New Member (1)____ (2)____ Renewal (1)____ (2)____ Membership # (1)______(2)______Date ______

Original date joined (if renewal) (1)______(2)______Chapter preference ______

Name (1)______(2)______

Address ______City ______

State______Zip______Phone (______)______County______

E-mail (1)______(2)______

Congressional district______Senatorial district______Representative district______Registered (1)_____ (2)_____

Date of birth (1)______(2)______Occupation (1)______(2)______

Completed a MSF Course (1)_____ (2)_____ Where did you hear about A.B.A.T.E.?______

Amount $______Check enclosed. Charge to: Visa MasterCard Discovery Exp. Date ______

Card # ______Signature ______

(Credit card registrations can be faxed to A.B.A.T.E. at 309-343-6387)

ABATE-PAC SUPPORT / Add $1.00 per year to above dues to support legislative contributions

*** $2.00 of each member’s dues is allocated to lobbying expense. ***

MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TO: A.B.A.T.E. of ILLINOIS -- 311 E. Main, Ste. 418 -- Galesburg, IL 61401

-- MUST BE 18 TO JOIN --309-343-6588 -- 800-87-ABATE -- FAX 309-343-6387

I understand that A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois cannot assume responsibility for my safety and that if I participate in any sanctioned event, I do so voluntarily, assuming all risk: I release and hold A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois harmless for any injury or loss to my personal property which may result therefrom. I understand this means I agree not to sue A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois for any injury resulting to myself or my property at any event. I agree to comply with the Bylaws and act in the best interest A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois. A copy of ABATE-PAC’s report is or will be filed with the State Board of Elections, Springfield, IL.

Signature(s) ______



(Cut along above dotted line)

Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing applications

Name(s) ______

Amount Paid ______Date Paid ______Application taken by ______

(This is your receipt until you receive your membership card)


A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois (A Brotherhood Aimed Toward Education) is a neutral, non-profit organization that allows all riders, both on and off-road, to unite in a common causewith this mission: to preserve the universal right to a safe, unrestricted motorcycling environment.

To fulfill this mission we will:

Safeguard the rights of all motorcyclists

Endorse safety and education programs

Promote unity through involvement

Advocate political awareness and activism

Promote motorcycling enjoyment

ABATE works to safeguard our motorcycling rights, while allowing us to be individuals with different views. ABATE's main concern is putting motorcycle legislation in its proper perspective. This is being accomplished through motorcycle safety education programs, public awareness programs, and other programs designed to prevent injury or fatal accidents to motorcyclists. In this, ABATE keeps the legislature informed of our position on any legislation that is unfair or discriminatory towards motorcyclists and works closely with motorcycle rights organizations across the nation to stop discriminatory legislation aimed at all motorcyclists throughout the country.

By joining ABATE, you can become a part of a political power that has come together to oppose anti-motorcycling legislation and promote the safety of motorcyclists. You can help support the implementation of programs that will help the sport of motorcycling.

Most of all, you have the personal satisfaction of knowing that with your membership, you are helping to preserve the basic freedoms of all motorcyclists.

ABATE Membership Benefits:

Full-time consultant (monitors legislation)

Legal Services Program

Monthly Newsletter

Identification Card

Membership Patch & Yearly Rockers

ABATE Products

Quality Motorcycling Events

Safety & Education Programs

State Political Action Committee

Federal Political Action Committee

Recent ABATE actions

The constant battle to keep helmet/orange vest laws away from Illinois

Stopping HB 731 (bill to require helmets and escorts for ATV riders under 18)

Stopping ongoing assault on Motorcycle Riders Training Course budget

Stopping SB 2492-2494 (bills to discriminate against ATV riders/parks)

Passing SB2272 & 2273 (bills to protect OHV state funds)

Battling federal highway funding issues concerning motorcyclists

Now that you know who we are, turn this paper over, fill out the application, and see a local ABATE officer or send the form in and start protecting YOUR rights!