ammerman: Michael Bonanno, Math;; Karen Pepe, Counseling; Adam Penna, English; Bob Sardegna, Engineering, Computer Science, Industrial Technology; Lisa Aymong, Nursing, Health & Human Services, PE
East: Laurey Russo, Library, Humanities, Social Sciences
Grant: John Burgess; Natural & Health Sciences, Math & PE; Mohini Ratna, Library Arts, Counseling, Library
Schuler Mauk called the meeting to order at 3:50 p.m.
Approval of Minutes:
The following correction to the minutes was made:
· Page 3 & 5 - grammatical corrections
· Page 4 – date for “Housing 101” on the East campus will be held April 18th.
Grippi motioned to approve the minutes as corrected; F. DiGregorio seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved as corrected.
EC Rep Issues:
· Russo requested a list of the faculty members in the East Campus Dean search and asked if there is a protocol for electing faculty in administrative searches. Schuler Mauk stated that there is a protocol for a faculty search but contractually the only requirement for administrative searches is that faculty must be notified of a vacancy. There is no requirement that faculty must be part of the administrative search. Russo expressed that there is a lack of representation from the Arts area in the East Campus Dean search. She would like to see that someone from the Arts be on this committee. Peterman stated that the College has the right to make their own choices. Schuler Mauk stated that perhaps in future negotiations we can talk about this.
· Russo asked if there was an opening for a PA in the instructional lab on the East Campus. Schuler Mauk stated that there isn’t any position open.
· Russo stated that she received a thank-you letter from one of her constituents, John Millett, complimenting the FA on the mentoring program.
· Penna reported that at the Senate Meeting info was shared that a Retention Saving Software Company wants to come in to fix the computer software which will increase class size SUNY wide. Tvelia indicated that the issue of Process Orientated Learning was discussed in his department as well which is designed to minimize faculty input in student learning and to utilize computerized learning modes that “may” be less expensive—but not produce a better or even adequate learning outcome. Schuler Mauk responded that class size is a contractual issue and that this cannot be superimposed here. What happens within SUNY does not necessarily apply at community colleges. SUNY faculty are represented by a different bargaining agent with a separate contract that may allow changes in class size. Our contract does not allow it.
· Pepe also reported that at the Academic Standards Committee, Judy Travers spoke to this issue of cost saving which can have an impact on all of us. The bottom line is: how much money can be saved.
· Schuler Mauk reported that she e-mailed John Williams about the parking lot issue. Mr. William stated that the pilot program to allow students to park in some faculty lots in the evening was reviewed before the Fall semester 2005 and this program will continue to allow students to park in faculty spaces after 5:45 p.m. if available. He will look into the problem in the GYM parking area.
Fair Trade Resolution:
A resolution on this issue was tabled at the last EC meeting. The resolution before the EC is based on a resolution passed at the 2006 Representative Assembly that supported education, awareness and purchasing fair trade products within the NYSUT membership. (see attachment). Schuler Mauk referred EC members to The WORD article and today Barbara Leek provided everyone (donated by her employer) with Starbucks coffee which supports Fair Trade. Schuler Mauk reported that she received a letter of support from Judith Taxier-Reinauer, Grant faculty.
Motion to accept the FA Fair Trade Resolution made by Peterman and seconded by Grippi. A discussion took place addressing the inclusion of an article in The WORD by an ESL student of Pauline Pharr whose family works on a co-operative and benefits from fair trade. Russo asked for the website address once again www.equalexchange.com and www.crsfairtrade.org . The motion was passed unanimously.
Certification of Election of EC rep in Nursing, Health & Human Services, and PE for remainder of unexpired term and next full two years:
Hanna reported that Lisa Aymong was elected. Certification was unanimous. Schuler Mauk welcomed Lisa with an FA bag full of goodies. Hanna reminded all that the EC election results for full time faculty are due on April 30. There wasn’t any need for any adjunct elections since only one name was nominated. There are vacancies in:
ComputerScience/Acct/Bus/Admin/Bus Law/Office Tech
Nominations for these adjunct EC positions are now closed. Since no one was nominated, these positions will remain vacant until next year’s elections at which time the election will be for a one year term.
New Member Program:
Schuler Mauk reported for Gruber the following:
· All new members, mentors and EC reps have received letters inviting them to the annual new member get-together. This year it will be held at “Painters” on May 4th at 3:30 p.m. for new members and their mentors and 4:30 p.m. for others.
· Mentors have been taking their mentees out to lunch again this semester.
· New white folders are ready for new members which includes a new logo which has reminders of the type of information that should go into the folders
Community Outreach:
Co-Chair Adam Penna reported the following:
· E-mailed to all EC reps all events with flyers to post
· At 11:15 a.m. on Wednesday, April 18th at the East campus, Kathie Rogers will present “Housing 101: All You Ever Wanted to Know About Buying a Home” in the Orient Building, Room 136.
· On Friday, April 20th Family Night at the Movies will have a screening of “Monsoon Wedding”, nominated for best foreign film, at 6:00 p.m. on the Grant Campus in the Van Nostrand Theatre.
· The AHRC Spring plant sale will take place on all three campuses - at Ammerman on 5/1, at Grant on 5/2 and at East on 5/3/07. Jenn Ortiz (Ammerman), Mohini Ratna (Grant) and Laurey Russo (East) will coordinate the sales..
· Spring “Day of Building” for the Habitat for Humanity will be May 5th from 9a.m. to 3 p.m. Lunch and coffee will be provided.
· There was a dedication ceremony of the house that was built in the fall. This was a very moving event.
· There will be a Community Outreach Committee meeting on May 3rd in Islip, Room 202.
