We must all face the spiritual Anakin, for they are our testing ground. But, in these “days of Noah” we will also face the literal return of the Anakim. Therefore passing our test in overcoming the spiritual Anakim is crucial to overcoming the physical ones!

The real enemy is found in our own mind’s concepts—in our own reasoning based on emotions and data input from our five senses, as well as from Lucifer’s direct input. Opening doors to His input is our own ignorance, or stupidity, in action. How we perceive things is how we react. We have a choice: To view things from Yahuweh’s standpoint, sitting in the heavens with Him in the Spirit--Colossians 3:1-4--or to view things from this earth’s perspective and cave in under the pressure.

We are in the “days of Noah”. Messiah: “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also at the coming of the Son of man”--Matthew 24:37.

We are also in the days of Moses: I Corinthians 10:1-12 admonishes us not to be like those grumblers, complainers, idolaters, and those who whored and lusted after the things of Lucifer’s world… “…neither let us test Messiah, as some of them tried and were destroyed by serpents, neither grumble, as some of them grumbled and were destroyed by the destroyer. And all these things came upon them as examples, and they were written as a warning to us, upon whom the ends of the ages have come”.

In the days of Noah, all flesh was wiped off the earth, except Noah, the righteous seed of Yahuweh. In the days of Moses, all of Yahuweh’s people who came out of Egypt were either wiped out from many judgments in the wilderness, or from the Numbers 13-14 judgment. Only Joshua and Caleb of the original ones who came out of Egypt were allowed to bring in the children of the judged rebellious ones, to enter the Land of Promise. In our day, all flesh will be destroyed in fiery judgment, except for a small remnant who have remained faithful to Yahuweh, either through martyrdom, or by living witness.

Genesis 6:1-5, 13-14: “And it came to be, when men began to increase on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of Elohim (the fallen angels that followed Satan in his rebellion against Yahuweh) saw the daughters of men, that they were good. And they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose. And Yahuweh said, `My Spirit shall not strive with man forever in his going astray. He is flesh and his days shall be one hundred and twenty years’. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of Elohim came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown. And Yahuweh saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil

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continually…And Elohim said to Noah, `The end of all flesh has come before Me…make yourself an ark…’ ” (Italics mine)

Genesis 6:4, 9 from the Hebrew TenaK: “It was then, too, that the Nephilim appeared on earth—when the divine beings cohabited with the daughters of men, who bore them offspring. They were the heroes of old—the men of renown”. “Noah was a righteous man; he was blameless in his age; Noah walked with Elohim”.

Genesis 6:21-22: “And all flesh died that moved on the earth…and all mankind. All in those in whose nostrils was the breath of

the spirit of life, all that was on the dry land died. So He wiped off all that stand, which were on the face of the ground…only Noah was left and those with him in the ark”.

Matthew 24:15, 21-22--Messiah speaking: “So when you see the abomination that lays waste, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, set up in the set-apart place—he who reads let him understand--…For then there shall be great affliction, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And if those days were not shortened, no flesh would be saved, but for the sake of the chosen ones those days shall be shortened”.

Numbers 13:1, 22, 25, 27-33: “And Yahuweh spoke to Moses saying, `Send men to spy out the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the children of Israel. Send one man from each tribe of their fathers, every one a leader among them’…And they came up through the South and came to Hebron. And…the descendants of Anak were there…And they returned from spying out the land after forty days. And they reported to him (Moses) and said, `We went to the land where you sent us, and truly it flows with milk and honey, and this is the fruit. But, the people who dwell in the land are strong, and the cities are walled and very great. And we saw the descendants of Anak there’….And Caleb (the spy sent from the tribe of Judah) silenced the people before Moses, and said, `Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are certainly able to overcome it.’ But, the men who had gone up with him said, `We are not able to go up against this people, for they are stronger than we’. And they gave the children of Israel an evil report of the land which they had spied out, saying: `The land through which we have gone as spies is a land eating up its inhabitance, and all the people whom we saw in it are men of great size (giants). And we saw there the Nephilim, sons of Anak, of the Nephilim. And we were like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and so we were in their eyes”. (Italics mine)

Indeed, it is estimated that these giants were from ten to fifteen feet tall. So, the enemy was, to these of no faith, much bigger than Yahuweh who gave the promise and the command. And so it with those who do not know Yahuweh enough to trust Him—they see the enemy as much greater than Yahuweh’s ability to do what He’s promised.

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Then the roar of crying and complaining ensued from all the people, for they listened to, and believed, the “evil report” of the ten spies.

Caleb of the tribe of Judah and Joshua (Yehoshua) of the tribe of Ephraim--the scepter-holding tribe of Judah and the birth right tribe of Ephraim—representing the end-time remnant out of the whole house of Israel/Jacob)—were the only two who were ready to obey Yahuweh’s “GO” and take the land mandate. They had an overcoming spirit. They knew Yahuweh!

Numbers 14:22-24, 29-30: “And Yahuweh said, `…none of these men who have seen My esteem and the signs which I did in Egypt and in the wilderness, and have tried Me now these ten times, and have disobeyed My voice, shall see the land of which I swore to their fathers, nor any of those who scorned Me shall see it. But, My servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit in him has followed Me completely, and I shall bring into the land where he went and his seed shall inherit it…And the carcasses of you who have grumbled against Me are going to fall in this wilderness…none of you except Caleb son of Yephunneh and Joshua, son of Nun, shall enter the land which I swore I would

make you dwell in. But your little ones, whom you said would become a prey, I shall bring in, and they shall know the land which you have rejected”.

