
Facts and figures

Over the five week period, approximately 50 different people came along at some time to receive some if not all of the teaching. Those who were unable to attend all the teaching sessions, had CD copies of the teachings they missed made available to them.

After receiving the teaching approximately 25 different people went out ‘on the doors’ with Keith. After the first week it was usual to have at least two teams out, and sometimes even three.

During the five weeks over 223 homes were visited, and many people received prayer, some received healing and 20 people made an initial commitment to Jesus.

The team

In many ways it seemed as if the whole church was part of the team. Even amongst those who did not come along to the teaching or the distribution, there were many who asked regularly about how things were going and were only too happy to be involved in praying for the work.

Appledore Baptist Church

The Micah team were introduced to Appledore Baptist Church through John and Joyce Sutherland, long standing friends who have worked with Micah in Cornwall from the early days in St Just, and continue to be part of the ‘texting’ prayer team up to the present.

John and Joyce had moved to Devon and whilst passing through Devon on the way back to Cornwall one time, K&P were able to call on John and Joyce. K&P had recently collected the then new Ploughing, Sowing and Reaping booklets, and Keith, being Keith, gave them a copy of the new book.

John, being John, said he would give the book to the Pastor at ABC (Appledore Baptist Church). John offered Andrew Littlejohn the book and mentioned that Micah was involved in delivering Bibles door to door. Andrew was pleasantly surprised as the Lord had been speaking to him about offering a Bible to each home in Appledore from when he had first arrived in Appledore.

Andrew checked on the Micah website and then contacted the Micah team, and invited someone from the ministry to visit.

The first visit took place in June 2011, a further visit took place for a long weekend in November 2011, and the Bible Distribution event was planned for May/June 2012, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Outreach in Appledore

The blessing for the Micah team is that, when they arrived there were many outreach activities already happening in the church and many more planned. Thank God they realised that the Bible Distribution is part of the outreach and not the whole thing.

K&P were thrilled to find that the church already had prayer breakfasts, luncheon clubs and a whole church breakfast.

It was so encouraging that the breakfast was part of the service, which underlined the importance of fellowship as part of the church family meeting together. Pauline is going to suggest these breakfasts to all the churches she attends.

New Testament Commitment

One young man who attended the church came along to the Bible delivery times. The first week he said he would rather pray than go out on the doors. He explained that he did not think he would be able to answer the questions that he might be asked.

The second time he came Keith asked him if he would like to go with him out on the doors. The young man said he would. When they got out to the car, Keith asked him if he was a Christian, and he replied that he did not really know.

Keith told him he needed to be sure, and the young man readily agreed to pray and ask Jesus to forgive his sins and come into his life. The two of them then went out to share their faith with others.

The young man continued to attend some of the Micah meetings and other church meetings and became freer in his faith. The Micah team were thrilled to hear that he was baptised not long after they left the area for the next training venue.

Thanks be to God for the mighty works He continues to do in and through us all.

Prayer times

There often many spiritual pictures, and portions of God’s word, whilst the prayer team supports the delivery teams. We would like to share some of these with you.

One was of a bag of Bibles with a pair of bolt cutters on the top. We were reminded that when the Bibles get into the houses it gives opportunity for the word of God to get into people’s lives and hearts, and this will cause the chains which hold them to be cut and finally destroyed so that they can live in wholeness.

We were caused to pray that when the non-Christians attended church functions they would be caused to be ‘arrested’ by the words of the hymns they were singing and made to stop and think.

We are very aware that many people put the Bibles they are given on a shelf or away in a cupboard, and one person prayed that the Bibles would be caused to ‘tumble out of the cupboards’. When this was shared Pauline continued by sharing the picture she had had many years previously in Hayle, of the Bibles like an incendiary device which at the touch of the Holy Spirit would burst into flames and catch people’s attention. As Pauline shared this more was added to the picture and prayer followed this time of sharing.

Big Bertha’s spot

Big Bertha’s measurements were requested to establish whether the lady would fit the spot (No lady should be asked for her measurements, but Bertha is not a proud lady)

Andrew and Penny Littlejohn measured there front garden and were sure she would fit. Little focus and Big Bertha arrived on a sunny Saturday morning and it was found that she comfortably and easily slotted in, and K&P had a wonderful view of the estuary, but sadly as Andrew and Penny lived in a bungalow and could mainly see only Big Bertha.