· Check the Community Outreach web site for announcements
· On May 12th there will be a Habitat for Humanity Walk in Blydenburg Park.
· The committee will continue to sell raffle tickets and have the raffle prizes given out on the All College Day on September 11th to enable it to continue its Habitat for Humanity “day of building” program. Volunteers are needed to sell tickets on all three campuses.
Moving of Agenda to Announce Jerry Fallon Blood Drive:
· Schuler Mauk reported that there was a time lag between the request the FA received about donating blood for Jerry Fallon at Sloan Memorial Hospital and when he left the hospital. Jerry spoke to Schuler Mauk that he was now home and if it were not for others who donated their blood, he would not have gotten the transfusions he needed. He asked that the FA help replenish the blood supply so that others like him can use it in their need. Schuler Mauk encouraged all faculty to volunteer to staff the tables and to donate blood on the Ammerman Campus on April 18th and 19th and on the East Campus on April 18th. She asked all EC reps to remind their constituents to donate at the blood drive and to do it in honor of Jerry.
· Pepe reported that since it the blood drive is taking place during priority registration, counselors would not be available.
Legislative Update:
Peterman reported that the College held Legislature Appreciation Days on April 11th and April 12th. County Legislators Lindsey, Fisher, Browning, Kennedy, State Assemblymen Englebright and Senator LaValle met at Ammerman; County Legislator Romaine, State Assemblywoman Fields and State Senator Alessi met at East and Legislator Horsley attended at Grant. The students did a great job on all three campuses in their presentations of how SCCC is very meaningful in their lives.
AFT Higher Ed Issues/Conference Report:
Schuler reported that the officers and FA delegate attended the AFT Higher Ed conference in Portland, OR.
· The AFT Faculty and College Excellence Campaign was highlighted which supports legislation to increase the number of full-time faculty and pay and benefit equity for adjunct faculty on college campuses. At this conference 33 radio stations throughout the country broadcast discussions on this issue. There are 13 states that have introduced legislation thus far. NYS has not yet done but the NYSUT Higher Ed Council is working on it. The strong labor laws in NYS make such legislation more complicated to draft.
· Union Higher Ed Teaching Initiative – Schuler Mauk presented the FA’s New Member Program and the FA initiatives in conducting workshops on faculty professional issues, such as promotion and sabbaticals as well as the new faculty workshops on critical thinking & managing disruptive students that we cosponsor with the Office of the VP for Academic and Student Affairs.
· Miami Dade Community College is modeling their new member program on ours.
· Sam Ligon, a former FA officer, who is now teaching at Eastern Washington University in Spokane, attended this conference.
Officers’ Reports:
President’s Report:
Schuler Mauk did not report any additional information
Vice President’s Report:
Peterman reported that:
· Tenured Faculty Development Process doesn’t make sense. Now we have faculty on the list who have been here 10 years but are still going through the promotion process. This negates the original intent of this self assessment. Peterman has spoken with Canniff about revising the way the process is being implemented. Nothing has been done yet.
Treasurer’s Report:
Gabriele reported that:
· The February and March budget reports were distributed.
· There is nothing unusual to report.
· There has been an increase of one full time member since February.
Secretary’s Report:
Hanna reported that:
· The Faculty Development and Retraining Committee will be meeting to approve applications on Monday, April 16th. This meeting date was rescheduled due to illnesses of committee members.
· A College Brief was sent to all faculty stating that with the new contract the funding for Faculty Retraining and Development was increased to $30,000. Since there are some unallocated funds that can be awarded for use before August 2007, the College will accept applications for faculty development for Summer 2007 only. The faculty member can apply for financial assistance for professional development activities, including workshops, short courses, academic presentations, field research, seminars or other similar activities. A special faculty development application was created for this summer funding. The application must be completed and sent to Dr. James Canniff, Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs by April 27, 2007.
Grievance Officer’s Report:
Tvelia reports that:
· Working on a problem involving a supervisor calling in a faculty member to discuss student complaints about this individual. This one complaint led to a review of everything. From the FA’s perspective, unless a faculty member is shown a specific complaint in writing, there is no complaint.
· Assessment of Student Code of Conduct – met with Dave Bergen. The system works well so there will be no change in policy. However, there is an equity issue regarding how the College is handling complaints. If it is a faculty complaint made by a student, there is a hearing right away. If a faculty member reports that there is a student problem, the faculty is expected to deal with it. The resolve is that Bergen and Tvelia will work toward educating Department Chairs on proper policy. John Williams will be educating his security staff as well. In addition, sexual harassment complaint forms are being given to students BEFORE the complaint is given to the appropriate administrator. Thus the written complaint mentions the sexual harassment terminology when, in fact, the complaint may be about a different issues. Tvelia suggested that Bergen/appropriate administrator hear the complaint first before giving out a form.
· Abandonment Issue – Involving a Full time and one adjunct faculty member.
Adjunct Coordinator’s Report:
DiGregorio reports that:
· Attended a dinner for Legislator Barraga
· Copying machines are being programmed and will be available to all adjuncts on all 3 campuses by April 20th.
· Storage areas are being worked on at Grant and Ammerman
· Still working on the Guide for Adjuncts. The prototype will be out very shortly and will be given to adjuncts in the fall. EC members will get a preview copy at the FA Leadership Appreciation Dinner this year at the Port Jefferson County Club Lombardi’s on the Sound on June 6th.
Unfinished Business:
· Burgess asked if it is true that there is only an increase of $150 in state aid. Schuler Mauk confirmed the amount and indicated that it was $25 less/FTE than last year’s state aid increase. She has spoken with Ken LaValle about it.
New Business:
· None.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:36 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marie S. Hanna, Secretary