Facilities Oversight Group (FOG)- Minutes
Campus Center Conference Room
March 27, 2014
Present:Members:Gary Anglin, Tim Harrison, Dave Keebler, Rich Magil, Sandra Melton, Jay Moore, Steve Palladino, Linda Resendiz, Diane Stephens. Jenchi Wu
Guests: Lauri Moore and Patricia Wendt
Recorder:Maureen Jacobs
Handouts:Accreditation Compliance Review by the Proposed New Standards, Veteran Activity Center Proposal, FOG Sign Subcommittee “Walkabout” 03/20/14
Agenda Item / Summary of Discussion / Action (If Required) / Completion Timeline / Assigned to:Veteran’s Center / Lauri Moore presented her ideas of having a Veteran’s Center at the Southwest end, where the Foundation previously had its offices. She explained that the veterans have some of the uniqueness of a special needs student. Some need quiet and prefer being on the perimeter of campus. Some smoke and there would be easy access to the street. EAC would like to dedicate it by the end of semester. Patty feels most of the improvements needed are cosmetic. Jay is going to replace front door. Patty Mazuka would be housed there along with counselors and student workers. Lori and Patty will visit other sites that offer similar services.
Tim Harrison suggested that there should be a long term plan for the CSC. Linda Resendiz commented that we needed another conference room. Dave Keebler said we have had a plan for ASVC to use the building. CalWORKS moved in. Dave recommends developing a master plan for CSC. He cannot guarantee that the Veteran’s Center can stay there permanently but approves them using it and if it’s not in the master plan, we will find another place.
Steve Palladino moved to have the Veteran’s Center at the southwest end of CSC and Tim seconded the motion. All approved.
Jay mentioned that there will be a parking lot but it is not ADA compliant from that direction. We should designate a handicap parking spot.
Lauri Moore said the Vets would be happy to help set up the Center.Jay asked Lauri to identify the furniture to keep and make a list of what they need. Dave asked them to keep in touch with Jay. / Clean up and select furniture / Spring/Summer, 2014 / Jay Moore
Lauri Moore and
Patricia Wendt
Heery Construction Update / Rich Magill reviewed the Heery Construction update.
Prop 39 / Jay Moore said they will start with the East Lot and go from there. / Improve/replace exterior lighting / M & O
Sign Subcommittee / Steve presented the Subcommittee’s report analyzing the campus signage including:
- Some maps are missing
- Maps are missing “what’s in” the offices.
- 14 areas that could use “NO SKATE BOARDING” signs. M & O will put up temporary sandwich boards until permanent signs are ordered.
- Steve said we need signs to direct us out of buildings. We would need to hire a consultant but will table this discussion until John Elmer is available.
- Steve suggested having a student worker keep track of sign maintenance.
- Dave mentioned needing Braille on ADM office signs when we replace them.
- Other items were discussed from the “walkabout” 03/20/14
Pirate’s Walk / The ASVC quad area will be integrated with Pirate’s Walk. Trees were discussed. We need to exact a plan.
Administration Building improvements / We need to make sure the Administration Building improvement blend in with the rest of campus.
Future Meetings / Thursday, April 24
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