Many in these days will submit to taking the identification “mark of the beast” system, thinking they are protecting their family, yet they will damn

themselves, and condemn their children also. A remnant will come out of the children—and Yahuweh will take them into the land. The remark has been made that perhaps the end-time remnant will be like Messiah’s disciples—children and youth.

Later we see that Caleb inherited the mountain of Hebron—the very place where the other spies feared Anak--Yehoshua (Joshua) 14:7-14. The rewards go to the uncompromising overcoming ones! So it shall be when Messiah returns! Carefully read Revelation chapters 2 and 3.

The others cowered before the enemy, and were faithless, unbelieving cowards. In Revelation 21:8, we see that this type of person ends up in the lake of fire--for faith obeys, and fear cowers back. Only faith, which produces obedience, pleases Yahuweh (Hebrews 11:6). The others died out as they were punished forty years--a year for a day that they spied out the land--and Joshua and Caleb only as the two original ones who came out of Egypt, took their children and grandchildren into the land and conquered it.

Hebrews 10:36-38: “For you have need of patience, that, after you have done the will of Elohim you might receive the promise. For yet a little while, and He that shall come will come, and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith, but if any man draws back, My soul shall have no pleasure in him”.

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Yehoshua and Caleb had patience—forty years—and then they did receive the promise because they did not “draw back”.

Today, this scenario is being and will be repeated among His people—to divide out the Yehoshuas and Calebs from the rest of the people. The unbelievers—cowards, fearful and complaining—will be separated out, and will not enter the Kingdom, but those who, in His Name, obey and go forward, will enter the Land, with rewards. Many haughty, self-righteous religious people boldly proclaim: “We’re going up to the high places to tear that devil down”. But, in reality, once they encounter the real Devil, they’ll be so paralyzed with fear that they’ll run back down the mountain. Reality is far different than religious illusions being touted now by most Charismatic preachers. It takes suffering, and self-discipline, and denying ones self, and laying down ones life, in order to be ready to face the real Devil. Many kids are real brave with their friends, bragging about how they’ll tear up the school bully, until they actually face the school bully. That’s why II Timothy 2:3-4. We’re going to face the real Devil—the real bully—and we need to come to grips with reality--who is bigger—the bully or Yahuweh?

The entrance to the Kingdom is small, and the gate and way are narrow, and only a few will find it. (Matthew 7:13-14) This is the remnant—the few who know Him, trust Him, depend on Him, and obey Him!

The Anakim were descendants of the giants in the earth—the ones who were originally part human and part demon (fallen angel)—the Nephilim of Genesis 6. Og, King of Bashan--the modern-day Golan Heights--was also one of them. Moses slew Og. Og was the “last of the giants”. His bed was 15’ 9” long and 7’ 8” wide.

Deuteronomy 3:11: “And only Og, king of Bashan, was left of the remnant of the Rephaites (giants). See his bedstead was an iron bedstead…nine cubits is its length and four cubits its width, according to the cubit of a man.” (A cubit is the distance between a man’s forearm at the elbow and the tip of his middle finger—approximately 20”-21”)

Numbers 21:32-35: “And Moses sent to spy out Yazer. And they took its

villages and drove out the Amorites who were there, and turned and went up by the way of Bashan. And Og, king of Bashan went out against them, he and his people…and Yahuweh said to Moses, `DO NOT FEAR HIM, for I have given him into your hand and all his people and his land’…And they smote him, and

his sons, and all his people, until no remnant was left to him. And they took possession of his land”. Deuteronomy 3:13: “And the rest of Gilead and all of Bashan, the reign of Og, I gave to half the tribe of Menasseh…”

Today a statue of Og is in an archeological park in the capitol of Bashan—the Golan Heights—Katzrin. Today, Syria wants the Golan Heights back. Will there be Moses’ of today who will fight for Israel’s right to the Golan?

The giants were “men of renown”—the ones that Greek mythology are made

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out of—Zeus, Atlas, Hercules, Apollo, Mars, and on and on… It has been estimated that before The Flood, the Nephilim could have been 30-35’ tall. After The Flood, there was also the Genesis 6:3 activity, but the giants were not THAT big.

The Romans also created their gods from legends of these giants. In Japan, Korea (south and north), China, Russia, and other nations of the east, and the islands, the legends of giants abounded. Yes, there have been skeletons found of these giant men. Other proof has been found. Example: In Japan, iron armor and weapons were found that would equip a 15’-18’ man. It is legendary in the stories in Asia that giants taught man about working with iron. It is very possible, since today, the satanic world is giving technology to the Luciferic elite that is so far above what humans could figure out that it is astounding. We have not been told outwardly, though the information is available, what mankind has done since the 1920s in using “alien” technology.

In 2008, the world’s accumulation of knowledge will double every three months, and in 2010, knowledge will double six times—every two months. Much of this knowledge is for the use of exterminating the world population, and taking control of outer space. It is NOT knowledge from Yahuweh.

Goliath was a son of Anak, who was among the Philistines. He was 10’ 9” tall. He was from Gath. Joshua 11:22: “There were none of the Anakim left in the land of the children of Israel--only in Gaza, in Gath, and in Ashdod, they remained”.

Do you recognize those areas? Gaza is the stronghold of Hamas today. They are firing Kassam rockets into the areas of Gath, Ashdod and Ashkelon, in order to take over Israeli territory and kill Jews. The spirit of the Anakims is among them to destroy Israel.

In the second century, Roman Emperor Hadrian re-named the land of Judea and Samaria, “Philistia” after the Philistines—today that word is translated: “Palestinians”. The spirit of Anak is among the Palestinian leadership, not just Hamas, but the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization). Liberation from who? -- The children of Yahuweh--the “brethren” of Messiah! Who is funding them with billions of dollars and weapons? – America, the E.U., the U.N. and Russia—: “The Quartet”.