LCOOS policies


B-1: Security.

B-2: Building Equipment Repairs and Maintenance.

B-3: Storage.

B-4: Heating, Ventilation and Lighting.

B-5: Pest Control.

B-6: Indoor Environment.

B-7: Outdoor Environment.

Endorsed Date:

Date for Review:


Tim Dinning

President Parent Management Committee

B-1 Security


We aim to ensure the proper security of the buildings and Educators by ensuring measures are in place regarding entry and access to the buildings.


Work, Health and Safety At 2011

Work, Health and Safety, A guideline for Out Of School Hours Care


-  Only approved Educators and management members will be given a key to access the buildings and equipment areas.

-  A key register will be maintained that indicates the person in receipt of the key, date received, and date returned on completion of employment or completion of term as member of the Parent Management Committee.

-  Extra keys will only be cut for the Longueville Road Centre after agreement by the Parent Management Committee and director of Centrehouse and a record made of where they are

-  Extra keys will only be cut for the LCPS Centre after agreement by the Parent Management Committee. And a record made of where they are. A master key for LCPS will be left at the LCPS office at all times.

-  A secure locker will be provided to keep all monies and a secure filing cabinet will be provided to keep important documents. Access to the locker/filing cabinet will only be permitted by approved Educators and Parent Management Committee members.

-  Educators will ensure that the buildings are left in a secure manner before leaving. The alarm must be turned on each time the centre is closed at the LCPS centre.

-  Educators must ensure that all windows are locked; cupboards, locker, filing cabinet, and other relevant areas are locked. All heating and lighting is off and all doors properly secured.

-  Educators will inform the police and the committee as soon as possible if there has been a break into either Centre of any kind.

-  Educators will remain at the relevant Centre until the police arrive or inform them of what to do.



B-2 Building Equipment Repairs and Maintenance


We aim to provide a safe and secure environment through proper and immediate attention to all aspects of building and equipment repairs and maintenance.


National Standards Section 2.9 (Building cleanliness, maintenance and repairs).

Work health and safety act 2011

Australian Standards for playground equipment.


All the following procedures are OH + S requirements:

-  Equipment will be chosen to meet the children’s developmental needs and interests.

-  The Longueville Road and LCPS Centres and all equipment will be maintained in a safe, clean condition and in good repair at all times.

-  There must be no damaged plugs, sockets, power cords or extension cords.

-  All plug sockets shall be maintained as child safe.

-  Electrical appliances shall be in good working order.

-  Electrical circuit breakers will be installed and be maintained.

-  Once warranties have expired the centre needs to have electrical equipment inspected and tested

-  Educators should be trained in the use of new equipment

-  All maintenance and repair work shall be referred to Lane Cove Council, initially by telephone/ email and then in writing if a response is not received.

-  The Longueville Road and LCPS Centres and equipment will be regularly checked to ensure that they are in a good and safe condition, comply with relevant Australian Standards and have appropriate soft-fall surfacing maintained.

-  Equipment will be regularly washed and cleaned.

-  Recycled craft materials should be checked for potential hazards.

-  Educators should ensure safe handling of all tools, particularly sharp tools, if used as part of any activity.

-  Parents will be encouraged to notify the Educators of any problems that they might observe.

-  Anything that requires maintenance is to be reported to the Director as soon as possible.

-  Faulty equipment should be removed or protection placed around any potential hazards or dangerous building sites.

-  A maintenance file will be kept that records any maintenance that needs to be addressed.

-  The maintenance file will record:

  Type of problem.

  Date that it was observed.

  Who notified the Director and when.

  Who notified Council/ Director or LCPS (as applicable), when and to whom.

  What was done to rectify the problem.

  Date repaired.

-  For urgent repairs at the Longueville Road Centre that are the responsibility of Lane Cove Council, the Director will contact Lane Cove Council to organise a contractor/repair person to attend to the problem, or where LCOOS are responsible to repair the director should make arrangements to have the repair addressed immediately.

-  For urgent repairs at the LCPS Centre that are the responsibility of the Department of Education and Training, the Director will contact the principal of LCPS to organise a contractor/repair person to attend to the problem.

-  For all other urgent repairs, the Director will organise a contractor/repair person to attend to the problem.

-  It is the Director’s responsibility, once a problem has been raised to ensure that it is rectified in the most efficient manner and that each Centre is safe for Educators and children. The Director should also ensure that the Parent Management Committee is kept informed of any outstanding issues.

-  Should either the Longueville Road or LCPS Centre be considered unsafe or as being a health risk, then the relevant Centre will be closed, after notice has been given to all relevant parties, until the problem has been rectified.



B-3 Storage


LCOOS will provide safe and secure storage facilities for all indoor and outdoor equipment; ensuring relevant equipment is accessible to the children to encourage independence. Dangerous objects and all confidential records should be made inaccessible to children and all persons except those permitted to access them.


Work, Health and Safety Act 2011


-  A storage system should be devised that ensures easy access and uncluttered storage of all equipment.

-  Storage areas will be cleaned and tidied at least twice a year or when seen as necessary.

-  Outdoor play equipment and resources will be stored in a separate shed outside at the Longueville Road site and in the allocated sports shed at LCPS site. This should be accessible to the children during the operating hours of LCOOS upon request.

-  Children will show respect for the equipment and be expected to pack equipment away that they remove from the shed.

-  All equipment is to be neatly packed away at the end of each session.

