Current business:

  • Mike P. & Kim will meet with the arborist this Monday 26th to discuss trimming and thinning the trees on the church campus.

●The F.A.G.C and Fr. Ed have revised the Commission Bylaws to include a new process for the parishioners to voice their comments and concerns. “Parish Feedback Form”available in the Narthex and in the main office reception desk. Please fill one out and turn it into the main office reception desk.

●Grinding sidewalks will start next week. Cost $300.00. This is a safety issue.

●We will be receiving bids for additional broken asphalt areas. Those repairs will on the new budget starting July 1st. A Flock Note will notify the dates during the asphalt repair.

●There will be a future meeting for the Social Hall Kitchen members.

●The control box bracket is delayed due to an injury.

●The Narthex exterior doors need repairing. So they stay open. Also the Social Hall exterior doors. Replacement equipment will be needed.

Summer is here.

  • We are considering a Saturday morning volunteer cleaning and barking the flower beds. Coffee & Donuts“EATING and WEEDING”. Contact Kim Anderson for Information.
  • It was shared that there is money in the budget to purchase 20 yards of beauty bark, $650 - $650and $300 for equipment gas cards.

●Kim has been working with McDonald Miller the past two weeks. All the H.V.A.C. units have been serviced and are up to standards. She Compliments the work being done.

Fr. Ed.

  • He has mentioned several new ideas. We will post more information as we progress with the Commission F.A.R. process.

●The fabric on the Reredos is in the process to be replaced. Kim and Janet are researching colors. There will further discussion on these requests in more detail at the July meeting.

●It was requested that the overflow exit needs to have the culvert extended by 12 feet at the exit for safety reasons.

●The Sprinkler System has been delayed due to a delay of the technicians causing a timeline to be adjusted. Fire Watch will be required for June 26 & 27. There is a King County Permit in place for inspections by King County and the Fire Marshall.

●John D. is securing roofing companies to give bids. We are required to follow the roof replacement policies supplied by the Archdiocese of Seattle.

●Kim A. discussed the baptismal font was leaking. Investigation as to where the water could be coming from and how repairs could be done if needed.

●Adjustments have been made to all faucets in the restrooms to allow the water to run longer when in use.

We are aggressively focused on past repairs that have not been resolved. The repairs and expensive costs have put us in an uncomfortable position. Our goal is to keep the Parishioners informed to all we are working on.

Our next Facilities & Grounds Commission meeting will be Wednesday July 19th. @ 6:30 in the main office. If you would like to come and make any comments or suggestions please fill out a Parish Feedback form and include that you request time on the agenda for comments.