FAC minutes for February 19, 2013
Louise Ulan, St. Clare,Clifton
Mike Paventa, St. Gerard, Majella
Donna O’Leary, St. Joseph Regional, Newton
Marina Samuels, St. Joseph Regional, Newton
Jeremy Slate, De Paul, Wayne
John Redavid, Pop John XXIII, Sparta
Carol McKinley, St. Andrews, Clifton
Cheryl Wolford, St. Therese, Succasunna
Sue Kadin, St. Mary’s Prep, Denville
Christine Corrado, St. Anthony, Hawthorne
Erin Burke, St. Philip the Apostle, Clifton
LuAnn Green, All Saints Academy, Parsippany
Jacki Rozanski, Sacred Heart, Rockaway
Joanne Bauman, ASGA, Totowa
Denise DiFilippo, St. Pius X, Montville
Lynn Fox, St. Mary’s, PomptonLakes
Ann Tournoux, St. Rose of Lima, East Hanover
Robin Kirkner, St. Vincent de Paul, Stirling
Catherine Fahey, St. Vincent Martyr
Linda Patricola, St. Catherine of Bologna, Ringwood
Kathleen Lyness, St. Cecilia
Laurie Loftus, OLMC
Michael Malecki, Morris Catholic
Deborah Sowden, ICRS
Katherine Pompelio, BSS
Leanne Rosanio, St.VirgilAcademy
Nancy C. Tworischuk, Assumption
Mary Beth Grygorcewicz, Holy Family
Judy O’Sullivan, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Lucia McKeeby, Reverend Brown, Sparta
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 by President, Louise Ulan. Mike Pavenca asked that the minutes from the last meeting be approved and Denise DiFilippo seconded the motion. The Treasurer’s Report was given by Robin Kirkner. The opening balance was $130.40. The treasurer recorded deposits totaling $950.00, which brought the present balance to $1,080.40. Marina Samuels asked that the Treasurer’s Report be approved and Lynn Fox seconded the motion.
Dennis Butler spoke to the group about the upcoming Wellness Fairs that are scheduled to be held in April. The tentative dates are April 16, 18, 22, 23 and 25. A site, specifically for employees of the Paterson Diocese, is being developed by our health provider. Some members reported that, last year, they were not given the proper credit for completing the Health Risk Assessment and Mr. Butler suggested they contact Member Services about this problem. He asked that we identify ourselves as working for the Diocese of Paterson and getting a reference number before being transferred to another department. If no satisfaction is found taking this route, Mr. Butler asked people to contact Joan Valk.
Mr. Butler also spoke about employees making sure they get their annual physicals coded as such. Evidently, there have been some problems with payment being made when the physical was coded a different way. He also mentioned that we have at our disposal a service that provides a Complex Case Manager for serious diseases such as cancer. The people who have used this service have given excellent feedback about having an advocate at a difficult time. Dennis advised the members to let their colleagues know tocheck that the benefits system has their email addresses. This is the method that’s used to disseminate information.
The Salary Committee should have guidelines for the 2014-2015 school year, finalized by Christmas 2013. Next year’s increase (2013-2014) will be 2.5%.
Brother William suggested that FAC members meet again on May 8th, eliminating the need for a March meeting. He further offered that, next year, we will meet three times—October, February and April.
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Kirkner