When came time for K&P to move on, Andrew and Penny had bought a small Romahome motor home and so when the parked it in the space where Bertha had been they had a number of witty comments about whether the big motor home had shrunk in the rain or if the larger lady had had a baby before moving on.



The Micah team met Tim and Anne Netherwood whilst on a summer camp in 2011. Tim showed a real interest in the work of Micah and he invited a Micah team to go to Milton Keynes in late 2011. This they did and offered to present the teaching, Ploughing, Sowing and Reaping.

Tim and Anne invited many people from Dunstable, Milton Keynes, Bedford and Leighton Buzzard along to hear what the team had to share.

Before the meeting took place Tim phoned and asked if it would be possible to video the teaching as there were some people who were interested, but were unable to get along that week.

The Micah team were only too happy to be filmed, no, not because Pauline has a latent desire to be a film star! but they realised the potential for expanding the ministry if they could offer a copy of the teaching.

This took place and the DVD which was produced was of an excellent quality, and has become another tool in Micah’s tool box.

Tim and Anne later contacted the Micah team and asked for a team to come along for June/July 2012.

Big Bertha’s spot

Tim Netherwood contacted and asked for the measurements for Big Bertha. These were supplied, and the address of the venue sent to the Micaheam ready for their arrival on Saturday June the 9th. The team arrived with ‘little focus’ in front and Big Bertha bringing up the rear.

The space which had been provided was just the right size, and K&P were thrilled when Richard and Jann shared with them how the Lord had prepared their ‘spot’.

Their son had decided about a month before to clear away and remove an old garage next their home. They worked on clearing it and put up a notice saying that the rubble was available as free hard-core. A near neighbour came each week on the Saturday to collect the rubble. The final week, just before the team arrived, the last load of rubble was ready, and the neighbour contacted and asked them if it was alright to collect the rubble on the Friday instead. This was just perfect as it meant the space was empty for Big Bertha’s arrival on the Saturday.

She slotted into the space comfortably and once again through the kindness of His people the Lord provided a space for K&P to stay.

Preparing for the teaching

Tim and Anne had again invited people along to a preliminary meeting on the first Sunday that the team were there.

That evening there were approximately 26 people gathered in the small Mission Hall in Dunstable, and 6 or 7 different nationalities.

The timetable for the training was explained to the people, and everything was in place to begin the next week.

Once again the Micah team were thrilled that Warren, Graham and Tim agreed to video each of the training sessions and make DVD’s available for Micah’s resources.

Prayer preparation

It was of interest to the team to realise that there was one historical event which occurred in Dunstable and has had far reaching effects over a long period of time. It was at Dunstable that King Henry the 8th divorced Catherine of Aragon.

The team were surprised to realise that a church had been used for the divorce. It was a clear case of the church which should stand for godly principles being used for ungodly actions and to fulfil personal desire rather than God’s holy principles.

It was noticed that so many ventures in Dunstable had begun but never developed and had often moved to another nearby town to be continued.

It was decided that one of the prayer teams would visit the site of the priory and pray repentance for the use of a building dedicated to God and His ways for the King’s ungodly actions. As King Henry was the king this would then affect the nation, and not just Dunstable.

‘On the doors’

Bible delivery began Friday June the 15th and up until Wednesday the 27th there was no one who refused all that was being offered. There was such openness to the delivery teams.

Listening to God

Part of the Acts 1:8 teaching is about listening to God and doing His will. One Sunday evening Pauline was sharing in the meeting, and as Tim and Anne were taking one of the congregation back home after the meeting, they asked if the person had enjoyed the service The person replied that they were blessed by what had been shared, and that they had closed their eyes and had ‘listened with their heart’. What a wonderful description of the way in which we should listen to God.

Testimony time

During the time in Dunstable Keith asked if the video team would be willing to video his testimony so that Micah could have a DVD of his testimony to add to the tract and CD, yet another tool to see the gospel to out. The filming team were only too willing to do so, and Keith saw this as a great opportunity to invite non-Christians along to hear the good news of Jesus.