-  Art and Craft equipment will be stored in a separate area inside; children should ask permission before removing any craft equipment, such as paints and glues etc, not set up by the Educators.

-  Drawing paper and other materials will be made available to the children at all times.

-  All craft equipment is to be properly washed and cleaned before storage.

-  All items such as cleaning materials, disinfectants, flammable, poisonous and other dangerous substances, tools, toiletries, first aid equipment, and medications should be clearly labelled and stored in the designated secured area which is inaccessible to the children.

-  Educators are responsible to ensure that these areas remain secure and do not inadvertently provide access to these items by the children.

-  Kitchen and other refuse areas will be provided; containers will be lidded, cleaned and emptied daily. No child is to enter the kitchen at any time unless special permission is granted by a Educators member

-  Educators and management will ensure that all family records are kept in the nominated secure place, ensuring that records are kept confidential and not left accessible to others during the course of the daily operations.



B-4 Heating, Ventilation and Lighting


We aim to provide a quality environment by ensuring adequate provision and maintenance of heating, ventilation and lighting in both the Longueville Road and LCPS Centres.


Work, Health and Safety Act 2011

Building repairs and Maintenance Policy (B-2)


  All heating and cooling systems will be of good quality and checked regularly to ensure safety and reliability. Any maintenance of the appliances will be conducted as per the Building repairs and Maintenance Policy (B-2).

  All heating and cooling systems and power cords will be kept in a safe area and away from children.

  The Director will take individual needs and specific activities into account when ensuring that heating, ventilation levels are comfortable.

  Should Educators, children or parents complain about heating at either the Longueville Road or LCPS Centres not being at a comfortable level, this matter will be drawn to the attention of the Parent Management Committee and steps made to address the problem.

  Adequate ventilation will be provided at all times. Windows will be properly maintained to ensure easy opening

  Where activities involve toxic materials such as paints and glues, Educators are to ensure there is adequate ventilation before undertaking the activity.

  Windows are to be opened during the operation of LCOOS unless closed to protect from extreme weather conditions.

  Natural light is considered to be most desirable. Provision of natural light areas will be enhanced as much as possible.

  In areas made available for children’s homework or other fine detail, natural light will be made available where possible and good overhead lighting provided.

  Adequate light will be maintained both indoors and outdoors. A security light will be placed at the entrance to both the Longueville Road and LCPS Centres that clearly provides unobstructed view of the door and surrounding areas.

  Outdoor lighting will be suitable so that parents, Educators and children can enter and exit the building without any unsafe dark areas.

  The side entrance to the Longueville Road Centre is not to be used by anyone as a daily entrance/ exit point. Main entrance is down the driveway.

  Entrance to the LCPS site is either from:

  Austin street via the Educators car park or through the COLA gate; or

  Longueville Road through the main part of school and down the walkway towards the tennis courts where LCPS is currently operating in a demountable classroom



B-5 Pest Control


We aim to provide a clean and safe environment by ensuring that every effort is made to maintain vermin free Centres. We will endeavour to do this with the minimum use of chemicals.



-  Equipment and especially food items will be properly stored so as not to attract pests and vermin.

-  Refuse bins and disposal areas will be emptied and cleaned daily.

-  Kitchen and food preparation areas and storage will be cleaned and maintained daily.

-  All areas will be checked daily for any signs of pests or vermin.

-  Should any pests or vermin be identified then action should be taken to rid the relevant Centre of the problem by:

  Initially using non-chemical methods such as physical removal, maintaining a clean environment, and use of any non-chemical products.

  Low irritant, environmentally friendly sprays to be used minimally and only with adequate ventilation and preferably not in the presence of the children.

  Other methods such as the employment of a pest control company if deemed necessary by management where the above methods have failed.

-  If urgent the Director will contact Council/LCPS (as applicable) or as directed by the President of the Management Committee obtain a contractor to address the problem.

-  If non-urgent the Director will bring the problem to the attention of management in her/his report and management will decide on the appropriate course of action.

-  All parents will be notified of any use of chemicals.

-  Any use of chemical products should only be conducted outside the hours of the children’s and Educators presence in the building.

-  All action will be taken to remove the children, Educators and parents from the environment for as long as is safe and viable.



B-6 Indoor Environment


We aim to provide a comfortable and safe indoor environment that allows flexibility and access to a variety of quiet, active, group and individual activities. We will ensure that only the number of children that can comfortably fit into the building space will be enrolled.



-  LCOOS’s indoor environment will be smoke free.

-  No smoking notices will be prominently displayed.

-  LCOOS will only enrol the number of children in LCOOS, which can comfortably fit into the relevant building space.

-  Where children are indoors for long periods together due to weather conditions, special activities will be planned and other areas sought to disperse the group (such as Centrehouse, LCPS hall/COLA). Separate areas in the indoor environment will be provided for:

  Parents to sign their children in/out of the Centre.

  Educators to collect fees, answer phones, and maintain daily records.

  Educators and parents to talk in confidence.

  Storage of equipment, food, dangerous materials, and family records.

  Preparation of food and drinks.

  Kitchen and other refuse.

  Cleaning of equipment.

  Toilets, hand basins and hand drying facilities.

  Creative and other activities.

  Large and small group activities.

  Display of children’s activities and work.

  Display of current information on relevant community resources.

  Quiet space for children to retreat to, or do homework or lie down if unwell.

-  The indoor area is to be set up to allow children to participate in a variety of activities with easy access to equipment.