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PHOEBE MUTUA: My dear listener I hope you are well, I am grateful to welcome you again to our programmegood governance and development. Today we are going to look at what a good leader is suppose to do. Lets join Antony Mwendwa from radio mang’elete will be talking to dr. Ibrahim Sungw’awho is the patron of an organization called Thome Development organization. I’m phoebe MutaI welcome you again to the programme.

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IBRAHIM SUNGW’A: I am Ibrahim sungw’a

ANTHONY MWENDWA: He is known as dr. wily Sungw’a (laughing). We are now at Kinyambu market where by weare talking to Dr. Ibrahim Sungw’a about leadership who is a patron of ThomeDevelopment Organization. Dr. Wily as the patron of Organization we would like to know your opinion on whether foctors like age, marital status or even experience should beconsidered when choosing leaders and not necessarily political leaders.

IBRAHIM SUNGW’A: Our people do saythat charity begins at home and also leadership comes from heaven. We also know that a grown up person is he who has a family but do understand well thatwhatever happens within humanity there is god and Satan therefore during election peiod people have to discuss on the potentials of various candidates. Even if one is not married but has be a big mistake not to elect him/her due the marital status.

ANTHONY MWENDWA: Dr. has talked about some things which has been raising different opinions from the community about leadership and family matters. Dr. you have said that leadership comes from god but there have been different theories about how leadership is in born or evenone can be moulded as a leader.

IBRAHIM SUNGW’A: Yes leader can be moulded in cases where the leader is forced unto the people by certain

Parties and so such a person can’t be a good leader because he/she was forced into leadership or bought the leadership.

ANTHONY MWENDWA: What about when we talk about people being inborn leaders, how does it occur?

IBRAHIM SUNGW’A:I have already said that a leader comes from heaven and he is elected from above and is a

true leader who will be elected even without being forced unto the people.

ANTHONY MWENDWA: We are still talking to Dr. Ibrahim wily Sungw’a who is the patron of Thome Development Organisation and we are at Kinyambu Market collecting views on this programme on goodgovernance and development. Dear listener what do you say about leadership and how do youtermas good leader?

PHOEBE MUTUA: When we look about some of our leaders they have bad motives during the time of their leadership not only they don’t know their responsibilities but just ignore the common man andconfuse him to accept what is not true during their leadership but now Kenyans we are very grateful cause we have a new constitution which is the mirror to reflect and guide our steps.


ANTHONY MWENDWA: Dr. wily last but not least when we come in the time of voting for a leader what is the

guide line for the voter to understand the good leaders?

IBRAHIM SUNGW’A: Most of times is so difficult to understand. But the leader who is responsible can be recognized by is action and even his model. But when the voter will be not face these actions direct to recognize will be a very hard work. For example we have this organization known as Thome Development whereby we wish to encourage the normal man from grass root tounderstand his rights Compared to other leader there earlier they where cerebrating whenothers were suffering and in most cases using them for entertainment in there functions.

ANTHONY MWENDWA: Remember dear listener we are talking with Dr. Wily Sungw’a who is patron of ThomeDevelopment Organization in Ukambani Community started in Kibwezi District and fornow is about to reach all other districts in Ukambani.The big theme is to educate thecommunity and uplift the living standards including to know their rights. The community needs a lot to be business education and the organization is looking forward to cater for and led hand where necessary. Dr. we have heard your statements and we are very muchgrateful about that as you said charity begins at home. What at when a leader fails in hispromises are there any father measurements to be taken?

IBRAHIM SUNGW’A: There is a protocol for everything nowadays as the new constitution says. If a leader fails to

do according to his promises must be a penalty for that soon as possible must be a by rulesincluding back up of the new constitution and no one surprised to go against the agreement.

ANTHONY MWENDWA: We were in Kinyambu market whereby our guest was Dr. Wily Sungw’a who is patron ofThome Development Organisation in Kibwezi District and you are listening Mang’elete fmvoice of development. This is the end of our programme.

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PHOEBE MUTUA: We are very grateful for our guest Dr. Wily Sungw’a for availing himself to and give out theguideline about who is good leader our visitor was being interviewed by Anthony Mwendwafrom Radio Mang’elete. The programme is edited by Dominic Mutua.

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