The two ladies who had made a commitment ‘on the doors’ returned once again to meet with the folks at King’s Mission. There were about 40 people gathered as Keith shared his testimony.

Moving the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

It has seemed a number of venues this year the Lord has been encouraging to seek Him for the filling of His Holy Spirit and that His Church should seek to move in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

We would like to share some thoughts and scriptures the Lord has used to see people move into that place of freedom.

  1. What should be my motive to be filled with the Holy Spirit and move in His gifts?
  1. For the common good 1 Corinthians 12 v 7.
  2. For the building up of the body of Christ 1 Corinthians 12 vv 12 – 31
  3. For the power to witness Acts 1 v 8
  1. How can I receive the filling of the Holy Spirit and His gifts?
  1. Luke 11 v 9 – 13 desire, be persistent, believe, and relax and receive
  2. Acts 19 v 6 laying on of hands
  3. Romans 1 v 11 impartation
  1. How can I move in the gifts of the Holy Spirit?
  1. Romans 12 v 6 by faith
  2. Romans 12 v 3 in humility
  3. 1 Corinthians 14 vv 26 & 40 prepared and in order.

Being part of the church

The Micah team are so encouraged to be welcomed and included when they visit the churches to deliver the training.

It is a real blessing to be considered part of so many fellowships up and down the country.

Whilst in Cornwall K&P have been fellowshipping with the church family at Shekinah Church, Penzance, and they were encouraged with a visit by Charles and Lib Fleming to them whilst they were ministering in Appledore Devon.

Whilst visiting Burton recently they were again encouraged by the welcome from Steve and Jenny Watson and the saints at KAN church.

They have so many churches that give them a warm welcome they feel like there is nowhere in the country they could go without being at home in different fellowships which meet in the name of Jesus. This is so important to them as they have such a sense of belonging when there is nowhere on this earth which is truly home.

Pauline is again reminded of the old song

This world is not my home I’m just a passing through My treasures all laid out somewhere beyond the blue

The angels beckon me from heaven’s open door

And I can’t feel at home in this world anymore

This is true, the world is not our home, but the saints we meet as we travel through are going to be our companions for eternity.

Words along the way

Before the Micahteam left SW Cornwall at the end of February, Keith asked Charles Fleming to pray for them, and the word Charles gave was ‘bigger, bigger, bigger’. Then whilst the team were in Dunstable in June, one gentleman named Colin came up to Keith and said he believed he had something from the Lord for the Micah team, and the word was

Ex p a n s i o n

The Lord is clearly showing that He is going to see things grow and develop, and the Micah team look forward to seeing this come into being.

Texting Prayer Group

There at present 11 people whom the Micah team text on a regular basis for prayer. Should anyone else be willing and available to join this group, please text your willingness to 07876362872.

Big Bertha replacement fund

We are pleased to let you know that the fund continues to grow and now stands at £12,225. This leaves an approximate shortfall of £16,000.

Revisits for Bible distribution venues

It was suggested at the last Trustees meeting that it might be advantageous to both the Micah team and the places where training had taken place for there to be opportunity for a revisit. It was envisaged that this may encourage both the Micah team and the people continuing with Bible distribution.

This was not welcomed by Pauline as it would mess up her scheduled yearly plans for the next five years! It would be necessary to have five training sessions a year rather than the six which were planned to allow time for the team to revisit.

At the end of time in Appledore there was time given for the team to bring constructive criticism of the training time. A number of people expressed their thanks and appreciation of the team and the work done, and one of the team, John, asked if it would be possible for the Micah team to revisit later to encourage and be available to give further advice.

The Lord has only to speak twice and Pauline gets the message!!!!!!!!!!!!

It has been decided that there will be five dates available for possible training sessions and that there will then be time available to revisit previously trained venues and have time to discuss with prospective venues.

The dates for 2013 are as follows, all dates are open to changes due to the sudden return of Jesus!

Training sessions for 2013

The work blocks we have designated for 2013 gives the following dates for time offered to churches or individual Christians for training in Acts 1:8 Bible distribution